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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Build 5.4.5250
Update for .NET Framework 5.4.1 that compartible with recent HB Update.
Hi guy,

As far as me and MANY friend test, my CR work fine with legit copy of Honorbuddy.

I have no idea if my CR work with no-legit Honorbuddy copy or not. (and I don't support that idea to be honest)

One thing I'm sure and tested is my CR work with legit copy of Honorbuddy.


Hey Tuanha,

First off, thank you for making all these great combat routines, they are amazing and I can't imagine the hard work you put into it.

I have been recently playing Ret Paly and have noticed while playing a very annoying behaviour.

Flash of Light is top priority when low health even if the target has practically no health and would die from one hit. I do have Flash of Light unchecked in the Class Config under the Retribution tab, but the routine will still Flash of Light.

It would be nice to see the routine totally avoid Flash of Light except for the Selfless Healer proc and allow the user to choose when to heal himself.

Tuanha i have a big problem with the rotation :( The prob is on Thok HC everytime thok does his interrupt spell the cr stops healen whats normaly really great but it does stops even if bubble or devotion auro is on :/ can you do something against it ? or tell me what i can do ? please its important :(
Hey TuanHA, where's the attack power % burst mode on the Paladin CR? Is it still coming?

Hey Tuanha,

I have been noticing the Retribution routine is spamming Inquisition even when it has 50+ seconds left on the buff. I even unchecked the box in the Retribution tab for Inquisition.

Is there any other information or a log I can send you?


PS - I just did some work on a target dummy, the routine isn't even using Templar's Verdict at all, just Inquisition.

EDIT --- Now it's working for some reason after i restarted honor buddy. so nevermind this post :D
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I'm not sure what special edition/public release are you using because there's no log.

But for special edition of shaman/monk/paladin, there's logic that tracking that boss cast spell and only use instant 3 second after he cast the debuff.

Yeah and thats the problem because if bubble or the aura is up there is no need for instants and that the point :) there would be a LOT more hps if the routine tracks the bubble or the devotion aura and heals normal if its up. I would love you to death if you could change that.

If i have a 'Divine Crusader(144595)' buff, i use Divine Crusader immediately use. Right?

Is it working fine?
thank u tuanha

Im here just want to say thank you tuanha.
With ur perfect CRs(I used paladin and my teammate used hunter), all with ur CR.
We are very easily get up to 2200+ for arena 2vs2

Amazing control + huge dps done.. imba :D


If i have a 'Divine Crusader(144595)' buff, i use Divine Crusader immediately use. Right?

Is it working fine?
This is my code, but I don't have raid set bonus to actually see if that work
private static Composite DivineStormDivineCrusader()
return new Decorator(
ret =>
THSettings.Instance.DivineStorm &&
!MeHasAura(AB.HandofProtection) &&
CurrentTargetAttackable(5) &&
!CurrentTargetCheckInvulnerableMagic &&
MeHasAura(144595) &&
new Action(delegate
CastSpell(SB.DivineStorm, Me.CurrentTarget, "DivineStormDivineCrusader");
Im here just want to say thank you tuanha.
With ur perfect CRs(I used paladin and my teammate used hunter), all with ur CR.
We are very easily get up to 2200+ for arena 2vs2

Amazing control + huge dps done.. imba :D

View attachment 129902
LoL ppl still play 2s a lot in Chinese server these day?

I'm on US server and get to 2k rating on 2v2 is mission improssible.

At 1k8 start vsing Gladiator, and at 1k9+ there are a lot multi-glad and rank 1 player @@.

Getting 2k achievement in 2s on US realm is now damn hard :3
Hello everyone!

I have a problem when I start the bot, he told me a funny message in a small window: "this application is protected by dnguard hvm"

an idea ??
Hello everyone!

I have a problem when I start the bot, he told me a funny message in a small window: "this application is protected by dnguard hvm"

an idea ??

if u dont know how, just delete all tuanha's crs and download again from his site. thats it
LoL ppl still play 2s a lot in Chinese server these day?

I'm on US server and get to 2k rating on 2v2 is mission improssible.

At 1k8 start vsing Gladiator, and at 1k9+ there are a lot multi-glad and rank 1 player @@.

Getting 2k achievement in 2s on US realm is now damn hard :3

chinese server if u want to be a gladiator . may be you need 3K or more for ... lol insane~~
Build 5.4.5255
Update for World of Warcraft version 5.4.8
Minor bug fix and improvement
Hey Mates,

yesterday we kill in 25man 9/14hc bosses and the most fights is was rank1 in healmeter. thats so awesome. the routine works like a charm for holy !
but i have big problems with my fps and this routine. without bot i got infight 40-60fps ------ with tyrael (softlock 30tps) and routine (special edition) i got 6-14 fps infight [in 25man raid]
dispell is off in routine , i do it by myself

in taskmanager i set prio to high but it doesnt help.

i have a good gaming laptop with i7 and geforce gtx 570m and 8gb ram on win7 64 bit... i also set graphic to low , then to mid , then high ... in all settings i got bad fps

other routine perform better in fps ... the day before i raid 25man with my priest heal and i got 20-25 fps @ raid

Cheers ,
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I've been having a problem with holy for about 2 days now. It will not heal unless it's in combat, it used to heal you up even if you weren't. An example would be after a wipe in raid or rezzing at the spirit healer or just falling for a great height. It will not heal until its back in combat. Kinda hoping I'm just missing a box to tick and its just staring at me and I'm just missing it. Any thoughts?
