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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

ok, now i feel sorry for raging. i really love this routine and your awesome work man. but this issue really annoys me. anyway, sorry for raging.

sidenote: can you plz add mechanik for the fight with malkorok? would be great.
man i can't login again and this happens a lot to me. it seems like you using the same login server as millz and i told him in his topic already and now i need to tell you: plz get it right or get rid of this shit. i'm not raging much and i'm not a dick who like to play the "i paid for this"-card. but sitting at 3am, not be able to use a paid routine (and switching to a non-paid routine lol) just plain sucks and really pisses me off, since i encounter this problem a lot now.

[10.01 03:22:39] Honorbuddy.exe - www.tuanha.biz:80 error : A connection request was canceled before the completion.
Can you get me on skype for more info. I'm inspecting the bug.
Monk updated, tried some LFR, BG on MistWeaver and Dummy dps on WW, it doing well for me.

Please update and let me know.

Thank you.
i think malkorok for the most part is useable with current routine if you ReM/Uplift spam when shields are up.. set uplift to something like 100% HP/1 target. Can even use revival at pull to get shields to yellow right off the bat, but I prefer to use revival during phase 2.
Stop complaining about Tyrael being the issue peeps. It's not. As I've posted numerous times before, Tyrael is a very direct and unforgiving botbase. If there is something wrong with Honorbuddy or a routine, you'll notice it in Tyrael. On the other hand, if it's all fine then Tyrael will absolutely obliterate the competition (ofcourse this is a little bit exaggerated, but still ;) ).

We've verified and it IS an issue with Honorbuddy. Raphus is working hard on getting this resolved. Honorbuddy has an issue reading from memory, it's causing the routines to react slowly (and pause). Not an issue with Tyrael.
Stop complaining about Tyrael being the issue peeps. It's not. As I've posted numerous times before, Tyrael is a very direct and unforgiving botbase. If there is something wrong with Honorbuddy or a routine, you'll notice it in Tyrael. On the other hand, if it's all fine then Tyrael will absolutely obliterate the competition (ofcourse this is a little bit exaggerated, but still ;) ).

We've verified and it IS an issue with Honorbuddy. Raphus is working hard on getting this resolved. Honorbuddy has an issue reading from memory, it's causing the routines to react slowly (and pause). Not an issue with Tyrael.

and why is everything working perfectly then with Lazyraider?
Well been using this routine for along time now but not been so activ in posting here.

Regarding tyrael vs lazy raider:
Every time i start tyrael and is mistweaving i get a wow crash when the fight is most hectic. (15 fps or more dosent matter)
BUT on the other hand when i go with lazyraider it works flawless. So mistweaver fellow boters use lazyraider when healing :)
When i use my offpec as a dps i use tyrael and that is better and i dont get the crashes.

And the as regarding the malkorok fight, i remove surging mist to be used in the cr, cause it will target a raid member and try heal him up if he is under the % in the rotuine. so u will burn ur mana, just change it to spam uplift as soon 1 raid member is under 99% hp and u will be fine, i usally start by a renew in the beginning to get the shield up quick. (and ofc renewing mist all the time and expel harm...evrything to build chi) in this fight ill do well over 200k hps, and on "normal" boss fights i push out inbetween 75-135 hps depending on fights and raid damage (ooh and ilvl 540 and spirit around 6k)

Well i hope this helps someone atleast :)
I quote you! In my raid i am top healer with this cr! My tips is spread ReM cast tunder tea at cd and spam uplift! ...and gg all : p
and why is everything working perfectly then with Lazyraider?
"Tyrael is a very direct and unforgiving botbase. If there is something wrong with Honorbuddy or a routine, you'll notice it in Tyrael"

This. Tyrael is just the bare minimum to run a routine.

Lazyraider is a WONDERFUL botbase, I cannot speak badly of it. But comparing Tyrael and LazyRaider with eachother will do both no good. You cannot compare them. They are different, and have different ideas behind them for what they're built.

Well been using this routine for along time now but not been so activ in posting here.

Regarding tyrael vs lazy raider:
Every time i start tyrael and is mistweaving i get a wow crash when the fight is most hectic. (15 fps or more dosent matter)
BUT on the other hand when i go with lazyraider it works flawless. So mistweaver fellow boters use lazyraider when healing :)
When i use my offpec as a dps i use tyrael and that is better and i dont get the crashes.

And the as regarding the malkorok fight, i remove surging mist to be used in the cr, cause it will target a raid member and try heal him up if he is under the % in the rotuine. so u will burn ur mana, just change it to spam uplift as soon 1 raid member is under 99% hp and u will be fine, i usally start by a renew in the beginning to get the shield up quick. (and ofc renewing mist all the time and expel harm...evrything to build chi) in this fight ill do well over 200k hps, and on "normal" boss fights i push out inbetween 75-135 hps depending on fights and raid damage (ooh and ilvl 540 and spirit around 6k)

Well i hope this helps someone atleast :)
Good to hear that you have positive experiences with this routine and Tyrael in your DPS spec. Mind posting a log of the crashing Tyrael/Mistweaver combination so either Tuanha or myself can take a look at it and fix it? Thanks!
Hi guys,

ok so i have been trying to read through this thread but in all honesty with over 500+ pages its daunting. my only problem is that my MW monk is always trying to AutoAttack ..... its saying "I must have a Target" and "need to move closer" All the time .... when i am close to a NPC it will target it and say things like "I can't attack that target" its like my i have turned off every setting i can think of ... auto Target = OFF in the game setting all attack setting are off

i am useing LazyRaider and TuanaHA Monk CC in Mist Weaver mode i have a few addons like the drink and the anti drown ones.

if you all can help me that would be awesome.

thanks in advance guys ... i love the HonorBuddy forum guys you all help so much!

thank you




Ill try to catch a log and post it, it is kind of urgent to start up wow, login, get hb running, in the last phase of a boss fight so i never thaught of getting the log:)

But my feeling is that tyrael is sending to much info to quick and at the same time trying to read whats going on and plus that im trying to spam in a cooldown spell, and some how that "overcharges" the ram in the computer and its just shuts down wow. And on the other hand in DPS gear it dosent have to monitor that much on all the raiders that ist does in the mistweaver routine so that is working awesome when dpsing thanks to the speed it inputs the commands. (hope u understand what im trying to say, english isnt my native language)

have to add aswell thank you guys for really good job both on HB itself, the bot and tuanha for the routine
tuanha,Sent you a pm and imail abaot some problems i am having, if u cud read them abit befor reset that would be great, thanks.
When i'm full chi (5), the CR stop heal et don't refresh the renew...if i use the spell the CR continue to heal like always. A little bug :)
Special edition new rev
Can someone please tell me how well the special edition works with tanking in SoO? Just trying to figure out how I would need to go about tank swapping. Thanks
Tanking works great. Of course there are alot of setting in it, so you want to set up the settings the way you want it to be. So you can decide what CDs you use and what the bot uses. But tank swapping wont happen. You have to do it yourself manually. No CC will tank SoO on its own and do the tank swaps for you. You have to control the movement your self with Tyrael.
Can someone please tell me how well the special edition works with tanking in SoO? Just trying to figure out how I would need to go about tank swapping. Thanks
Tanking works great. Of course there are alot of setting in it, so you want to set up the settings the way you want it to be. So you can decide what CDs you use and what the bot uses. But tank swapping wont happen. You have to do it yourself manually. No CC will tank SoO on its own and do the tank swaps for you. You have to control the movement your self with Tyrael.

Ya I was not for sure if there was a way that it was coded to hit a key and it would switch out of tank mode and dps and then anther key to go back into tank mode with taunts and everything rolling.
There is no cc that I know of that has modes like that.

Sent from my Samsung Note 2 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
HB crash fix when Loading "Special edition" ( some have that problem i see )


If you do not see the file named "LoginSettingsDoNotShare"
then copy it from 1 of your other "TuanHA profiles"
or open a notepad / Dokument and save as "LoginSettingsDoNotShare.XML" and add it to Settings folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Username>Your login</Username>
<Password>Your password</Password>

Replace "Your login" and "Your Password" and save it as a XML-dokument
HB crash fix when Loading "Special edition" ( some have that problem i see )


If you do not see the file named "LoginSettingsDoNotShare"
then copy it from 1 of your other "TuanHA profiles"
or open a notepad / Dokument and save as "LoginSettingsDoNotShare.XML" and add it to Settings folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Username>Your login</Username>
<Password>Your password</Password>

Replace "Your login" and "Your Password" and save it as a XML-dokument

Umm, so what part of those very clear instructions on what to do, do you not understand?