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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Can you please try new rev and let me know?

Tried it and only noticed a mana tea usage over a heal when i was at 5 % mana. For the rest it works just fine now.

That was only in 3 rbg's tho. Need to do some arena's to make sure. Maybe later on. To many chars.


Not fixed. Team m8 at 20 % and me at 60 % mana chucking down 2 mana tea and him dying.

Same in 3's me at 70% mana and team m8's ( both ) at 40% or less and chucking down both stacks.
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ok i just test it on dummy.. FINALLY tuan pve ww dps is very good. good job you finally did it
All that thank to Brian to help tweaking on high level WW monk (His monk ilevel 580+ I believe). Because my monk stuck in ilevel 550 pvp and 520 PvE :D

@webhond: Mana Tea is not a big deal because when you play arena, just move to cancel the Mana Tea and CR will auto drop healing sphere keep your friend up next.

There no CR that auto hit 2k I'm sorry.
I wrote u two private messages here in honorbuddy forum

1) Does the upcomming druid cr support arena and restro too ?
2) Why did the all combat routine package get more expensive ? It was like 50€ and now it is 65€.
1. Yes the coming druid will have:
- Every specialization supported (Thats 4 Specs!)
- Full Arena/BG Support
- PvP and PvE support

2. Last year, the All Current and Future Combat Routine Package only cost $40 because I have only 2 Combat Routines. Now I have 8 (and more in the future), so the price change to keep up with the number of Combat Routines available. This already answered in my website, I just post it here.

Question: I bought the ALL CURRENT and ALL UPCOMING package last year, at that time it was only $40, now the package price is $89, do I need to pay $49 more?
Answer: No, you don't need to pay more, you are still eligible to get ALL CURRENT and ALL UPCOMING Combat Routines.

Question: I bought 4 Combat Routines already, my total order value is $60 can I pay $29 more to get ALL CURRENT and ALL UPCOMING package?
Answer: Yes, please go to Donor Version Download and select option “Upgrade to All Current and ALL Future Combat Routine Package”.

Question: I bought 6 Combat Routines already, my total order value is $90, do I automatically get ALL CURRENT and ALL UPCOMING package?
Answer: Yes, you will automatically get ALL CURRENT and ALL UPCOMING Combat Routines.


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@webhond: Mana Tea is not a big deal because when you play arena, just move to cancel the Mana Tea and CR will auto drop healing sphere keep your friend up next.

The mana tea issue IS a big deal. Ofcourse you can cancel it but it uses one right after and not dropping a healing sphere next to your
team m8 like u say it should. Time passed from when first mana tea is used untill next heal is then 3-4 gcd's ( mana - stop by hand- mana - stop by hand- heal ).
In that time your team m8 is dead.

If thats not an issue, then i dont know what is.
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The fistweaving.xml ain't a proper fistweave rotation....

Starting with Max Chi:

Jab -> Tiger Palm -> (To gain Tiger Power)
Jab -> Blackout Kick -> (To gain Serpent's Zeal)
Jab -> Blackout Kick ->
Repeat Blackout Kick until
All chi is consumed
OR save chi for upcoming damage with uplifts by repeating Tiger Palm
Jab -> Tiger Palm ->
Jab -> Tiger Palm, etc. (Repeat until you break cycle to mistweave)

Starting with 0 Chi

Renewing Mists -> Expel Harm ->
Jab -> Tiger Palm-> (To gain Tiger Power)
Jab -> Blackout Kick -> (To gain Serpent's Zeal)
Jab -> Tiger Palm etc. (Repeat until you break cycle to mistweave)

General Rotation
Jab to gain Muscle Memory
Keep up Tiger Power and Serpents Zeal
Use above rotation until you decide to break for mistweaving
If you have max Chi you should prioritize Blackout Kick
Is there a way to toggle (ie hotkey) certain abilities? Say for instance I want to toggle FoF on/off at my whim? Basically do I have to save two different profiles that have identical settings except for one of the profiles to have FoF checked to off and the other checked to on?

I set my "FoF on" profile to activate using shift-1 and that seems to work because I see the message popping up in my chat box. But when I try to activate my "FoF off" profile using shift-2 it doesn't change to it. I tried using other hot keys like shift up and shift down and those did work, but why does shift-2 not work?

And has anyone tested the SEF logic when it is checked? Does it work quite well on its own on a boss like the protectors or is it a little buggy?
Is there a way to toggle (ie hotkey) certain abilities? Say for instance I want to toggle FoF on/off at my whim? Basically do I have to save two different profiles that have identical settings except for one of the profiles to have FoF checked to off and the other checked to on?

I set my "FoF on" profile to activate using shift-1 and that seems to work because I see the message popping up in my chat box. But when I try to activate my "FoF off" profile using shift-2 it doesn't change to it. I tried using other hot keys like shift up and shift down and those did work, but why does shift-2 not work?

And has anyone tested the SEF logic when it is checked? Does it work quite well on its own on a boss like the protectors or is it a little buggy?

The WW CR is just about perfect for PvE and in no time is it looking to be changed
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The fistweaving.xml ain't a proper fistweave rotation....

Starting with Max Chi:

Jab -> Tiger Palm -> (To gain Tiger Power)
Jab -> Blackout Kick -> (To gain Serpent's Zeal)
Jab -> Blackout Kick ->
Repeat Blackout Kick until
All chi is consumed
OR save chi for upcoming damage with uplifts by repeating Tiger Palm
Jab -> Tiger Palm ->
Jab -> Tiger Palm, etc. (Repeat until you break cycle to mistweave)

Starting with 0 Chi

Renewing Mists -> Expel Harm ->
Jab -> Tiger Palm-> (To gain Tiger Power)
Jab -> Blackout Kick -> (To gain Serpent's Zeal)
Jab -> Tiger Palm etc. (Repeat until you break cycle to mistweave)

General Rotation
Jab to gain Muscle Memory
Keep up Tiger Power and Serpents Zeal
Use above rotation until you decide to break for mistweaving
If you have max Chi you should prioritize Blackout Kick
This is the pure FistWeaver rotation.

My FistWeaver setting (you can load in user setting folder) is better, it mixing FistWeaver and MistWeaver for max healing done. Test a few LFR so far, only pvp gear, always on top healing chart.
Uhm, Oracle also mixes Fistweaving with Mistweaving but there the rotation is a proper Fistweave rotation.

You can spot the difference pretty easy if you attack something, your rotation only does Jab->waiting->waiting->TP->waiting->waiting->Jab, it feels really awkward.

Just go to the dummy and test it yourself, you will see that your rotation does almost nothing there in terms of fistweaving.
Hey Tuanha! I realy want to thank you for all the Cr you've done they are amazing!!
I got no problem with the DK, Warrior, Shaman CR and i'm waiting for august 1st if you know what i mean!

But the monk has some issues with FOF, its look like if i disable it my damage are low like if the bot was waiting for it to continue his DPS, and if i turn it on with auto move it break like 75% of the time cuz the bot move with a clic the second before he uses FOF. If you could do something like "if the target is next to you, first stop move before and the use fof" remember that FOF has 10 meters of range so if you're not realy close to the target its does'nt matter as long as you do a full FOF!
The feature you added is realy cool with the no input while you use FOF but the problems is coming before you use it now and no more when you use it.

If you fix it, it will be the easiest class to get 2k2 for sure! the routine do so so much damage/heal but most of time the bot insta stop FOF while a full FOF could have kill the healer!
tuanha, i dont know what you did but holy fucking shit. i went from bearly being able to break 220k dps over 10 mins to sitting comfortable at 430k dps now for 10 mins.. i love it. very happy. never updating again. :)

~225k dps before update.... Still ~225k dps :)
There is an issue where this profile gets stuck whenever there is a pet of an player attacking you, or an npc, often these pets can be ignored but it tires to kill them and ends up taking alot of damage from the player/Npc, possible to add in ignore pet advanced logic?
Is there a big difference in DPS for the special edition, and public edition for WW?
Also, the $15 package, does it keep getting updates? or do i need to buy the $89 version to receive all future updates.
use the standard Pve WW settings found under load as For Talents they don't matter they are different from boss to boss you have to see what works for you what works for my play style might not work for you Below i will post a few things but the main thing is knowing the class im Ranked 2nd on my Realm and in the top 15 WW's on the NA server.

Single Target fights
Tiger lust----Optional
Chi Wave 100% must have
Chi Brew 100% dps increase over the others
Ring of Peace i use this bc i pull add threat a lot
Diffuse Magic Optional changes on boss fight
Invoke the tiger 100% single target dps increase

Multi Target Fights
Tiger Lust Optional
Chi Wave 100% must have
ascenion for more energy regen
Ring of peace i use this bc i pull add threat a lot
Diffuse Magic Optional changes on boss fight
Rushing Jade Wind combind with Storm Earth fire

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Is there a big difference in DPS for the special edition, and public edition for WW?
Also, the $15 package, does it keep getting updates? or do i need to buy the $89 version to receive all future updates.
The $15 package include update for next expansion Warlord of the Draenor.

Please check this part on my website "DONATE ONCE - FREE UPDATE FOREVER!"

Sorry can't give link as it's not supported on this forum.