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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

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Also, i was wondering if you could tell me then conditions to making an ambush skill, as it seems that i don't do it every time as opener. I almost get 90% sinister strike opener.
I am donor version btw.

EDIT: Oh i just saw, why it's not ambushing. Every time it comes near a target, it's slightly out of range for the ambush to be done, then goes for SS.
Hi, I've just improve the logic on Ambush on Assassination rogue. Basically that spec better use Mutilate as a opener because we gain 2 combo point but if target out of range, just open with Ambush...
Hello Tuanha , i was on vacation and came back , looked into the store to find your products but still i only saw the free versions and saw another paid one but it's not the one i got from you , when it will be put in store , or it will not be there anymore, please let me know and ty
Hey guys, honest review time, i speak for the Rogue Paid version only as its the only premium i have so far paid for.

This combat routine WAS AMAZING in MoP, doing 100k+dps on encounters and out dpsing people with higher item levels then mine, pvp was great too, great mix of stun and damage which got me a full set of prideful before i knew it... and then 6.0.2 happened...

if you look back in this forum post you will see that i have attempted to report bugs and issues and the CombatRoutine creator has seen and has stugged away, so until these issues have been resolved i must recommend that you not buy this combat routine until it is fixxed.

The issues are as follows

blurred speed activating every time u have max Energy, not when blurred speed is about to finish (was this way Pre 6.0.2)
Rupturing WAY to much, with 1 or 2 combo points not like the 5 it should (was 5 combo point rupturing near the end of the dot duration in 6.0.2)
Slice and Dice in general... as you rogues know you should only (as assassination apply S and D once, and extend with envenom, this is not the case, i practiced the newest version of the combat routine in a firelands Xmog run and these are my findings

Open ambush, mutilates and applies S and D, gains 5 combo points, S and D again, gets 2 combo points and uses Rupture, Cooldowns and trinket procs happen and rupture again (i believe at 3 combo points)

like i said i tried to raise this to the CR's attention and was told "Look like there's nothign wrong in it."

im hoping with me making this Honest Review will get the attention of not only the people interested in buying the premium, but also the CR creator so we can get these kinks ironed out and running at 100% again!

EDIT: forgot to mention the issue that if your character currently has no poisons applied it will constantly attempt to apply the chosen poisons (in my case deadly poison) im upto 150 attempts and its still going
Oh thank, I'll look into that.

My close friend play assassination rogue and he test a lot during his many Garrosh kill and he said DPS is NOT the best but very close result to other best PvE routine out there. (that why you see rogue is one of the most updated CR last few days)

Sure it require some tweak but please keep in mind that my whole rotation base on level 100 talent, we are not getting to 100 yet.

I hope once we all hit level 100, I can improve the rotation to make it competitive in PvE.

thank you VERY much for your reply again :) ive played rogue for an extremly long time so if i can help out in anyway it would be my pleasure to support you with that
It keeps applying poison because the new passive i believe that makes deadly into instant poison, there is no option in the setting for instant so it keeps trying to refresh to put deadly poison on.
been testing on EU for about 22 hours and i thought i would share my findings.

if you apply the poisons urself the problem is solved, at level 9X i got improved Slice and dice which obviously solved that problem, however it is still refreshing Rupture even if it has 5 combo point duration, i have since cancelled the spell in the settings and it works as intended, should be quite easy to make assassination 100% again and i would be MORE then happy to make another review once these issues have been fixxed

EDIT Slice and Dice issue still persists with combat spec
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been testing on EU for about 22 hours and i thought i would share my findings.

if you apply the poisons urself the problem is solved, at level 9X i got improved Slice and dice which obviously solved that problem, however it is still refreshing Rupture even if it has 5 combo point duration, i have since cancelled the spell in the settings and it works as intended, should be quite easy to make assassination 100% again and i would be MORE then happy to make another review once these issues have been fixxed

EDIT Slice and Dice issue still persists with combat spec
It just a few line of code on AuraID changed, but I need to log on my damn realm, lol it's been 2 days and my server is still being locked :D
thats because blizzard has reduced the amount of people allowed on a server at one time to help with the issues xD
I have all your routines but store only gives me free versions, are the donor ones not updated?
Finally this fixt my lag when combat started, great. I cant buy the paid version true the buddy store?
I must be have some setting wrong, but it fails to loot when running the paid version of this and Akatosh Quest bot. Also no skinning Any ideas?

NVM, found it.
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Was doing it last night, tried just now with fresh routine etc, moved her to different area & so forth still same.

if i change to wound, works fine, just deadly causing it to have that hissy fit

if been posted sorry, only checked back past 2 pages tbh

EDIT: may be corrected now, but mid combat with 3 mins left on leeching poison for example - she will stop combat and attempt to put poison back on which ultimately lets her die.


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TuanHA isnt working well for me. It dont work at level 90 and at level 100 i have the same problem.
I play a Sub rogue and sub seems to doesnt work. It doesnt spent the combo points. But also it seems very slow and so on.
If i change to assasination it works but the dmg output is not great.

Is it real that the rogue CR isn't good ore i have some problems on my side?
btw. i have ultimate. :)
i cannot put my finger on it but its not working very well at the moment, I take mobs down faster doing rotation by hand than this thing at the moment - Using sub