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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Hey guys. Was wondering if you mind helping me answer a question. I'm progressing in Heroic SoO, and I'm finding it hard to decide if I should keep EF blanket on or off. I feel for spikey damage fights such as Garrosh, it's better to leave it off, but for consistent damage to leave it on...

Not sure if any of you have had any experience with this, but I would love to hear your opinions

Cheers guys

Hello again ;)

Any of you that run Challenge Mode as holy? Do you manage to get gold with this CR? (I have tried to adjust, but without any luck and would really like to see how far I can take my paladin in CMs :))

If so - any chance you could post your settings etc?

Feel free to send me a PM :)
I did all gold. Default settings and all CD manually. Seriously, there isnt any magic settings. All trick is to communicate with party, inform them about cd's. If pple in your party suck there is no way you will achive it.
Default settings will make your paladin cast Holy Light which will make you fail from start.

Thanks for your feedback tho.

Now, anyone else who wanna share their experience with holy paladin and CMs? ;)
Is it just me or does the arena holy profile just nearly useless ? i get killed by warriors and nearly every melee :( in 2n2 ? whats wrong ? it wasnt so squishy befor :(
Hello again ;)

Any of you that run Challenge Mode as holy? Do you manage to get gold with this CR? (I have tried to adjust, but without any luck and would really like to see how far I can take my paladin in CMs :))

If so - any chance you could post your settings etc?

Feel free to send me a PM :)

I sell gold challenge mode carries on several servers. Just take the time and adjust it the the right settings yourself. Just learn to manually use a lot of the abilities the CR can do.

Hey guys. Was wondering if you mind helping me answer a question. I'm progressing in Heroic SoO, and I'm finding it hard to decide if I should keep EF blanket on or off. I feel for spikey damage fights such as Garrosh, it's better to leave it off, but for consistent damage to leave it on...

Not sure if any of you have had any experience with this, but I would love to hear your opinions

Cheers guys


As EF spec, I only use EF blanket (in Heroic 25m, at 3hp obviously). Auto beacon off, changing it (and HoS) to people who need it.

People say me that Light of Dawn is op in 5.4n and ef/holy radiance nerfed. Is this true ?

As EF spec, you should almost never use LoD, which a lot of people have highly mistaken. All you have to do is look at worldoflogs.com to figure this out, the top healers use it 0-3 times throughout a whole boss fight (6+ targets without overhealing). EF has almost all the top ratings on all SoO fights, however there is definitely less paladins using SH. SH is more of a 25m only spec, with this, you never use WoG, and just spam HS/JHR/LoD. I currently use SH, because I like it better, however EF seems to overdue SH ranking-wise. As SH, paladins are no longer single target healers, only the person you have Beacon'd will benefit the most here.

If you're EF spec, >ONLY< use EF at 3 Holy Power, and hit the lowest health target for maximum HPS (which the CR does for you). It's 1hp ef blanket that got nerfed.

Is it just me or does the arena holy profile just nearly useless ? i get killed by warriors and nearly every melee :( in 2n2 ? whats wrong ? it wasnt so squishy befor :(

Learn to hump pillars better, manually bubble, manually use major CD's. Change glyphs against warrior teams (burden of justice?). HoF, Speed of Light, HoJ, juke heals, run around the corner, gg. Use EF, but turn off EF blanket (it'll save Holy Power for actual good times to use it.)

For instance, you have Holy Avenger or DP proc, but you hit 20% - the CR will bubble and blow all cds most likely if you're CR is using these automatically. Overkill on heals on your part, it's not necessary. The other team is probably already "lol" irl, and you've already lost at this point.

TUANHA PALADIN - The Ultimate Experience (with a touch of your own common sense)
So, I've gotten Tuanha's Hunter Special Edition, and noticed a HUGE difference. I'm actually curious if it's the same way for this? I have a holy paladin and the with the public i'm nearly top of the meters 95% of the time. Is the Special Edition that much better? Any feed back would be great!
So, I've gotten Tuanha's Hunter Special Edition, and noticed a HUGE difference. I'm actually curious if it's the same way for this? I have a holy paladin and the with the public i'm nearly top of the meters 95% of the time. Is the Special Edition that much better? Any feed back would be great!

Much much better
Feature Request:

Could we please get the "Auto Focus" feature from the Hunter CC.
Would be great if the CC would set that automatically, so that I can use my macros to stun more easily.

Feature Request:

Could we please get the "Auto Focus" feature from the Hunter CC.
Would be great if the CC would set that automatically, so that I can use my macros to stun more easily.

Auto Focus and Auto Flag return is on their way to ALL CRs because the logic seem good, people like it, work well and don't make so much lag.

Give me more time Haggy :D

Auto Flag Return is soooo important in Warsong and Twin Peak RBG now, it almost a must for any serious player :D
Something I've noticed is that after 1 or 2 games the CR just stops working completely. I dunno if it's the bots fault or the CC's but it just does nothing.

The logs doesn't say much, not sure which log was the correct one next time it happens I'll give it to you.

EDIT: Was meant to post this in the shaman thread.
Hello TuanHA,

I currently try to optimize my settings for 5.4 and my 2v2 team. Would be great if you could help me to understand some of the settings better.

1. Hand of Protection (Remove Blind / Intimidation).
For teammates it probably doesn't make sense right. Because that could just be dispelled?

2. Hand of Sacrifice break CC (Ret PvP)
Will that prevent CC for a holy pala as well?
What do the settings Melee / Healer / Caster exactly mean here?

Something I've noticed is that after 1 or 2 games the CR just stops working completely. I dunno if it's the bots fault or the CC's but it just does nothing.

The logs doesn't say much, not sure which log was the correct one next time it happens I'll give it to you.

you right i have this issue to in some situation in arena only pve is working fine
Am I missing a setting? I have "Dispel important debuffs" on, but it's not dispelling Shadow Word: Bane.
Hello TuanHA,

I currently try to optimize my settings for 5.4 and my 2v2 team. Would be great if you could help me to understand some of the settings better.

1. Hand of Protection (Remove Blind / Intimidation).
For teammates it probably doesn't make sense right. Because that could just be dispelled?

2. Hand of Sacrifice break CC (Ret PvP)
Will that prevent CC for a holy pala as well?
What do the settings Melee / Healer / Caster exactly mean here?

Q: 1. Hand of Protection (Remove Blind / Intimidation).
For teammates it probably doesn't make sense right. Because that could just be dispelled?
A: Blind and Intimidation Shout CAN NOT be dispelled because they are physical debuff. However a Hand of Protection will removed them, so CR will track if your friend have Blind/Intimidation Shout, it will cast Hand of Protection to remove it. If you friend is a melee/hunter class, tell your friend have a macro to remove the buff after Blind/Intimidation Shout removed because they can not attack during that bubble time. The macro is: /cancelaura Hand of Protection

Q: 2. Hand of Sacrifice break CC (Ret PvP)
Will that prevent CC for a holy pala as well?
What do the settings Melee / Healer / Caster exactly mean here?
A: As a Retribution, you can dispel Magic debuff with a hand of Sacrifice. So if you partner is fear/sheep/trap... a Hand of Sacrifice will remove them. Melee mean will remove these debuff on Melee class. Healer mean any healer and Caster mean Hunter/Mage/Lock/Ele Shaman/S Priest/Moonkin....
Am I missing a setting? I have "Dispel important debuffs" on, but it's not dispelling Shadow Word: Bane.
Dispel important debuffs mean for PvP mostly (Fear, Sheep...)
For PvE just enable dispell on 1 debuff and it will remove anything dispellable
Q: 1. Hand of Protection (Remove Blind / Intimidation).
For teammates it probably doesn't make sense right. Because that could just be dispelled?
A: Blind and Intimidation Shout CAN NOT be dispelled because they are physical debuff. However a Hand of Protection will removed them, so CR will track if your friend have Blind/Intimidation Shout, it will cast Hand of Protection to remove it. If you friend is a melee/hunter class, tell your friend have a macro to remove the buff after Blind/Intimidation Shout removed because they can not attack during that bubble time. The macro is: /cancelaura Hand of Protection

Q: 2. Hand of Sacrifice break CC (Ret PvP)
Will that prevent CC for a holy pala as well?
What do the settings Melee / Healer / Caster exactly mean here?
A: As a Retribution, you can dispel Magic debuff with a hand of Sacrifice. So if you partner is fear/sheep/trap... a Hand of Sacrifice will remove them. Melee mean will remove these debuff on Melee class. Healer mean any healer and Caster mean Hunter/Mage/Lock/Ele Shaman/S Priest/Moonkin....

Ah ok, now I understand. This is "just" used to remove a CC from my teammate. It's not designed to remove an incoming CC with dmg I get from Sacrifice.
Is there a way to detect incoming CCs, and then use Sacrifice right before I'm CC'd, so that I get dmg and the CC breaks? Or is that to complicated?

Hey guys,

i bought the Shaman and Paladin Special Edition. Im wondering there is no "up to date" setting for the Holy Paladin in Arena and RGB.
Is it possible to upload a optimised setting for this 2 functions?

I hope anyone can help me to customised my settings in more or less the best way.

Please help meeee :-D

Thank you
Ah ok, now I understand. This is "just" used to remove a CC from my teammate. It's not designed to remove an incoming CC with dmg I get from Sacrifice.
Is there a way to detect incoming CCs, and then use Sacrifice right before I'm CC'd, so that I get dmg and the CC breaks? Or is that to complicated?

It's possible to detect incoming CC (like my shaman have super code that detect incoming interrupt to stop casting...)

The problem is it can only detect the LAST few millisecond before the spell actually land (depend your ping vs enemy ping) so there's not enough time to Hand of Sac friend to avoid being CCed - The Hand of Sacrifice spell is on Global Cooldown - it's 1500ms for Paladin.