This CC has taken me to 1750 with FULL DREAD.
I can only Imagine what Full Malv would of done. I guess I'll wait for 5.2.
Those of you that need a little more information about this CC and couldn't make a donation decision:
- Skilled CC writer. Takes feedback, analyzes it and submits a SVN update promptly
- Literally less than 24hrs response time via e-mail (dont quote me. sorry tuanha for probably increasing your emails with this line lol)
- IT'S. FREAKING. SMART. Don't target anyone for legit balanced heals in PVP, Target your arena partner screaming big heals and it knows what to do next.
- Cleanse list is updated frequently
- GUI is legit. Everything is self explanatory and the setting you put is the setting that executes.
Wish could be added:
- List of .xml from other Arena Players
- Updated Main Page Arena Guides reflecting new changes / gui
- ARENA 2 ARENA 3 ARENA 5 RBG settings instead of just "PVP"
- It does not get me to 2.7k by itself.
- hates tyreal/raid bot
This routine is my primary routine and I went from legit knowing how to play paladin to not knowing shit about my class anymore
because it's better than me and best of all. I TRUST IT.
If we can get a section for PVP players to discuss best practices with this CC, it would be awesome instead of flooding your thread.