Hi Tuanha
I know that alot of ppl are having problems with HB random crashes (I have fixed it with my method on page 512) would Honorbuddy benifit from been loaded on to a Ramdisk ? would it speed up the memory usage and would it stop the random crashes ?
I tried your method of running it through cmd on high priority and if anything it is crashing more.
As for the other people, where's the incentive to buy the SE if all we're getting from the free edition is crashes, and yet some users with the SE are stating that it's crashing?
This is not just a random thing, there are obviously quite a few people with the same problem, and like it or not it's not just going to go away with little fixes as I've literally tried everything to fix it and it's all to no avail.
As I have said previously, it should be nothing to do with computer stats, as quite a few users are stating that their computers are far and beyond what is expected to play WoW nowadays (myself included).
All his other CR's are working on my computer, and I can run them at much higher tps than the monk one.
It was quoted that running it on lazyraider or tyrael at 15fps would be fine and that it will work. Well I've tried that, I've even lowered it to 10 and it's still happening.
As for the other CR's, my fps on high is running around 80. I run Tyrael and Lazyraider at 50-60 tps.
Should see no problem as to why this would make a difference across the board as far as memory logic is concerned.
And as far as the quote you commented on, we all know that it is not HB that is crashing, but the game.
HB is still up and running fine, I wonder if (like you say) the 50ms is just too memory intensive and the memory logic scan for that particular CC is too high.
IF SO, is there a way to change this to give it a go? And for the Holy Paladin CR for example what is the ms?
Thanks. Sorry about my long ass spiel but I'm sure many other users are just as frustrated as I am, I continue to love your work TuanHa. Just please look into this one for us.