Question: On [21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock] WTF!!! My druid runs with 40% HP i stay just near him - 12 yards and bot use Holy shock on myself to gain holy power???
[21:03:05.334 N] 05:334 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Holy Shock
[21:03:06.658 N] 06:658 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 10.09y - 95% hp - Holy Light
[21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
Answer: Combat Routine Holy Shock you to gain Holy Power, all it can do it to put the beacon on druid because Becon is the ONLY spell that have 60 yards range, all other healing spells are 40s yard range. The druid is 48 yards away, not 12 yards like you said.
Question: Again! Druid allready with 33% HP and bot cast holy shock on my warrior with 95% HP!!! And try to fake Holy light!?
Yes i see that druid is 46 yards away but i run to him and bot just spend Holy Shock proc on warrior wich one do not need it.
[21:03:07.038 N] 07:038 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 48y - 33% hp
[21:03:07.039 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20473, KnownIndex: 75
[21:03:07.061 N] 07:061 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Warrior - 11.87y - 95% hp - Holy Shock
Answer: Well, again, druid 48 yard range, CR put beacon on him and Holy Shock Warrior. The druid have 15% healing from Warrior with beacon.
Question: Now druid is near me, bou use BoL on him to heal him, but when his HP goes up to 45% bot decide to use beacon of light to 90% warrior. Why??
[21:03:14.383 N] 14:382 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Druid - 5y - 20% hp
[21:03:14.384 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
[21:03:14.397 N] 14:397 - HP: 100% - Mana: 87 - Druid - 5.38y - 20% hp - Word of Glory
[21:03:15.808 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 85673, KnownIndex: 71
[21:03:17.552 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 20925, KnownIndex: 76
[21:03:17.585 N] 17:585 - HP: 100% - Mana: 89 - Druid - 4.42y - 45% hp - Sacred Shield
[21:03:19.035 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 31842, KnownIndex: 39
[21:03:19.048 N] 19:048 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90 - Myself - 0y - 100% hp - Divine Favor
[21:03:19.121 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 53563, KnownIndex: 74
[21:03:19.134 N] 19:133 - HP: 100% - Mana: 90% - Beacon of Light to Heal Second Unit - Warrior - 4y - 90% hp
Answer: When the NEXT instant spell ready (Holy Shock, Word of Glory...) it is pointless to keep Beacon on the Druid because he benefit nothing from these spell. Combat Routine decided to put Beacon on Warrior (who was at 90%) to get 15% healing done from the incoming heal to druid. If next spell is Flash of Light/Devine Light, combat routine will keep it on druid to get 1 more extra holy power.
I know combat routine can not predict anything, good logic still not there yet

it only get the most healing done at a specific time.
And I'm sure CR can do better let me thing about more advanced logic in these situation.
Thank for the detailed log Cerbz.