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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Any chance of getting CR to heal during Shek'zeer this week? Seems all posts about it get ignored. I know you're busy with your new project, but would love it if your paid, current cr was healing on this boss first.
Any chance of getting CR to heal during Shek'zeer this week? Seems all posts about it get ignored. I know you're busy with your new project, but would love it if your paid, current cr was healing on this boss first.
true story ... pls fix the bugs before u work on the next cr <3
Any chance of getting CR to heal during Shek'zeer this week? Seems all posts about it get ignored. I know you're busy with your new project, but would love it if your paid, current cr was healing on this boss first.
Someone said that a mesh issue, let me chat with tester for more detail.

I hope I can find something wrong in next few hour.
Can someone please post some results for RBG's 1900+ on how much you heal on average per game and how are you compared to other healers in game? I feel like sometimes i fall behind and my character is still having pauses when healing =s

Also if successful, please post your settings/talents
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Hello! Unfortunately, I have no use of divine protection. I give the example of the next battlegrounds. Tried different settings, but to no avail.
Thank you first post about Devine Protection with LOG :)

Let me revise my code and hopefully can see something wrong.
I like that Tuanha has a secret love for Hybrid classes, like me! I'll take a half-baked hybrid (tank/dps like dk), no problem!

Keep going tuanha!!! :D
@ ALL, do not update your HB to .523 or at least until there is more info on the performance, there seems to be BUGS, so these problems reported the last hours might not be related to this CR
Check the release forum for info: Releases
In the mean time try to stay at .521 or revert back (you all should know by now not to update the moment a new version is released)
I do not know about the devine protection bug, but that does not mean it isnt there, for the rest of the reports, i'm currently verry happy healing atm

and as a side note, now its known, do not be mad on Tuanha for starting a DK CR, it's entierly my fault :p

Updated to latest SVN and it's not casting Holy/Divine light even when players are sitting at 40% health, was only pushing out 19k hps on sha of anger, had to take manual control cause people were dieing.

i talked with tuanha on skype with this problem the new hb version made it bugged he is testing it right now
what is your mean by "Crowd Control Enemy My If HP Below" and "Repentance Crowd Control"?
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My question never got answered:

If it isn't already, can we get a priority for Judgementing Shaman's Grounding Totem? It already automatically judgements other totems but grounding tend to sit around forever. When I've trying to get off well timed CC's, grounding totems are a real hassle. Thanks.
My question never got answered:

If it isn't already, can we get a priority for Judgementing Shaman's Grounding Totem? It already automatically judgements other totems but grounding tend to sit around forever. When I've trying to get off well timed CC's, grounding totems are a real hassle. Thanks.
Grouding Totem auto "eat" any attacking spell. It's pointless to Judgement it.

A attacking holy shock, Judgement, Denouce... on ANY target will take down that Grounding Totem... so it just a waste of GCD.

Combat Routine already check if important spell like Hammer of Justice should hold if Grounding Totem is on too.
Ok guys, please update SVN.

I do believe that the slow heal reaction on PvP is FIXED.

Also fix:

User setting config don't save trinket setting.
Devine Protection not casting on Holy.

Ok guys, please update SVN.

I do believe that the slow heal reaction on PvP is FIXED.

Also fix:

User setting config don't save trinket setting.
Devine Protection not casting on Holy.


thats beasty if the slow healing in pvp arena really fixed i always was annoyed that it didnt healed for a few seconds and then started again:)
Grouding Totem auto "eat" any attacking spell. It's pointless to Judgement it.

A attacking holy shock, Judgement, Denouce... on ANY target will take down that Grounding Totem... so it just a waste of GCD.

Combat Routine already check if important spell like Hammer of Justice should hold if Grounding Totem is on too.

That's the point, I know it's eating a spell but I want to make sure it eats a spell I don't care about like a judgement. I do all of my own CC casts with the exception of Rebuke. It's really annoying when my repentence on a 15 sec CD gets eaten by a grounding totem that I didn't see. A GCD is a lot better of a waste than a 15 sec CD of an important CC.
auto target healing is ok in pve but in pvp it doesend heal correctly auto target sometimes you need to click the target
Ok guys, please update SVN.

I do believe that the slow heal reaction on PvP is FIXED.

Also fix:

User setting config don't save trinket setting.
Devine Protection not casting on Holy.


Awesome, look forward to trying it out. I was wondering why/if turning the lock memory on for lazy raider would improve performance? Is there a reason that the way you suggest setting it up it is off? Also in perusing other cc's I noticed that the beast mastery cc suggest's turning up your lag tolerence for quicker bot response. Any thoughts on that. The cc works great for me just trying to tweak to make even better.
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When I check the code of this CC, it looks like the paladin will use DivineShield only when its healthy under setting.
But in the arena, most of the time the DivineShield is used to remove the CCdebuff on paladin then paladin can heal the teammates.
Any rotation on this part? Also whether the party have defensive buff should also be considered.