i had exact the same error until i saw that i downloaded the wrong version. are you sure you donwloaded the version at the front page and NOT in the usual download section?The MW is not working for me.
[Glyph of Fighting Pose - 125872] [Glyph of Surging Mist - 120483] [Glyph of Zen Flight - 125893] [Glyph of Renewing Mist - 123334] [Glyph of Spirit Roll - 125154] [Glyph of Mana Tea - 123763] ...
plz read some page of this topic. or at least the first page. only mistweaver is updated and working right now. other specs need updates and tuanha is working on it. for the future, make sure to always attach a log. without log it's hard for the devs to help you.i have been using this CC for a long time now and it is amazing!
but now when i try to run it all it does is say.
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
[Glyph of Flying Serpent Kick - 123403] [Glyph of Touch of Death - 123391] [Glyph of Fighting Pose - 125872] [Glyph of Transcendence - 123023] [Glyph of Honor - 125732] [Glyph of Touch of Karma - 125678]
this it does over and over again and never starts the combat routine
What can i do?
again thanks for this amazing CC
i had exact the same error until i saw that i downloaded the wrong version. are you sure you donwloaded the version at the front page and NOT in the usual download section?
SAME EXACT THING HAPPENS TO ME! Please fix this Tuan! Thanks so much.LazyRaider/Enyo starts up fine and my toon just stands there and does not heal no matter what settings are used.
Tried loading the Mistweaver profile as well...same results. Never had this many issues with this before.
Is there any way to disable use of renew mist when in spirited crane stance automatically. I like using it in serpent but it spam tries to use it in spirited crane and seems to cause a slight delay in heals from spamming it all the time.
Is there any way to disable use of renew mist when in spirited crane stance automatically. I like using it in serpent but it spam tries to use it in spirited crane and seems to cause a slight delay in heals from spamming it all the time.
That is Awsome going to use it as soon as I get home!Hi guy,
Awesome news
I got some kind of MAGIC CODE put into Mistweaver.
Now it really smart to switch healing style ON THE FLY.
If you can attack enemy, Combat Routine auto activate Fistweaver healing style, if you can't do that rotation, Combat Routine auto get you back into Mistweaver healing style.
Please svn update and check it out!
Isn't there a key bind load profile?Yes i agree with master just ran the routine and it works well i would rather be incharge of the stance i am in is there a way to not auto change but not be locked to a stance thanks and awsome work