Wont use it at all
Thank you very much.. whats a good number to set it to then?
Wont use it at all
I have it set to 5Thank you very much.. whats a good number to set it to then?
Its all about your Wep. I am sitting at 565 ilvl with the heroic wep from Gen. I do 242k dps on a target dummy A wep will up your dps that much
no this isn't right.
wanna bet. We have shit dps with out a haste buff. This is the reason why you dont dps in a raid with out one. Try and forge up to 50% haste and go beat on a target dummy. Also we are in the middle of the pack, if I had my ilvl on a lock I would love it.
Play it manually then, or go get a CR that will... dont become the majority and qq without a log. no one can help you when you complain that the CR isnt putting out the potential numbers you so desire.I just did single target dummy manually and I did 289k consistent 375k burst. Like i said, you're wrong. Im not arguing that you get better dps with better gear, thats obvious, what im saying is this CC isn't doing what I can potentially output.
Hi i am a hord ret and we are just beginning to run The fallen protectors on hc. But I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. When thrown Mark of Anguish at me then the bot immediately automatically forward it to another player, how do I change it so I can manually ( use the ekstra action botten my self) do it my self. I use TUANHA PALADIN (also tryed useing King WoW, and have the same problem) as cc and lazyraider as botbase. Running as a ret. Hope you can help me because it makes the whole raid dies and mess up the rotation between the players that have the Mark of Anguish on them. Thx.
Is there a way to disable healing out of combat? It really brings a lot of attention when botting.
you AFKING or monitoring the bot? just pause it if you are through Tyreal or Raidbot as you move from boss to boss if your so paranoid about drawing attention to yourself, apart from that option, no sorry.
Its only while your not in a fight I meant haha,Tabbed out while raiding, so semi afk. Pausing isn't ideal but if that's the only option then I'll take what I can get, thank you.
Im a 555 ilvl holy pally, and Im not able to put numbers up like others. I have 14423 spirit, 3506 haste rating, and 35.35 mastery. Im in a 25 man heroic guild. I am Specced into EF. Please help me. heres my armory.
Level 90 Human Paladin | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
im using the free version. Any help would be greatly welcome.
I am currently using this version of the Paladin routine. IT WORKS WONDERS! Currently 2100 raiting in 2s and continuing to climb. My question is, what is the difference between the free version and the paid version? What makes the paid version worth the cost?