The use of Holy Shock on CD is great, sometimes, but it still needs adjustment. As a avid user of this routine in 2k+ arenas/RBGs and heroic progression raider, PLEASE keep these in mind in future updates.
Please stop casting HS when player is mounted. For example...arena match is about to start, trying to mount up, and auto dismount due to use of Holy Shock. Looks bad when everyone's trying to mount up, you're trying to get mounted but it keeps dismounting you the second you get mounted. It also does this in raid. If we're casting mount, or mounted, please stop this. I've just dealt with this for a long time by pausing the bot until needed.
Next, and a huge flaw in the healing rotation, is still the use of Holy Shock on CD. When the pally reaches 3, 4, or even 5hp and Holy Shock is on CD, it will use it. This becomes a waist with holy avenger is active, sometimes a huge loss of hps. Say the pally is currently at 2hp, HA active, and casts HR/DL...the pally now has 5hp. IF HS is available at this point, the routine will use it. Putting you at 8hp...and you just put to waist 3hp. If the HA talent is chosen, this is how the CR is often using it. Only ways of avoiding this are using divine purpose, or manually using HA and manually EF/LoD yourself before the CR overuses your HP.
Another thing is the use of EF blanket. Everyone needs to realize the use of 1HP EF blanket got nerfed, and it should now always be used at 3HP. Either way, with blanket checked, it will still attempt to blanket the raid even when someone is at critically low health, when that full 3hp EF could be used to save someone (a tank). Example, a tanks sitting at 10% health and already has a EF tick on them. The CR sees that you have 3HP and uses it on its blanketing technique, by casting a giant EF (mine crit for 200k) on some random person in the group and skipping over that other critically low person in the raid. This should not happen. This is also where the CR is majorly flawed in proving grounds and 10m raids, I'd highly advise turning blanket off in these and setting WoG to a more fitting number until this is implemented into the routine.
Lastly, I firmly believe a ms timer should be added to the "cleanse instantly" feature similar to the rebuke interrupt. If you think an instant dispel isn't just as noticeable, if not much more noticeable, by BOTH the other team and your team you're very wrong. I currently use all of these features manually with macros, rebuke set at 800 ms can still interrupt certain spells instantly, even worse than interrupting long spells shortly into them...your opponents have probably already reported you.
I've adjusted the routine to *comfortably* carry beyond wave 30 in PG though, multiple top 10 WoL rankings, multiple titles, etc. Just because its a bot doesn't mean it should do everything possible for you.