Hey anyone having problem with this routine not following the tank in dungeon buddy? it just stands on last mob killed until they fight somewhere else on map then ends up getting stuck? only happens with this cr? have i set something up wrong?
i have.
so i dont use this routine with DB
tuanha, please add burst using on ofensive cooldown why u deletet it i loved that
and it feels like combat rogue need some love in pvp? but please add burst using on ofensive cooldown why u deletet it i loved that so damn much =((((
Build 5.4.5369
Interrupt logic rewritten, using a random percent cast time to interrupt instead of time delay based interrupt and it getting a lot better!
Improve Performance
Build 5.4.5365
Greatly Reduce Lag.
Improve Performance
Thank Mirabis!
when you going to release the special edition on Buddystore?