hard to do when the CR is taking over my spells I have to spam click things to get them to activate usually if I attempt it. Thats why im asking Tuanha if he can do anything about it.
I'm ranked in the top 5 MW healers on my Realm i have Healing Spheres bound to my 5 Key and i spam it away and still come out top healing around 140-160k HPS on that fight so dont give me that Excuse
the CR does what you make it if you relie on it for everything you will never get anywhere if you expect the CR to know when the oh shit it about to hit ur gonna be dead or a raider is u have to learn the CR force the CR to
do what you want it to don't allow it to do everything i have healed 14/14H with this using my setup there is nothing you cant make it do its all about trial and error i do under stand u paid for something u want to be full auto but it dont work like that you still have to have
the skills to know how to abuse the class and the CR