Version 6.0.5521
Fix Windwalker Storm Ear Fire Pet NPC Entry ID changed
Hi, I've added option Spinning Crane Kick on Windwalker tab.Tuanha, you have great routines, I really enjoy the WW Monk routine. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make and option to turn Spinning Crane Kick OFF in the settings for AOE. It is not necessary in all AOE situations, only some. PLEASE do this, or at least tell me how I can edit the code to turn if off! PLEASEThank you!
waste of money, dont purchase, since the end of mop all hope in Tuahna has been lost. BUYER BEWARE.
So glad your routines aren't the only ones I have. Otherwise I'd feel stupid for buying this crap. All I wanted was a reply and you can't even do that. Just like any other company, you take the money and "get back to us" at your leisure.
how good is WW in pvp for this CR reply asap please
PVP isnt the problem, try raiding as a mistweaver. kicked after first boss pull.
PVP isnt the problem, try raiding as a mistweaver. kicked after first boss pull.