<<<<<<< .mine
//return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f);
return Me.IsFacing(unit);
return Me.IsFacing(unit);
//return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f);
>>>>>>> .r33
//return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f);
return Me.IsFacing(unit);
Thanks, this worked for me.Looks like he forgot some stuff when he merged trees:
Line 3226 on THHelpers.cs
Code:<<<<<<< .mine //return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f); return Me.IsFacing(unit); ======= return Me.IsFacing(unit); //return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f); >>>>>>> .r33
Delete that block and change it to, it should work
Code://return Me.IsSafelyFacing(unit, 45f); return Me.IsFacing(unit);
IF you are doing 10 mans 2 healing I suggest switching to chi wave it seems to cast more, I changed to it because the raid I am in don't stack much. You should be over 60k every fight no problem with over 10k spirit.
It's https://tuanha.sourcerepo.com/tuanha/tuanhamonkspecialeditionCould someone please message me the SVN location for Special Edition? I deleted my old folder to do a fresh install (latest update has just turned the CC into crap) and I went to download via the NEW SVN that Tuan e-mailed me and it no longer exists?
Ghostcrawler did acknowledge Mistweaver isn't where they wanted it in the developer talk.Damn no improvement to monks in latest hotfixes, so sad ;-(
Ok, let me find out why...
Thank you for the report man.
Oh also..
Just for my fellow MW monks....
Chi torpedo is a very very mana effective spell for healing your melee and tanks up.. with very little mana..
But i suggest you do not let the bot do it for majority of the the fights. its a spell you really need to line up and cast... Just finished last boss HOF at 76kHPS.. with about 5% mana left. 481 il monk.
hope that helps
Oh also..
Just for my fellow MW monks....
Chi torpedo is a very very mana effective spell for healing your melee and tanks up.. with very little mana..
But i suggest you do not let the bot do it for majority of the the fights. its a spell you really need to line up and cast... Just finished last boss HOF at 76kHPS.. with about 5% mana left. 481 il monk.
hope that helps
Is there a solution to the massive lag that occurs in 10 and 25 man raid? I'm pulling ~50 fps, but when in raid, it looks like stop-motion?
source?Ghostcrawler did acknowledge Mistweaver isn't where they wanted it in the developer talk.
some users advice to uncheck the "Detox Debuffs Immediately" box.