NEW RELEASE: - Patch Notes
- *Added - Talent Switching for Mixed Mode
- *Added - Gear Switching for Mixed Mode
- *Added - Event Tracking
- *Added - Doing Events
- *Added - Solo Event Movement.
- *Added - Event Announcement
- *Added - Improved Combat Targeting
- *Added - Ultimate Ashran Botbase
- *Added - Get out of Jail if you have been judged. This will work for ANY Botbase you choose.
- *Added - Artifact Turn ins.
- *Added - Purchasing of Zeppelins and Zeppelin Artifact Turn ins
- *Added - Player Cluster Size
- *Added - Follow Range for Pack.
- *Added - Looting of Ashran Objects
- *Added - Improved Chat. You can not set multiple messages in different changes for LFM / LFG / Events
- *Added - Increased Mount Range in Character Settings.
- *Added - Legal.txt
- *Added - Repairing at Vendors in Ashran
- *Fixed - Show Events Thread
- *Fixed - Mounting
- *Fixed - Combat for Healers
- *Fixed - Looting of Mobs
- *Fixed - Targeting
i used it with the trials for 2 days, minor bugs like going full red, no combat if mounted.
i made like 5000 cp in thoses 2 days of trials.
but after the release today i buy it . should be promising. great work.