Hey guys, honest review time, i speak for the Rogue Paid version only as its the only premium i have so far paid for.
This combat routine WAS AMAZING in MoP, doing 100k+dps on encounters and out dpsing people with higher item levels then mine, pvp was great too, great mix of stun and damage which got me a full set of prideful before i knew it... and then 6.0.2 happened...
if you look back in this forum post you will see that i have attempted to report bugs and issues and the CombatRoutine creator has seen and has stugged away, so until these issues have been resolved i must recommend that you not buy this combat routine until it is fixxed.
The issues are as follows
blurred speed activating every time u have max Energy, not when blurred speed is about to finish (was this way Pre 6.0.2)
Rupturing WAY to much, with 1 or 2 combo points not like the 5 it should (was 5 combo point rupturing near the end of the dot duration in 6.0.2)
Slice and Dice in general... as you rogues know you should only (as assassination apply S and D once, and extend with envenom, this is not the case, i practiced the newest version of the combat routine in a firelands Xmog run and these are my findings
Open ambush, mutilates and applies S and D, gains 5 combo points, S and D again, gets 2 combo points and uses Rupture, Cooldowns and trinket procs happen and rupture again (i believe at 3 combo points)
like i said i tried to raise this to the CR's attention and was told "Look like there's nothign wrong in it."
im hoping with me making this Honest Review will get the attention of not only the people interested in buying the premium, but also the CR creator so we can get these kinks ironed out and running at 100% again!
EDIT: forgot to mention the issue that if your character currently has no poisons applied it will constantly attempt to apply the chosen poisons (in my case deadly poison) im upto 150 attempts and its still going