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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

While ret or holy is much easier to afk through raids and dungeons Protection paladins make some of the best tanks in the game!
Thought i would pop by to give you a few ideas/thoughts for when you get round to updating prot paladin for PvE:

1. You no longer need to use Hammer of the Righteous to apply the 'Weakened Blows' debuff at the start of a fight or new mob in single target as Crusader Strike does this now.
2. Crusader/Hammer and Judgement in my opinion need to be much higher in the rotation as ive watched it not cast those for a few seconds while it does wrath/conc. thus loosing out on Holy power generation when you have high haste. Maybe a check on Crusader/Hammer and Judgement so that if they are off cooldown in 1.5 seconds or less then wait to cast that. Just a thought.
3. Option to only cast Eternal Flame when at a certain amount of Bastion stacks
4. Option to overwrite EF buff with a new EF should vengeance reach a specified number higher than what it was previously cast at (vengeance gained amount should be a editable number box) for example:
if "EF Buff = True" and (("Current Vengeance" - "Last EF cast Vengeance") >= "Specified Vengeance amount gained") and "bastion stack specified" then "cast Eternal Flame on self" - Disclaimer this is in no way what the code looks like, just wrote it this way to help explain what i meant lol

With this idea: Say EF was cast at 100,000 vengeance, if i specified that I wanted EF to be cast again when i reach 100,000 vengeance higher than the current EF that is on me and at 5 bastion stacks then it would recast EF at 200,000 vengeance with 5 bastion stacks, and then again at 300,000 vengeance and 5 bastion stacks etc etc.
Should EF fall off, then the specified vengeance gained number would have to be reached before it cast it again. Which in theory is a good thing, as if i specify that amount to be, lets say, 50,000, then EF wouldnt cast until i reached 50,000 vengeance. This could potentially result in having no very weak EFs

The EF coded correctly would massively increase self survival with healing while raiding as you can pretty much guarantee high heal EF ticks the majority of the time.

Many thanks!
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Thought i would pop by to give you a few ideas/thoughts for when you get round to updating prot paladin for PvE:

1. You no longer need to use Hammer of the Righteous to apply the 'Weakened Blows' debuff at the start of a fight or new mob in single target as Crusader Strike does this now.
2. Crusader/Hammer and Judgement in my opinion need to be much higher in the rotation as ive watched it not cast those for a few seconds while it does wrath/conc. thus loosing out on Holy power generation when you have high haste. Maybe a check on Crusader/Hammer and Judgement so that if they are off cooldown in 1.5 seconds or less then wait to cast that. Just a thought.
3. Option to only cast Eternal Flame when at a certain amount of Bastion stacks
4. Option to overwrite EF buff with a new EF should vengeance reach a specified number higher than what it was previously cast at (vengeance gained amount should be a editable number box) for example:
if "EF Buff = True" and (("Current Vengeance" - "Last EF cast Vengeance") >= "Specified Vengeance amount gained") and "bastion stack specified" then "cast Eternal Flame on self" - Disclaimer this is in no way what the code looks like, just wrote it this way to help explain what i meant lol

With this idea: Say EF was cast at 100,000 vengeance, if i specified that I wanted EF to be cast again when i reach 100,000 vengeance higher than the current EF that is on me and at 5 bastion stacks then it would recast EF at 200,000 vengeance with 5 bastion stacks, and then again at 300,000 vengeance and 5 bastion stacks etc etc.
Should EF fall off, then the specified vengeance gained number would have to be reached before it cast it again. Which in theory is a good thing, as if i specify that amount to be, lets say, 50,000, then EF wouldnt cast until i reached 50,000 vengeance. This could potentially result in having no very weak EFs

The EF coded correctly would massively increase self survival with healing while raiding as you can pretty much guarantee high heal EF ticks the majority of the time.

Many thanks!

This would be amazing, at this point im manually EFing and using a weak aura to overwrite. Great ideas deflama would be awesome to get them implemented.
Is there anyway for more DPS output? I do way more than this profile is doing by hand. Same goes for holy. I set Tyreal to maximum performance. Frame lock. Itm lvl 555 Ret paladin only doing 115k single target damage and my holy paladin is at 55-65k heals at any given moment. Im usually 4th in Heals in LFR and 8th in DPS on Skada and recount. So what can I do to speed this up A LOT more? I have the special edition as well. Thanks.
Is there anyway for more DPS output? I do way more than this profile is doing by hand. Same goes for holy. I set Tyreal to maximum performance. Frame lock. Itm lvl 555 Ret paladin only doing 115k single target damage and my holy paladin is at 55-65k heals at any given moment. Im usually 4th in Heals in LFR and 8th in DPS on Skada and recount. So what can I do to speed this up A LOT more? I have the special edition as well. Thanks.
Maybe go to soft lock on tyreal, I can do 170k on my ret 534ilvl and sit around 90-110k heals with my 546 holy set (2 healing nm with 9k spirit and second haste bp then all mastery
Tuanha prot pally/lazyrider

is there a way to pause or stop consecration during fight like garrosh for example were empowered whirling corruption bring minions of y'shaarj that need to be single target, I tried to disable the aoe but consecration is still going out, would it be possible to simply copy the rotation file and used that copy with consecration removed on those fight or is there a more simple way to approach this
Thought i would pop by to give you a few ideas/thoughts for when you get round to updating prot paladin for PvE:

1. You no longer need to use Hammer of the Righteous to apply the 'Weakened Blows' debuff at the start of a fight or new mob in single target as Crusader Strike does this now.
2. Crusader/Hammer and Judgement in my opinion need to be much higher in the rotation as ive watched it not cast those for a few seconds while it does wrath/conc. thus loosing out on Holy power generation when you have high haste. Maybe a check on Crusader/Hammer and Judgement so that if they are off cooldown in 1.5 seconds or less then wait to cast that. Just a thought.
3. Option to only cast Eternal Flame when at a certain amount of Bastion stacks
4. Option to overwrite EF buff with a new EF should vengeance reach a specified number higher than what it was previously cast at (vengeance gained amount should be a editable number box) for example:
if "EF Buff = True" and (("Current Vengeance" - "Last EF cast Vengeance") >= "Specified Vengeance amount gained") and "bastion stack specified" then "cast Eternal Flame on self" - Disclaimer this is in no way what the code looks like, just wrote it this way to help explain what i meant lol

With this idea: Say EF was cast at 100,000 vengeance, if i specified that I wanted EF to be cast again when i reach 100,000 vengeance higher than the current EF that is on me and at 5 bastion stacks then it would recast EF at 200,000 vengeance with 5 bastion stacks, and then again at 300,000 vengeance and 5 bastion stacks etc etc.
Should EF fall off, then the specified vengeance gained number would have to be reached before it cast it again. Which in theory is a good thing, as if i specify that amount to be, lets say, 50,000, then EF wouldnt cast until i reached 50,000 vengeance. This could potentially result in having no very weak EFs

The EF coded correctly would massively increase self survival with healing while raiding as you can pretty much guarantee high heal EF ticks the majority of the time.

Many thanks!

Yes absolut true. Like this!
how can i stop casting while not in combat? when im mounted he keeps spamming shield, so it looks like dumbs always unmounting to shiled when running into boss after wipe.
how can i stop casting while not in combat? when im mounted he keeps spamming shield, so it looks like dumbs always unmounting to shiled when running into boss after wipe.
This is part of the routine, because it's trying to build and maintain stacks of holy power. Others have said theirs does not do this but mine does and so I'll often just have to pause things until I actually move to the boss.
Thought i would pop by to give you a few ideas/thoughts for when you get round to updating prot paladin for PvE:

1. You no longer need to use Hammer of the Righteous to apply the 'Weakened Blows' debuff at the start of a fight or new mob in single target as Crusader Strike does this now.
2. Crusader/Hammer and Judgement in my opinion need to be much higher in the rotation as ive watched it not cast those for a few seconds while it does wrath/conc. thus loosing out on Holy power generation when you have high haste. Maybe a check on Crusader/Hammer and Judgement so that if they are off cooldown in 1.5 seconds or less then wait to cast that. Just a thought.
3. Option to only cast Eternal Flame when at a certain amount of Bastion stacks
4. Option to overwrite EF buff with a new EF should vengeance reach a specified number higher than what it was previously cast at (vengeance gained amount should be a editable number box) for example:
if "EF Buff = True" and (("Current Vengeance" - "Last EF cast Vengeance") >= "Specified Vengeance amount gained") and "bastion stack specified" then "cast Eternal Flame on self" - Disclaimer this is in no way what the code looks like, just wrote it this way to help explain what i meant lol

With this idea: Say EF was cast at 100,000 vengeance, if i specified that I wanted EF to be cast again when i reach 100,000 vengeance higher than the current EF that is on me and at 5 bastion stacks then it would recast EF at 200,000 vengeance with 5 bastion stacks, and then again at 300,000 vengeance and 5 bastion stacks etc etc.
Should EF fall off, then the specified vengeance gained number would have to be reached before it cast it again. Which in theory is a good thing, as if i specify that amount to be, lets say, 50,000, then EF wouldnt cast until i reached 50,000 vengeance. This could potentially result in having no very weak EFs

The EF coded correctly would massively increase self survival with healing while raiding as you can pretty much guarantee high heal EF ticks the majority of the time.

Many thanks!

Yup, those are all correct, and making thses changes would really improve the prot profile in such a huge way.

Even only the CS and Judgement CD check, and EF at X bastion stacks are (I think) really easy to code, and would be awesome.

The vengeance function is the icing on the cake, and would pretty much allow to really tanking a PvE boss only this with profile (currently, I'm also managing EFs manually)
tuanha as a paladin you dont give hand of protection to a monk with karma?
Make sure you have this enabled


Sometime my partner confuse me because I Hand of Prot him so fast that he didn't realize a Karma just land on him... Test and work 100% for me.
Make sure you have this enabled


Sometime my partner confuse me because I Hand of Prot him so fast that he didn't realize a Karma just land on him... Test and work 100% for me.

i know that mate but when you play with a monk you dont hop him on karma the monk was telling me its bad to give hand of protection when he does karma also evrytime when a shaman does abscent or something he hand of protection him to lol and when mage does block:) you only give hand of protection on low life:) and in a bladestorm of warrior that is he already doing
I always reference this post for healing settings, and it has worked really well. I use the public version:


Is that 10 or 25 man? Im thinking 10 man. I posted my settings for holy a few pages back and linked my masked armoury.


(im in my ret gear atm) but my numbers have given me a core spot in a 10 man guild when I scored a pug run with them, only 535 ilvl punching out 100k+ heals on Thok with a HM geared resto druid and the GM healing on his shammy(only 3 weeks of gearing as I was pvping as ret and only healed on my priest. GM said it was good so I am only going off him)

I am experimenting atm and changed my stats a fair bit now I am 545.

ilvl: 545
7170 Haste BP
9k Spirit
45k mastery
Mastery gemmed
Using SH spec pulling 110K most fights using my posted settings no mana issues.

ilvl: 545
7170 Haste BP
10K spirit
Sitting at 34% mastery
Int gemmed
EF Spec, I will use the above settings and will inform how I heal tomorrow after raid tonight, lost our druid so have a new disc 350ilvl to heal with, I figured theres enough absorbs going around with the disc priest smite healing so ill figure EF out haha
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