I'm not sure what special edition/public release are you using because there's no log.
But for special edition of shaman/monk/paladin, there's logic that tracking that boss cast spell and only use instant 3 second after he cast the debuff.
This is my code, but I don't have raid set bonus to actually see if that workdivine_storm,if=buff.divine_crusader.react&holy_power=5
If i have a 'Divine Crusader(144595)' buff, i use Divine Crusader immediately use. Right?
Is it working fine?
private static Composite DivineStormDivineCrusader()
return new Decorator(
ret =>
THSettings.Instance.DivineStorm &&
!MeHasAura(AB.HandofProtection) &&
CurrentTargetAttackable(5) &&
!CurrentTargetCheckInvulnerableMagic &&
MeHasAura(144595) &&
new Action(delegate
CastSpell(SB.DivineStorm, Me.CurrentTarget, "DivineStormDivineCrusader");
LoL ppl still play 2s a lot in Chinese server these day?Im here just want to say thank you tuanha.
With ur perfect CRs(I used paladin and my teammate used hunter), all with ur CR.
We are very easily get up to 2200+ for arena 2vs2
Amazing control + huge dps done.. imba
View attachment 129902
Hello everyone!
I have a problem when I start the bot, he told me a funny message in a small window: "this application is protected by dnguard hvm"
an idea ??
LoL ppl still play 2s a lot in Chinese server these day?
I'm on US server and get to 2k rating on 2v2 is mission improssible.
At 1k8 start vsing Gladiator, and at 1k9+ there are a lot multi-glad and rank 1 player @@.
Getting 2k achievement in 2s on US realm is now damn hard :3
if u dont know how, just delete all tuanha's crs and download again from his site. thats it