Hey TuanHA some suggestion for the Resto side of things, Havnt been on the resto shaman much since the start of the season, gave the CR a good run and noticed a few area's for improvement, It heals very un effectivley in arena
Instead of having "Healing surge%" "Healing wave%" is it possible too have Combo's at % For example playing manual resto, You will never cast a heal without first casting Riptide for your 2 charges of buffed heals, For example almost ideal setting too have would be "Riptide + 2 Healing waves -90%" "Riptide + 1 Healing surge + 1 healing wave -60%" "Riptide + Unleash elements +2 Healing surge -40%"
Then you hit the OSH1T -35% or 30% where Combo's like Ancestral swiftness + Unleash elements + Greater healing wave , Spirit link totem + Ascendance , Riptide + unleash + Spiritwalkers Grace + 2 Healing surgesAnd ofc Healing tide Totem come out too play. I cant stress enough how important these Combo's are for Resto shamans.
I think a Resto section similar too your pala's holy section would benefit all of us Resto shamans out there, by this i mean specificly the section where holy paladins "-35% OSH1T" buttons are all together in a nice list with "%'s" and a wait time that you can set before the CR is allowed too pop its next OSH1T button as popping every single CD is rarely needed and when you do pop them all, you leave your self VERY exposed till your CDs start coming off again, So the choice too cycle them like the Holy pala CR has would be a great improvement .
And one last suggestion, You allready have the code in there too detect incoming silences, interupts, Why not have an option too use spirit walkers grace when your for example -35% and an incoming silence interupt is detected, its off the GCD and fake casting at that HP, well most will bait you into fake casting yourself to death. Also if your partners low HP and theres an incoming CC, poly,hex,cyclone, that you cant ground or shear, Drop healing tide, since it will keep healing when you cant, Would love too see some of this in here.