Think of the Tick as a Frame. Ticks per second = Frames per second
If you think of it like this, then what happens is: Your bot runs a check with wow to see what it should do next. This action can be refered to as a Tick. The larger number of Ticks that you allow your bot to execute per second will allow for your bot to operate at much quicker speeds. The problem here is that if you allow your Ticks Per Second to be larger values than your computer can handle, the routine will not properly run. This is why it is recommended that you press (ctrl+r) in game and test your FPS during combat; Make sure that your Ticks Per Second are no more than your lowest frames per second.
Warning, Incoming Wall Of Text:
Well said, and I'll add this as well. WoW executes EVERYTHING done in between each frame render, every addon you have add's time to this, everything "extra" like scrolling combat txt adds to this. Unit frame addons SPECIFICALLY have always dropped my FPS a ton. Now, thats JUST WoW, in 32 Bit mode to make things worse due to memory restrictions and lots of other crap. Goto the Shrine, SW, or Org and stand in the most crowded area you can find and watch your frame counter get jiggy with it. Now, go and tweak your graphics settings to a BOTTER's level, Good is fine for most botters, AFK for sure, midline gives me nice graphics with ton of headroom still.
Now fire up HB, I run Tyrael with Softmode & Hardmode checked at 60 fps, Continuous healing cause thats what I do,
Plugins OFFFFFF. In the CC I don't really notice an impact UNLESS I have the Cleanse EVERYTHING Instantly on in a 25 man group, and I still leave it on because it's not that bad. HB happens to have to run all it's Pulses between frame renders as WELL. Note I didn't say ALL it's code, that depends on if your in locked mode. If you are then everything in in an HB "pulse" (and WoW Lua, I.E. All addons and most of WoW internally) gets executed between EACH frame. Just remember in locked mode, Pulses need to be fast, because every addon, various internal code, and what now have to FINISH executing in EVERY pulse. From what I understand, and this IS ME GUESTIMATING, the hard lock vs softlock options basically mean this. Hardlock runs all of your CC's Pulses, and ALL your HB Bot Base Pulses between frames. Softlock I would guess runs all your Bot Bases code between frames and lets the CC fend for it's self. No one has told me this, I didn't read it somewhere, it's purely speculation on my best guess's.
This is the best explanation I could write this evening, there is probably a mistake in there somewhere lol but all of it is sound information. So, reading the above paragraph should explain completely why you want your addons in WoW limited, why you want a sain graphics setting in WoW, why you don't really want to be running addons in HB (they are mostly fine, for AFK botting and farming, but not for raiding with Tyrael!). And finally once digested should give you an understanding of WHAT to set your Frame Rate (Ticks) to in both HB settings and in Tyrael. My personal test of what will work is to stand in the Shrine, in full raid setup with HB running and looking around. I your frames EVER dip below 60, it's a very safe idea to set your settings for 30fps. If it is running at like 100 FPS+ in shrine, you shouldn't be asking questions here, you should be answering them;-).
Something I feel deserves it's own line, turn ON unit frames while testing and wait for a few, note I'm pretty sure you saw your fps goto shit, now turn them back OFF, should be much better. Recount and Carbonite I love, but of ALL the addons I use in WoW they truly are PIG's and WILL lower your performance FPS substantially, Recount IN COMBAT specifically.
And to end the novel some nice trickery to set WoW and HB up to be higher priorities in Windoze than anything other than other core system processes. This sets them to level 13 of 14, normally they run at 8...
Setup a wow shortcut on your desktop (wow32.exe) and edit the shortcut to execute as an administrator:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "start /high C:\
Setup an HB shortcut on your desktop (right click your HonorBuddy.exe and click send to deskstop) and edit the shortcut to execute as an administrator, then change the run line too:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "start /high C:\
No bragging here, just for comparisons sake I have a I7 3.5 ghz with 32GB's of ram, and an Nvidia 780 GTX set on MEDIUM lol and I can "make" wow kill it self without even running honorbuddy. Setup right and the fps count hits 300 fps and bounces there like its a cap lol. WoW alone in ULTRA everything with ALL my addons running inside the shrine and the HONEST answer is 40-60 FPS.
Hope that helps someone out there;-)