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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

Thanks dude, I'll make sure I'm logging tonight. Would you mind sharing what you have your combo points set at to apply rupture? Have a good one
Hi TuanHa mate :)

First and foremost - and I will keep on repeating this until the entire botting community recognizes you for it : your (SE) combat routines are A-C-E !

One thing I would like to address (again), though : the login procedure.

Some time ago, I mentioned that the password that's being keyed in, is being stored as open and readable text in the file ../Settings/LoginSettingsDoNotShare.xml, tag <Password>, when the option "AutoLogin" is chosen.

Would it please be possible for you to change this in all your CRs in such a way that it's at least scrambled in a certain way?
I do realize (of course) that any "security" can be broken, but OPEN text is just too obvious.

So by the love of all that's dear, kindly add some layer of security to this.
Scramble it with a bit-shift/Username/time combination and/or by means of a webservice routine (the CR is probing your server during login anyway - it might as well synchronize time for scrambling purposes). Just an idea - of course it's your implementation, so I do hope that you will think of some security architecture.

Please consider this as constructive criticism :)

Keep up the good work - I love it!
just google his name. Good work on the SE tuanha, keep those updates rolling with more and more logic ;)
I Absolutly love the way this bot preforms, just the only problem i run into is after i set it up, the bot will run fine for a random ammount of time.(Usually like 30-60min) then the bot will say "NO Burst on Cool down"
im bout to leave for work, so when i get home ill recreate the problem and post exactly what the log says, but if anyone has similar issues and knows/thinks they can help please leave me a reply or a PM! Again this is an awsome rotation! and one more question, is ther a way to lower the GCD so that the attack doesnt wait so long between attacks i wanna lower it so its alot faster.
-thanks much appretiated!
[Tuanha plz read]

I have a question about the new feature "Auto Pause on Manual Cast [300]"

I am a PVPer and use your Routine to duel and arena. How will this help me in PVP? Please teach me how to set this up and use it properly becuse I do sometimes Evasion and vanish manually at times.

On a side note;

I've had you're SE routine for a month now and am really happy with it. Still losing quite a few duels though, So I guess I just need to practice with it more and set it up a little better, But eitherway amazing work.

also to users of this CR or anyone reading about this CR, if you have intelligent rogue pvp logic put it down in this forum so you can help out tuanha perfect it. thanks to all the people who do contribute too.
I Absolutly love the way this bot preforms, just the only problem i run into is after i set it up, the bot will run fine for a random ammount of time.(Usually like 30-60min) then the bot will say "NO Burst on Cool down"
im bout to leave for work, so when i get home ill recreate the problem and post exactly what the log says, but if anyone has similar issues and knows/thinks they can help please leave me a reply or a PM! Again this is an awsome rotation! and one more question, is ther a way to lower the GCD so that the attack doesnt wait so long between attacks i wanna lower it so its alot faster.
-thanks much appretiated!
There maybe a bug somewhere, please give me a full log on the "NO Burst on Cool down" stuff.
[Tuanha plz read]

I have a question about the new feature "Auto Pause on Manual Cast [300]"

I am a PVPer and use your Routine to duel and arena. How will this help me in PVP? Please teach me how to set this up and use it properly becuse I do sometimes Evasion and vanish manually at times.

On a side note;

I've had you're SE routine for a month now and am really happy with it. Still losing quite a few duels though, So I guess I just need to practice with it more and set it up a little better, But eitherway amazing work.

also to users of this CR or anyone reading about this CR, if you have intelligent rogue pvp logic put it down in this forum so you can help out tuanha perfect it. thanks to all the people who do contribute too.
Auto Pause on Manual Cast [300] mean CR detect you want to cast something manually and stop the rotation for 300ms for you to cast it. For situation like if you see a a priest fear cooldown is about to get back, you better manual use Cloak of Shadow instead of trying to backstab him...

Rogue is one of the hardest skill cap class, to play at decent rating, you should use some cooldown manually (vanish, shadowblades, cloak of shadow...) Rogue not like DK where you just let the bot do the full rotation and kill someone fast, Rogue need a lot of manual situation cooldown usage in order to get a kill.
Auto Pause on Manual Cast [300] mean CR detect you want to cast something manually and stop the rotation for 300ms for you to cast it. For situation like if you see a a priest fear cooldown is about to get back, you better manual use Cloak of Shadow instead of trying to backstab him...

Rogue is one of the hardest skill cap class, to play at decent rating, you should use some cooldown manually (vanish, shadowblades, cloak of shadow...) Rogue not like DK where you just let the bot do the full rotation and kill someone fast, Rogue need a lot of manual situation cooldown usage in order to get a kill.
May not be my place but as for most CC's, people should let the bot do the damage and you the person watch for cooldowns, defenses that are about up, or the other opponent setting up for a kill/ swap. The routine in my opinion is so a new comer to PvP(if that's your situation) can relax and get the feel of PvP instead of being bombarded with elitists yelling directions at you when honestly you haven't learned your class fully yet.
Don't use them to cheat, use them to learn. Also learn to make stop cast macros for your stuns, kicks, etc for clutch situations.

That's my two cents. I hope it helps some people. If not 1500's are where the pros play anyhow.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
Auto Pause on Manual Cast [300] mean CR detect you want to cast something manually and stop the rotation for 300ms for you to cast it. For situation like if you see a a priest fear cooldown is about to get back, you better manual use Cloak of Shadow instead of trying to backstab him...

Rogue is one of the hardest skill cap class, to play at decent rating, you should use some cooldown manually (vanish, shadowblades, cloak of shadow...) Rogue not like DK where you just let the bot do the full rotation and kill someone fast, Rogue need a lot of manual situation cooldown usage in order to get a kill.

Thank you very much for replying and explaining to me your new feature. I have tweaked the settings a bit from the Default PVP, and checked on that new feature for sure. Thank you so much on your Rogue input, I understand now that I have to keep my Cooldowns in mind, Thank you again sir for this amazing CR.
Got 1 issue;
When he opens with cheap shot, he sometimes is too far away to cast, and open with revealing strike instead. This happens often.
A non-technical question for those that do PvP and Arenas. I am playing a War myself and my arena partner is switching to a Rogue and will get this CR. What spec would perform best with this CR and a Warrior in 2s and 3s? Thanks in advance.
Have tried tweaking my settings, he still wont open with cheap shot. "Out of range", and then he start autoattacking. Disregarding not using opener, it works great!
Hi Tuanha, can you add an option to disable auto use or auto cancel of Blade Flurry? Haven't ideas how to control this spell.. disable "Start AoE Rotation on Number Unit" doesn't help. I used to play with the manual using this spell, and the cooldown of 10 seconds on the Blade Flurry does not give the desired uptime with auto use. :(