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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

I'm adding and testing new cool logic: Sap Pet

It's annoying to Open on Warlock/Hunter/DK just to have their spet Stun/Charm you.

So within 3 second windows of Subterfuge, I've made the CR Sap the pet right after Cheap Shot/Garrote/Ambush his master.

I'm testing and hope that make warlock use pet charm cry till his sleep.

I'll update if that logic working well xD

Keep in touch.
I'm adding and testing new cool logic: Sap Pet

It's annoying to Open on Warlock/Hunter/DK just to have their spet Stun/Charm you.

So within 3 second windows of Subterfuge, I've made the CR Sap the pet right after Cheap Shot/Garrote/Ambush his master.

I'm testing and hope that make warlock use pet charm cry till his sleep.

I'll update if that logic working well xD

Keep in touch.

lol ahahah you are going crazy now :D sap pet code :DD <3 damn i wanna to see those retards hunterd crying :D

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ok did many bgs now as Assassination , the problem is still there , its stopcasting attacks its really werid ! Tuhna maybe something wrong happen wihle strafing with A W D cause this pauses ? only this problem still there . here a new log but its seems clean hope you can fix this pls pls ! i tried it with auto attack enabled nothing help with paralistgift or not is the sme result . any one still have this problem ?. auto pause on manual cast is desabeld too.
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ok did many bgs now as Assassination , the problem is still there , its stopcasting attacks its really werid ! Tuhna maybe something wrong happen wihle strafing with A W D cause this pauses ? only this problem still there . here a new log but its seems clean hope you can fix this pls pls ! i tried it with auto attack enabled nothing help with paralistgift or not is the sme result . any one still have this problem ?. auto pause on manual cast is desabeld too.
I tbh have no idea as I havent seen in on my rogue and I played like 30 bg today already.

The only time it pause is when target got CC break on damage like Gouge, Blind, Sheep or Invulnerability like Divine Shield

Maybe it's assassination only issue coz I play a lot Sub.
I tbh have no idea as I havent seen in on my rogue and I played like 30 bg today already.

The only time it pause is when target got CC break on damage like Gouge, Blind, Sheep or Invulnerability like Divine Shield

Maybe it's assassination only issue coz I play a lot Sub.

ok :D than test pls as assa :D thats not mean i must switch to sub i dont want to switch to sub until i have the new weapons :D

if you get this fixed iam than the happyst human in the world :DD
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having an issue on timeless isle using the free version and it spams vanish on CD for no reason I have no option to turn this off in routine is it a known issue
ok did many bgs now as Assassination , the problem is still there , its stopcasting attacks its really werid ! Tuhna maybe something wrong happen wihle strafing with A W D cause this pauses ? only this problem still there . here a new log but its seems clean hope you can fix this pls pls ! i tried it with auto attack enabled nothing help with paralistgift or not is the sme result . any one still have this problem ?. auto pause on manual cast is desabeld too.

Noticed this issue too in sub spec no cc or invulnerabilitiy effects active @target
Test on Assassination, Tyrael Hard Lock, 100 TPS no pause :S

Add A LOT PvP Trick by watching combat log:

Cloak of Shadow incoming
105421, //-- Blinding Light
44572, //-- Deep Freeze
31661, //-- Dragon's Breath
105593, //-- Fist of Justice
853, //-- Hammer of Justice
88625, //-- Holy Word: Chastise
126246, //-- Lullaby
6789, //-- Mortal Coil
64044, //-- Psychic Horror
//115001, //-- Remorseless Winter
33786, //-- Cyclone
605, //-- Dominate Mind
5782, //-- Fear
51514, //-- Hex
115268, //-- Mesmerize
118, //-- Polymorph
61305, //-- Polymorph (Black Cat)
28272, //-- Polymorph (Pig)
61025, //-- Polymorph (Serpent)
28271, //-- Polymorph (Turtle)
113792, //-- Psychic Terror
20066, //-- Repentance
113724, //-- Ring of Frost
//1513, //-- Scare Beast
6358, //-- Seduction
//9484, //-- Shackle Undead
19386, //-- Wyvern Sting
145067, //Turn Evil
5484, //-- Howl of Terror
8122, //-- Psychic Scream

Smoke Bomb Incoming:
44572, //-- Deep Freeze
105593, //-- Fist of Justice
853, //-- Hammer of Justice
88625, //-- Holy Word: Chastise
6789, //-- Mortal Coil
33786, //-- Cyclone
605, //-- Dominate Mind
5782, //-- Fear
51514, //-- Hex
118, //-- Polymorph
61305, //-- Polymorph (Black Cat)
28272, //-- Polymorph (Pig)
61025, //-- Polymorph (Serpent)
28271, //-- Polymorph (Turtle)
113792, //-- Psychic Terror
20066, //-- Repentance
19386, //-- Wyvern Sting
145067, //Turn Evil

Blind Incoming: (only when your HP below Blind Help Friend Setting)
1833, //Cheap Shot
44572, //Deep Freeze
105593, //Fist of Justice
117418, //Fists of Fury
853, //Hammer of Justice
110698, //Hammer of Justice (Paladin)
408, //Kidney Shot
132168, //Shockwave
107570, //Storm Bolt
108194, //Asphyxiate

Shiv or Gouge Hunter Just Disengage

Blind Rogue just Vanish

Note: Lower latency have more success rate. If Enemy Latency > Your Latency, it almost always success.
wow didnt watched this thread since yesterday looks like alot of improvement wohooooooo

but please set mark of death priority higher in burst for 1 more eviscurate :-/
sometimes 15 sec burst is over and cr didnt use it anymore xD
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New build:

Improve Assassination DPS
Faster detection incoming CC and Cloak, Smoke Bomb, Blind
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New build:

Improve Assassination DPS
Faster detection incoming CC and Cloak, Smoke Bomb, Blind

Please add that cheap shot and garrote (if dot is not up) only use when target got no dr and in opener.... not all the time to kick any casts (disabled all checkboxes to use them for kicking) .. costs 45 energy :-/
And cr should use garote + cheap shot in opener....currently it open up with backstabs and ambushes xD
Its really annoying to use cheap shot and garrote by my self couse i need to disable cheap shot and garrote, otherwhise it loose so damn much needed damage in pvp couse cr use it always to kick any casts and get only 1 sec or less stun or silence
Just make cr only use cheap shot and garote if target got no dr :-/

And maybe try to make better timing to use kidney couse of para poison ^^ like dont use kidney if 3 poison stacks are up or dont use kidney if poison just procs :D

So pls pls pls pls tuanha pls fix this =(

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Let me think about the kidney on paralytic poison stack.

For opener cheap shot/garrote, in serious pvp, it's advised to use it manually... again as I already said, rogue is NOT a faceroll class, it require user intervention... Don't rely everything on bot.
Just did a few arenas on this and its comical.. its working very well. I literally LOL'ed at some things it did
Build 5.4.5196
Cheap Shot no longer try to cast on Caster/Healer that under Silence Effect which last more than 300 ms
Can someone 2k+ cr pm me their settings for arena or post them here please? Don't think I'm setting this up properly.
Build 5.4.5198
Kidney Shot/Cheap Shot no longer use on target that have 3 Paralytic Poison Debuff
Fix Stop Attack: Rogue now only Stop Attack when he's in Stealth and Subterfuge is not up. Thank ginuwine12.