Would be great if you could pinpoint what the problem is, there's several encounters that virtually stops the cc. e.g. tortos stomp, jin roq, lei shen.. those especially. I did let you know a couple of wks ago that theres was a delay and you did adjust the incoming damage to react faster which was great work, but it seems to of gone back to a delayed reaction.. The other problem is in a heavy aoe situation, there is almost a 2 second delay before it casts anything aoe, by then other healers have used cd etc and virtually nothing to heal by the time the cc kicks in. I dont mind the fact that it doesnt use Lights hammer as much as it used to as I can use it manually more often now. I'm 534 geared on my pally now and using the public version im doing on average about 80-140k easily, on the SE version im doing between 50-80k. As I already mentioned and from what ive noticed, the main issue is the response time in heavy aoe damage encounters. With the special edition obviously on just 1 or 2 encounters i enable dispells and I do realise that this does cause a slight delay as it scans 10 people, but mainly i disable the dispells and use manually if and when required. I also use it on the default settings with mana useage set to 0, i have tried on higher settings but get the same results with the delay. I have done a fresh install of hb and both special edition and public releases with Lazyraider, I dont use tyrael becasue i dont get great results with that. Also, please please please make it stop casting holy shock when not in an instance lol.
I love this cc, I think you've done a truly remarkable thing with it, its a work of art..
P.S. please make a resto druid cc that even its as half as good as the special edition or even public release it would be better than anything else availible.. I have leaves but it never works lol
Keep up this amazing work you do, your a legend