It's hard to not cancel casting on incoming Counter ShotHey Tuanha, I have a couple tweaks that I'd like added to this bot.
Currently you have it so it pretty much can avoid getting interrupted by hunters interrupt since it has travel time.
Hunters can easily notice if you avoid 100% of their interrupts and since it's difficult for a player to get 100% of these interrupts I suggest adding this as an option (could just be in the settings file and not actually be visable in the config).
Secondly about travelling interrupts you currently have no logic for Deadly Throw as far as I'm aware of. This is another interrupt with travel-time which should be easy to add to the list.
I'd love some logic for when to fake these interrupts so we seem less like bots instead of faking 100% of the casts.
Interrupting mana tea when playing with enyo etc can be rather annoying if it just wants to heal someone who's totally fine and I'm sitting at 5% mana, is there any way to stop it from doing this? I even pause my routine and it still does it.
It's in Customized Detox - Mistweaver tabI'm missing my custome detox? did you remove this or somethign?
On my Monk, vs DK + Melee + Healer team, I always select dispel on 1 debuff to detox his disease (Necrotic Plague, Frost Fever, Blood Plague...) and that effectively cut his dps in half. (And TSG team don't have a CC to dispel so just don't worry to save Detox Cooldown)What should my "Detox Unit Exceeds Debuffs" be set at to effictivly dispel during arena/rbg's? I'm barley every using Detox still even with then new awesome interface. Anyone have a good setting for this? i Have it set to 5 atm but I want whatever makes it so that I dispel On CD if there is something to Dispel that is worth dispeling fear/poly/Hammer of justice / hex deep freeze anything like that would be nice to be instant dispelled but for some reason it doesn't do that atm is there anyone who has a good setting for this that it consistantly dispels right away?
seem like i cant run it. i have this error "Error InterruptListBuild"
heres the log :
Hi, I would like an help to set the monk DPS routine.
I've got the Druid one, and as cat it works like a charm. Optimal targets, optimal use of talents, very high dps.
But as a monk, my dps sucks,
If I use serenity as a talent dps is in the middle of my raid, but if i use chi explosion it is shit.
I really need an help to set it, which talents, which config and so on.
As the druid works so good i cannot think that monk routine is so bad. so it must be something i do wrong.
I've got both paid version, but i wrote here as i can't find a proper forum for discussing paid)
seem like i cant run it. i have this error "Error InterruptListBuild"
heres the log :
I run with the botbase Eyo and with default raiding tab settings, however i turn off Roll and FSK as it has a tendency to be used at inappropriate times.
I have an ilvl of 687. I pulled 30,987dps on Gruul and an ilvl 682 monk pulled 37,001dps according to our guild log on so there are either some settings i need to adjust or, the combat routine needs further tweaking for max dps. Now this being said, it could have been something as simple as i got the debuff more or whatever, yet its a trend. I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this or if its just a handful of us who do not set the settings correctly.
P.S Interrupts was disabled through out the fight, and generally stays that way unless fighting a mob needing to be interrupted. I.E Blast Furnace or Oregorger.
Any feedback would be helpful thank you.
Hi Friends,
First of all, I'm really sorry to hear many of you got hit by the recent Ban Wave.
I was so shocked to see so Friends, Donors, Customers... account suspended for 6 months...
People aren't allowed to name any other bots on this forum.What's the new bot platform you are moving to for arena Tuanha? I want to get started on it so I'm use to it by the time you release your CR on it!