I must be silly but i can't find the SVN address ?
I have tortoise. latest version.
i have the same problem =DD
i avoid this with Tyrael pause mode!
or disable "Attack out of combat" in combatroutine![]()
The routine wont "carry" you, simple as that. You are going to need to learn the class and put in alot of game time, as well as find a regular arena partner and use voice comms.
1st page already said SVN INCLUDED in .zip file just do an svn update...I must be silly but i can't find the SVN address ?
I have tortoise. latest version.
Im having some problems with this aswell on my Holy Paladin - its REALLY underperforming in raid content (30-35k HPS with ilvl 511)
does anyone have a killer config/setting that works? ATM i dont have any problems with mana as its only using around 10% of it
I'm working on it as for now there's no easy way to control mounting because it control by bgbuddy or other botbase not my CR itself.Tuanha, any news on my suggest for BoP ??
And my toon when arena is end and return on wow-world cast holy light and buf (same the mount that no mount because cast spell in BG), I click tyrael pause, but when i miss click, give me tired and looks bot discovery![]()
In the middle of a flex and I am watching another holy pally who has 3 ilvls on me (shouldn't matter but i'm including) and I notice he is about 1-7% higher healing on me, finding it strange to be in second place on healing and notice he isn't casting eternal flame at all. Hasn't casted it once in the entire raid and is using light of dawn instead and is pulling more healing. Thoughts? From what i've read LoD doesn't do more healing unless it hits all 6 players.
The reason for this is because the CR with your settings is prioritizing Eternal Flame (Which does not do illuminated healing) over Light of Dawn.
Light of Dawn has the ability to proc Divine Purpose multiple times in a row which makes it consume no holy power and casts as if 3 were consumed.
I've had Divine Purpose proc over 5 times in a row off of 1 light of dawn. Considering Light of Dawn also puts illuminated healing on people, it does not matter if it hits less than 6 or not.
You can fix this by changing the amount of HP required for Eternal Flame, which in my guess if you're using default settings, is set to 1. You can then raise the amount of health for Light of Dawn to about 95.
If you're using the special edition you can make an AOE setting that prioritizes Light of Dawn over Eternal Flame, and then make a hotkey for that settings. Make a hotkey for the regular setting that uses Eternal Flame when not much damage is going out as well.
This way you can easily switch between the two settings and be covered both ways.
Was more of a theory question than how the CR works, already have special edition setup with a hotkey for it.
tuanha.biz offline. can't log in to routine. raid night. bad.