My GS Hpal is 686 and my heals are tanking HPS like 25 a while ago i was sitting at 45 easy now i feel like i just cant keep up at all ... (i have the paid version)
How to disable the " Every Man for Himself " ??? mean the human racial?
Thanksuncheck "use racial"
secondly i dont use CR's for healing in pvp besides rbgs
It is in combat, all the time while raiding.
Holy shock have cooldown, we are talking every seccond here that he throw somethin that i cannot figure out.
I cannot use the routine now cause it smells bot a mile away![]()
Hello I use the paid routine for this, I were wondering when playing as a Main Tank / Off Tank, I sometimes make use of the auto target function for easier aquisition of adds etc. However, when I need to taunt swap on the main boss, it makes it incredibly difficult to target as it keeps attempting to target something else again.
Is there any way i can briefly disable/ enable auto targeting?
Just a thought you can make a maccro to taunt focus target and set the other tank as a focus. with auto pause on when you press a key.
/cast [@focustarget] Taunt Spell
Hi TuanHa,
This routine for holy is really awesome, thank you for your work.
I have just a question. Is it possible to bind heal balancing preset ?
I mean sometime in the beginning of a fight I don't need to use lot of mana so i'm at heal balancing 5-10 and in the need I need to spend lot of mana and i have to change manually and is it really dangerous in case i have to move.
It would be gerat to bind for example 3 bind with heal balancing 5 , 10 , 20 ect...
Thank you
In the settings look on the General Tab for Hotkey Config settings changer, this allows you to setup five alternate configurations that you can swap between with a defined hotkey press. You could set them up to all be the same except for the balancing preset so you could swap between then instantly as needed thru combat.
My (ilvl 691) current mythic settings with EF + DP + 4pc t-set
This am i also looking for.Is there a way to get the bot/routine to use garrison abilites?
Load setting HolyPaladinPVP then i think you gonna feel good in Arena.this rotation is good for pvp? holy pala