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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

It the PvP button, feel free to tweak it. If user submit their profile, I'll add to user setting folder.

And as I always said, there's no best config, with your understand of the class you are the only one who can make best setting for you.

But you have best configs in first post..
Using this CC, i have a lot of breaks.. Playing windows mode.. lazyraider..

PC Spec:

GTX 570
Win8 64bits

:( so bad.
Talents :

Pursuit of Justice
Eternal Flame
Divine Purpose
Holy Prism ( Boss that Lei Shi i change this talent )

Glyphs -> Beacon, Ilumination, Divine Plea

And yes, always MT in target and OT in focus

Ilumination ? really ? why ?
can u explain me that choice ?
View attachment 10420 2013-03-05 23.22.txt

-.-" There is a bog problem: DungeonBuddy dont realy work whit or SINGULA every move intensiv fight is hard because of the pala is many time out of range of the target and dont run to him...
I need always go into the direction of thetarget on my one (infight) after figth he follow normaly....

can anyone help me?

[if it get fixed please tell me how // and please tell me how i can get the eleite version (how much and who can i donate)]
Avenging Wrath now has a cooldown of 2 minutes for Retribution Paladins (was 3 minutes). The cooldown remains unchanged for Holy and Protection Paladins.
Light's Hammer now also applies a 50% snare for 2 seconds to targets that take damage from the area of effect.
Hand of Purity now reduces all incoming damage by 10% in addition to its other effects.
Eternal Flame's periodic heal now provides 100% more healing when self-cast.
Judgment now costs 5% of base mana.
Repentance now has a cast time of 1.7 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
Sacred Shield's periodic effect can no longer be dispelled. Each individual absorb effect can be dispelled instead.
Seal of Righteousness now causes melee attacks to deal 9% damage (was 6%) to targets in the area-of-effect.
Selfless Healer now boosts Flash of Light by 20/40/60% (was 33/66/100%).
Glyph of Blessed Life no longer requires Seal of Insight to be active.
Glyph of Templar's Verdict can also activate from Exorcism.
Blinding Light now has a 1.8-second cast time for Holy Paladins. It remains instant cast for Retribution and Protection.
Holy 4-piece PvP set bonus now grants Holy Power when casting Flash of Light, instead of Word of Glory.
The base damage of Consecration has been increased by 789%, and it now scales less efficiently with attack power by approximately 11%.
Grand Crusader now has a chance to activate when the Paladin doges or parries a melee attack in addition to having a 12% chance (was 20%) to activate from Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous.
Seal of Justice now causes melee attacks to deal an additional 20% (was 16%) as Holy damage.
Sword of Light now increases Flash of Light by 100% (was 30%) and increases the Paladin's damage with two-handed melee weapons by 15% (was 10%).
Absolve is a new passive ability for Retribution Paladins. Absolve removes all harmful magic effects when Hard of Sacrifice is cast on a party member.
Retribution 2-piece PvP set bonus now grants 1000 PvP power (was 800).
Tier-14 Retribution 4-piece set bonus has been changed to increase damage on all Seals and Judgment by 10%.

Paladin Special Edition have been updated for 5.2

  • All spell should work as it designed for 5.2
  • Major improve performance
  • Add new ability: Hand of Sacrifice break CC for Retribution - Find it in Retribution tab
  • Better Consecration for Protection (The base damage of Consecration has been increased by 789%, and it now scales less efficiently with attack power by approximately 11%.)
  • Other improvement and bug fix

Please update to Special Edition revision 328 and let me know.

Thank you.
Last edited:
i switched to tyrael at max without framelock for abit better performance, its running decent but faster is allways better :> i see a few breaks now and then aswell but nothing i cant cure with a few manual divine lights

im 16gb ddr3
gforce 660
w7 64
This CC has taken me to 1750 with FULL DREAD.

I can only Imagine what Full Malv would of done. I guess I'll wait for 5.2.

Those of you that need a little more information about this CC and couldn't make a donation decision:

- Skilled CC writer. Takes feedback, analyzes it and submits a SVN update promptly
- Literally less than 24hrs response time via e-mail (dont quote me. sorry tuanha for probably increasing your emails with this line lol)
- IT'S. FREAKING. SMART. Don't target anyone for legit balanced heals in PVP, Target your arena partner screaming big heals and it knows what to do next.
- Cleanse list is updated frequently
- GUI is legit. Everything is self explanatory and the setting you put is the setting that executes.

Wish could be added:
- List of .xml from other Arena Players
- Updated Main Page Arena Guides reflecting new changes / gui
- ARENA 2 ARENA 3 ARENA 5 RBG settings instead of just "PVP"

- It does not get me to 2.7k by itself.
- hates tyreal/raid bot :(

This routine is my primary routine and I went from legit knowing how to play paladin to not knowing shit about my class anymore
because it's better than me and best of all. I TRUST IT.

If we can get a section for PVP players to discuss best practices with this CC, it would be awesome instead of flooding your thread.

Hey guys iv been using the special addition as a holy pal for bg buddy and its great. I haven't touched the arenas yet but it seems like some say to run it straight and not touch it and others say to manually do all of your cc yourself. Do I need to use some stopcast macros for manually repentance and other ccs or will the bot detect when my partners are casting there's for large cc chains and start ccing by itself?
i switched to tyrael at max without framelock for abit better performance, its running decent but faster is allways better :> i see a few breaks now and then aswell but nothing i cant cure with a few manual divine lights

im 16gb ddr3
gforce 660
w7 64

This CC has been coded to work with LAZYRAIDER !!! NOT TYRAEL... There is no possible way this CC would out perform on TYRAEL.. Your Few breaks you see are the Bot trying to read a CC written for another bot...

People follow The authors advise and use lazyraid.. not the noob that cant read and insists on using the wrong bot.

If he recodes the CC then perhaps it might work better.. untill then
This CC has been coded to work with LAZYRAIDER !!! NOT TYRAEL... There is no possible way this CC would out perform on TYRAEL.. Your Few breaks you see are the Bot trying to read a CC written for another bot...

People follow The authors advise and use lazyraid.. not the noob that cant read and insists on using the wrong bot.

If he recodes the CC then perhaps it might work better.. untill then
I have used Tyrael Bot for arenas 2k1 and its worked for me. :\
omg. read.. I didn't say it wouldn't work did I ???? I said its coded for LAZYRAIDER.. so its going to work better on lazyraider..

Ho Tuanha,
please could you tell us if it's true ? CC works better with Lazyraider or not ?
i try both and i don't see any difference....
It support both.

As I can not understand the way Tyrael code for now so I can't really optimized for that.

LazyRaider however is fully optimized as we all play with it for a long time already :D