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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

well I have the premium of the monk routine playing WW in arena its not the greatest. I'm not sure if its made for WW arena play . I agree that these routines are made more for PvP than pve (TuanHa's). But it still beats playing manually if you are clueless about a class.. I only use HB and many routines because I lost a few fingers while serving in the British Army and ppl like TuanHa Millz, Mirabis and Nom Nom etc are doing us all a great favour by coding things like this for us ofc there are going to be issues with absolutely every friggin routine available. most of these are down to individual player styles and a lack of basic class knowledge. The QQ I see on most class forums is starting to get tiresome tbh. Give the Devs a break and stop QQing> Just post a problem rather than bitching about it. MANNERS COST NOTHING, remember that and carry it thru your life

u dont need a bot for that. kinda awkward bringing that into the discussion, losing fingers.

Someone on twitch plays without hands, and without a bot, and he owns!


Discussions are always in a thread esp if things are not working as should.

And in the end, 90 % of the "tiresome discussions" you see in those threads end up participating in making this or any cr even better.
u dont need a bot for that. kinda awkward bringing that into the discussion, losing fingers.

Someone on twitch plays without hands, and without a bot, and he owns!


Discussions are always in a thread esp if things are not working as should.

And in the end, 90 % of the "tiresome discussions" you see in those threads end up participating in making this or any cr even better.

he plays Lol, also no rank in arena in WoW...
im lvling a monk in dungeons on lvl 18 now with a friend i heal but sometimes he forget to use soothing mist on a target that is going low its not like the paladin that heals evryone
Hey tuanHa when I set my sphere hotkey to number 4 and I use shift + 4 or ctrl + 4 it detects That I pressed the sphere hotkey, also, when I'm with the game minimized it keeps detecting the sphere hotkey when ever I press number 4
Build 5.4.5332
Added back Expel Harm for WW but lower priority as Jab
Now you can set hotkey to use a spell on 4 target
For example shift+1 on target, control+1 on focus, alt+1 on mouseposition, 1(without shift/control/alt) on you
Build 5.4.5332
Added back Expel Harm for WW but lower priority as Jab
Now you can set hotkey to use a spell on 4 target
For example shift+1 on target, control+1 on focus, alt+1 on mouseposition, 1(without shift/control/alt) on you
lower than jab? looks like CR would never use it -_-''
lower than jab? looks like CR would never use it -_-''
lower priority as Jab that mean just above Jab - in Single Target Rotation, it something look like this:

BlackoutKick (if=energy+energy.regen*cooldown.rising_sun_kick.remains>=40)

Previous version, it > all as it consider as a life saver and not as a dps increase.

For pvp it, still on highest priority as a dead monk can't kill anything in pvp :P
Tuanha @ low level brewmaster (currently lvl 23) the se cr is not using "Breath of Fire" on 3+ enemys, the cr is always using "Blackout Kick" can u maybe look into it? I also send u a pm because of the se druid cr.
Thanks in advance :)
I find it a dps only if i use (AOC trinket 17 sec FOF cooldowns) bc EH uses energy which makes the CR use FOF more and FOF no matter how u look at it is a dps increase as long as ur not capping energy RSK isnt coming off CD and tiger palm isnt gonna fall off and every FOF tick must hit
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lower priority as Jab that mean just above Jab - in Single Target Rotation, it something look like this:

Previous version, it > all as it consider as a life saver and not as a dps increase.

For pvp it, still on highest priority as a dead monk can't kill anything in pvp :P
ah okay thanks! i'll check tomorrow
Hey Tuanha, thanks for this awesome CR, i just bought the Special Edition and i love it.

edit : Nevermind it was my UI's fault, thank you cfw.
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The monk isnt doing any damage in pvp for me? does like 2k dmg.
I've got a lot of gear and manually i can reach 12k-20k.

In pve it does wonders, very happy with it but the pvp thing cant quite get it working.
Ive read comments on the thread saying its doing really well getting 2.1k rating etc.
I did buy the SE, and im using the PvP settings.
Celeste do you have skype?
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Guys is special edition worth buying if i want use it for mw in soo normal. Or is it better to use oracle one?
The monk isnt doing any damage in pvp for me? does like 2k dmg.
I've got a lot of gear and manually i can reach 12k-20k.

In pve it does wonders, very happy with it but the pvp thing cant quite get it working.
Ive read comments on the thread saying its doing really well getting 2.1k rating etc.

using se and in full pvp gear doing 280 k on dummies. Im bg's im shredding!
Guys is special edition worth buying if i want use it for mw in soo normal. Or is it better to use oracle one?
it should be fine just set it to raid and drag the bar to 8, you might be mana starved though depending on whether or not you have lmg or a ton of spirit
Tuanha. This CR needs to prioritize using Keg Smash and getting shuffle up instantly for brewmasters.