Please try new rev and let me know
Please attach logseems to work now. thanks for the fast response!
EDIT: Problem still exists.
I attack someone and the bot worked fine. then the bot stealthed (didn't even used vanish) and i restarted the fight but the bot stopped working it just auto-attacked. :-(
what about the other problem? is it a combat routine issue or a questing profile issue?
The last recorded action is to Dispatch the monk when he was at 13% hp... I see nothing wrong here but I'll try to find out why[11:11:42.188 N] Burst Mode Activated on Enemy Health Low
[11:11:43.178 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 1329, KnownIndex: 60
[11:11:43.186 N] 43:186 HP: 77% Energy: 57 + CP: 0 Monk 1.93y 46% hp Mutilate (Mutilate)
[11:11:44.390 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 5171, KnownIndex: 62
[11:11:44.399 N] 44:399 HP: 77% Energy: 17 + CP: 2 Myself 0y 77% hp Slice and Dice (SliceandDice)
[11:11:46.156 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 1752, KnownIndex: 55
[11:11:46.164 N] 46:164 HP: 79% Energy: 24 + CP: 0 Monk 1.93y 13% hp Dispatch (Dispatch)
Rogue rotation is very complicated, there's a huge check for PvP (PvE it's a lot easier because you only use 1/2 of your Spells to top dps)Hey tuanha, i think the CR use to much kidney shot, pls config that dr watcher it should only use kidneyshot in burst and just 1 time in a burst phase.
There is no need for kidney shot without burst
Rapture should always be active on target for energy. <--- IMPORTANT
Without burst it should use only rapture and eviscurate/envenom.
Please fix ur CR like that and it will be a awesome CR like ur hunter one
Keep up ur work tuanha, we love u <3 full homo