U did cmd as holy, ret or prot? Can u attach your settings for cmds?Want to thank Tuanha again for his amazing CC, without it i could not have done it.
U did cmd as holy, ret or prot? Can u attach your settings for cmds?Want to thank Tuanha again for his amazing CC, without it i could not have done it.
U did cmd as holy, ret or prot? Can u attach your settings for cmds?
No, cleanse will reduce dpsplaying as a ret and raid. Can this cc "auto" clease ????
so there's a question - will you ever add this framelock support to routine?If your FPS drops with framelock enabled, this is a problem with the routine
Hey Tuanha! My mainspec holy, i have now several hm cleared in ToT 10hc, even several top 10-40 WoL ranks. I really like this holy part of CR.
The version is not important, that mean nothing I don't track by version.
Make sure you have newest revision (now revision 350)
I'll think about framelock in my CR in some important spells.Hey Tuanha! My mainspec holy, i have now several hm cleared in ToT 10hc, even several top 10-40 WoL ranks. I really like this holy part of CR.
But when it comes to retri things seems unclear - sometimes it does good DPS, sometimes no. But it always shows great DPS if i enable framelock in Tyrael botbase. But it almost impossible to play as FPS drop terribly.
As it stated in botbases thread
so there's a question - will you ever add this framelock support to routine?
The version is not important.
Please give me a log and tell me more detail why it do nothing.
Myself and most people here don't have problem so I think there something wrong at your setting. I need a log sir.
I'll think about framelock in my CR in some important spells.
As far as I know, the holy don't have any problem with or without framelock.
I have little chance to raid as ret and in dungeon, it doing impressive dps so I think it's complicated
The log show no error and you stop it, I guest because something freeze.I had place a log in my orginal post
This is the log
Again it is up to date threw svn
Not sure if a plug-in or something is interfering with it
Ret is def not keeping inquisition up!