My group was 30+
Yes I joined by Raid Finder.
Yes I watched the video and have it set exactly like the video with the changes made per the steps on the first post.
Some things I have noticed.
- It does not react to combat well. Usually I stay on my mount and am killed rather quickly by any wandering NPC / Player.
- If I ever do dismount and fight it is constantly facing the wrong direction.
- It tries to run past NPC / Players on its way to the tower at the end instead of trying to fight.
- If I ever do happen across a large group of my raid it ignores them and does not attempt to follow.
How I am using it? I go to Ashran, get accepted, join by Raid Finder, start the bot and it takes off. It will run around through the middle or off to a side if I set the blackspot area wider. I can see the group over at the ring for instance or the mines. It will head towards the final tower area. If I ever do find someone to kill, NPC or Player, it will try and run past them and doesn't seem to want to dismount and fight. When it gets to the final tower area it will stay on the mount way longer than it should and I will be at 25% health or so before it dismounts and starts to fight. I am a hunter and it doesn't seem to want to turn and face the NPC / player. So in just seconds I am back at the graveyard. I rez and it takes off again. Rinse and repeat. It never moves towards the group or fights properly.
Should I ever happen upon a group of my raid members, it will run past them like they do not exist. I have reset it, redid all the config, made sure everything was turned off movement wise in the CR. To no avail. I really wanted this to work but basically I end up just feeding the Horde and it makes it very obvious I am a bot. In probably 50 runs I have gained no appreciable currency.