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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

You are totally right, if I use the RogueBT CC I do far less stuns and about 10-15k more dps (ignore my previous post about dummy testing), when you watch the rotation this CC uses its trying to use kidney shot way too much (fine for pvp) but even when I set kidney shot off its still not pulling enough dps.

Tuan what do you need from us rogues to enhance this CC as it does so much more than the other CC and as a donator I would love to help get it improved ?
For PvP, kidney shot is a must.

My CR logic on Kidney Shot is:

4 second before Kidney Shot cooldown back and Stun DR on your target < 2 (1) it will NOT spend any combo point on slide and dice, eviscerate, rupture, recuperate (2)... and start pooling energy for kidney shot + burst (3)

(1) The Stun DR check is needed to Kidney Shot stun must last at least 3 seconds.
(2) It do not use slide and dice, eviscerate, rupture, recuperate... because in PvP Kidney Shot don't do any damage but it's the best way to lock down your enemy
(3) It start pooling energy for Kidney Shot because during 6 second stun your enemy can not avoid any incoming damage.

If you want to do more damage, just untick the Kidney Shot checkbox, any combo point will use on slide and dice, eviscerate, rupture, recuperate...

But TBH, I don't code the rogue to do more damage on PvP, their job is to LOCK DOWN enemy and help your teammate get a kill.

In PvE, Kidney Shot must turn off btw.
Hi, for pvp this class always uses the crippling poison, is there any way to disable this behaviour since I have the pvp set for my rogue and it applies it by default. I'd rather have it use mind numbing.

And he never uses Adrenalin Rush, i set it on CD and to Burst, always on CD, only on Burst, but... he doesnt use ist

Used the full Auto mode, the Bot use it know, but i don't know why, there is no difference ...
And he never uses Adrenalin Rush, i set it on CD and to Burst, always on CD, only on Burst, but... he doesnt use ist

Used the full Auto mode, the Bot use it know, but i don't know why, there is no difference ...
All big cooldown (Shadow Dance, Vendetta, Adrenaline Rush, Killing Spree, Shadow Blades...) only use on worthy target... you will never see it activate on same level mob, only on player, boss, elite or mob have way more hp than you.
i own the special edition and i just updated via svn and now my rogue isnt using any combo generating abilitys
it was working fine but now its not
i tested by dueling in party and out of a party.
It fixed with redirect yesterday :D
I read that Tyreal is the recommended Bot base for this CR.....has anyone tested Lazy Raider or have any experience with LR with this Routine. This is just curiosity....nothing more. Anything good, bad, or otherwise to say about it?
I read that Tyreal is the recommended Bot base for this CR.....has anyone tested Lazy Raider or have any experience with LR with this Routine. This is just curiosity....nothing more. Anything good, bad, or otherwise to say about it?
Lr works fine. Just make sure that the frame lock is disabled
Hey Tuan for this CC I think there needs to be a tick box for blind focus or blind any also a detect casting shadowstep kick check box

If u need testers for this cc pm me man always happy to help
haha asssiemob, you play rogue now?

Blind is an important cooldown and I still hesitate to add as most player want to use it manually.

I can think about blind when: enemy use cooldown (recknessless for example), when dps low and a healer around, when you about to die and need few second get back to stealth... but I'm still not confident people want an Auto Blind like that.

For "detect casting shadowstep kick" you mean something like teleport cheap shot if you have Cloak and Dagger we already have? Right now if you have talent "Cloak and Dagger" and you just cheap shot the 1st target, if CR detect a healer casting healing spell (only healer cast healing spell) CR will cheap shot at range to interrupt that. Not sure you want something like that for Shadowstep?
All big cooldown (Shadow Dance, Vendetta, Adrenaline Rush, Killing Spree, Shadow Blades...) only use on worthy target... you will never see it activate on same level mob, only on player, boss, elite or mob have way more hp than you.

Woooah, thats awesome :)


Now we need for 5.4 a good Combat PvP Routine and i am more than happy ;)

If you need help with combat PvP, write me a PN, i have less english skill but i think it is enough to send you the most important informations ;)
Hey man got 2.1k with your monk mistweaver CC in 2s and 3s 2.2k just getting my rogue up there now and yeah I agree with your assessment of blind however would be handy to have the hotkey blind "nearby healer" or blind "enemy on CD use" or even "blind focus target when burst activated".

and yeah same as the Cloak and Dagger setup but with Shadowstep and kick or Cheapshot, just so if you're on a target and have done the blind move above and the healer or other target has trinketed think this would be handy just like the Cloak and Dagger setup.
Is there anyway it could check to see if class is mage and if it is don't use kidney shot?
I think better just kidney mage to forge a blink.

Correct me if im wrong.

Maybe vs mage just kidney at any combo point to force a blink? Any high rated rogue can help me on that logic please.
I think better just kidney mage to forge a blink.

Correct me if im wrong.

Maybe vs mage just kidney at any combo point to force a blink? Any high rated rogue can help me on that logic please.

100% correct forcing a blink is good I like "Maybe vs mage just kidney at any combo point" cause after the blink is when u wanna lock them down and burst, Just watch the IB and cold snap Cds also blink is only a 15s cd so expect to chase/Crippling poison regardless
tuanha how about shadowstep full kidney on focus target for exp i sap first then dance he take his insi then i blind him when iam danceing he take anthoer sap and at last full kidney(all this on focus) ? would be nice one , hope you make an option for that when i like it i pay for this cc so much