im having a problem. The bot run to the Pokestop, i got the XP but didnt receiv the loot.
And i have the Thick in loot pokestops
here a bit of the log
[23:38:46] Connecting to map... [23:38:50] Connection established. Update default location...
[23:38:50] Finished. Pokefarmer is ready to start.
[23:41:53] Connecting to login servers...
[23:41:54] Connecting to game servers...
[23:41:55] Download player info...
[23:42:00] Download game settings...
[23:42:04] Download player inventory...
[23:42:09] Scanning area...
[23:42:12] Connection established.
[23:42:12] Next pause at pokestop is in 34 minutes...
[23:42:12] Started
[23:42:52] Looting Coreto Santarém...
[23:42:52] Received 50 EXP.
[23:44:07] Looting A Alexandre Herculano...
[23:44:07] Received 50 EXP.
[23:45:15] Catched Staryu successfully.
[23:45:15] Received 210 EXP.
[23:45:15] Received 100 stardust.
[23:45:15] Received 3x candy.
[23:46:43] Looting Santarém...
[23:46:43] Received 50 EXP.
[23:47:55] Looting Santarém...
[23:47:55] Received 50 EXP.
[23:49:00] Catched Paras successfully.
[23:49:00] Received 210 EXP.
[23:49:00] Received 100 stardust.
[23:49:00] Received 3x candy.
[23:50:10] Looting Grande Benemérito Aos Operários De Santarém 1919...
[23:50:10] Received 50 EXP.
[23:51:22] Pokemon Unknown (17) fleed.
[23:52:15] Looting Poeta Guilherme De Azevedo ...
[23:52:15] Received 50 EXP.
[23:54:55] Looting Igreja de S. Nicolau...
[23:54:55] Received 50 EXP.
[23:57:16] Looting Igreja dos Fiéis de Deus...
[23:57:16] Received 50 EXP.
[00:00:54] Looting Poeta Guilherme De Azevedo ...
[00:00:54] Received 50 EXP.
[00:03:22] Looting Grande Benemérito Aos Operários De Santarém 1919...
[00:03:22] Received 50 EXP.
[00:04:58] Catched Pidgey successfully.
[00:04:58] Received 210 EXP.
[00:04:58] Received 100 stardust.
[00:04:58] Received 3x candy.
[00:05:22] Looting Santarém...
[00:05:22] Received 50 EXP.
[00:07:15] Catched Zubat successfully.
[00:07:15] Received 210 EXP.
[00:07:15] Received 100 stardust.
[00:07:15] Received 3x candy.
[00:08:51] Looting Santarém...
[00:08:51] Received 50 EXP.
[00:11:18] Looting Portas De Santarém...
[00:11:18] Received 50 EXP.
[00:12:33] Catched Caterpie successfully.
[00:12:33] Received 210 EXP.
[00:12:33] Received 100 stardust.
[00:12:33] Received 3x candy.
[00:13:10] Looting Cruz...
[00:13:10] Received 50 EXP.
[00:14:58] Catched Koffing successfully.
[00:14:58] Received 210 EXP.
[00:14:58] Received 100 stardust.
[00:14:58] Received 3x candy.
[00:15:56] Looting Mercado Santarém...
[00:15:56] Received 50 EXP.
[00:17:09] Looting A Alexandre Herculano...
[00:17:09] Received 50 EXP.
[00:17:21] Stopped
[00:17:39] Connecting to login servers...
[00:17:40] Connecting to game servers...
[00:17:41] Download player info...
[00:17:42] Download game settings...
[00:17:42] Download player inventory...
[00:17:43] Scanning area...
[00:17:43] Connection established.
[00:17:43] Next pause at pokestop is in 37 minutes...
[00:17:43] Started
[00:18:36] Looting Coreto Santarém...
[00:18:36] Received 50 EXP.
Looks like your inventory is full.