Hello, I'm trying to use the Open Beta of the Public Release, and, while it is, as usual, an extremely powerful routing, I'v noticed a strange thing: It seems to conflict for the action to be done with the bot itself... Let me explain: everytime a combat is ended and the toon needs to be healed, the routine will start healing and immediately after the toon tries to loot, thus interrupting the heal. If I have skinning, after the first interruption it will try to launch again Healing Surge, and is interrupted again by skinning use... it's weird, it never happened with the others routines I've used...
Sorry for my english, I hope to have been clear enough
This is what i found in the logs but i don't know if it's useful:
[15:22:17.351 N] 17:351 Stop Casting: Save Mana Healing Surge
[15:22:17.531 D] [InteractWith-v719(debug)] "Healing Surge"(8004) interrupted via UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED Event.
[15:22:18.853 D] [InteractWith-v719(debug)] Interaction with Ogre Remains interrupted.
[15:22:20.480 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 8004, KnownIndex: 37
[15:22:20.489 N] 20:488 HP: 88% Mana: 100 Myself 0y 88% hp Healing SurgeHealingSurgeOutCombatEnh
[15:22:21.083 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED with handler HandleInterrupted
[15:22:21.122 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED with handler HandleInterrupted
Nevermind, I guess the problem was in the Enhancement section settings, i had to read better and put 0 where suggested since I'm < 50. Healing Surge on MWS was set on 3.