As stated above about drinking mana tea while a raid member dies this happens in Arena sometimes. I don't raid with this CR but as far as healing PvP, RBGs is basically flawless. Arena is pretty decent with the right settings/comp but the mana tea incident has happened in the past. You can always disable auto drink mana tea and just drink it yourself (Best way to approach the mana tea issue if its killing your tank frequently) I still have mine set to drink @ 80% and ill just move if i see my arena partner going down while im just standing there drinking. But regardless the problem should be fixed in the future! Not sure if it doesn't detect your teammate straight dying or what but thank you!
How does anyone else like the healing part in this routine @ PvE wise?
My monk is newly 90, aimed to be my new main healer. So im interested in some opinions, since theres also Oracle etc.
Thanks, I'll definitely use the suggestion of disabling drinking, however, I was just using that as an example. It would be nice to for the bot to have like an emergency mode, it the tank (or anyone really) has dropped below a certain percentage, stop what you're doing till you get him/her back into the safe zone.
Lexi777;1. I see the Burst option on the first page. What does this CR do when BURST mode is activated... ???? Ahh and 371702 said:Set your CR to burst on Friendly Health Below 'x%' If I was PvE healing I would set the percent to like 15 maybe 20 to be safe.
You can also set a health percent specifically for the tank to spam healing spheres at that percent. So once again I'd set this setting to 15% - 20% as well.
Is there a way to disable the use of Touch of death? It uses it very bad
1) Which spec would you recommend for leveling the fastest to 90?
2) Does this CR work completely with Kick's Leveling profiles, or should I use Cava Plugin? (Or something else?)
3) Best Spec for PvP? (Using Tyreal, or lazyraider(I recently just downloaded lazyraider - never used it but i saw it was recommended with this CR settings. )
4) Best Spec for Raids/Dungeons? (Using Tyreal or Lazy^)
5) Best two Professions to go with Brewmaster TANK for Raiding? ( I plan to make the monk my main character!)
1. Brewmaster, chain tank dungeons >>> Level to 90 in like 2 days.
3. Tyrael for everything. As for your actual question about spec, that's preference... Assuming you'll start pvping on your monk next season, class changes are unknown atm so we can't really speculate which spec will be more dominate. MW by far though currently once you get the play style down. WW is strong in 2s but are useless in 3s/5s
4. Which spec is best for PvE? Why don't you play what you like? You can compare the specs to each other...
5. Definitely Blacksmithing/Engineering.
Skipped #2 for obvious reasons.