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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

TuanHA please fix this CR it is so broken i cant even heal a single Dg LRF or Her Scen
Is that an invisible logfile you just attached? Seriously you expect Tuan to be able to help you by guessing what the problem is?

Upload a proper logfile that demonstrates the problem/issue or I doubt you will be getting the help you need.
The problem is CR is too fast and it memory reading intensive for wow.

It scan memory every 50 ms and that the reason HB crash.

I advice to turn down FPS to 15 in tyrael, i tried it and no crash so far.

Please try it and let me know.

PS: 15 FPS is still fast enough and you don't really miss a interrupt.

Hi Tuanha

I know that alot of ppl are having problems with HB random crashes (I have fixed it with my method on page 512) would Honorbuddy benifit from been loaded on to a Ramdisk ? would it speed up the memory usage and would it stop the random crashes ?
Hi Tuanha

I know that alot of ppl are having problems with HB random crashes (I have fixed it with my method on page 512) would Honorbuddy benifit from been loaded on to a Ramdisk ? would it speed up the memory usage and would it stop the random crashes ?

I tried your method of running it through cmd on high priority and if anything it is crashing more.
As for the other people, where's the incentive to buy the SE if all we're getting from the free edition is crashes, and yet some users with the SE are stating that it's crashing?
This is not just a random thing, there are obviously quite a few people with the same problem, and like it or not it's not just going to go away with little fixes as I've literally tried everything to fix it and it's all to no avail.
As I have said previously, it should be nothing to do with computer stats, as quite a few users are stating that their computers are far and beyond what is expected to play WoW nowadays (myself included).
All his other CR's are working on my computer, and I can run them at much higher tps than the monk one.
It was quoted that running it on lazyraider or tyrael at 15fps would be fine and that it will work. Well I've tried that, I've even lowered it to 10 and it's still happening.
As for the other CR's, my fps on high is running around 80. I run Tyrael and Lazyraider at 50-60 tps.
Should see no problem as to why this would make a difference across the board as far as memory logic is concerned.
And as far as the quote you commented on, we all know that it is not HB that is crashing, but the game.
HB is still up and running fine, I wonder if (like you say) the 50ms is just too memory intensive and the memory logic scan for that particular CC is too high.
IF SO, is there a way to change this to give it a go? And for the Holy Paladin CR for example what is the ms?

Thanks. Sorry about my long ass spiel but I'm sure many other users are just as frustrated as I am, I continue to love your work TuanHa. Just please look into this one for us.
they dont grasp its an issue with this particular Routine, i've never crashed in wow period..not now not ever before besides with this monk Profile, yet it must be our computers
i have the DK profile as i mained one for a while and i've never crashed with that yet errors randomly pop up as im even running quest bot and my computers defective

FYI to anyone considering playing with their CPU allocation

Changing CPU process priority - CPUs - CPUs

at least be aware of what ur doing kinda irresponsible to give people with already bad computers terrible advice as to mess with their cpu load, anywhoo back home today will post a log and screenshot when it happens again hopefully by then we can have a fix
I understand that a lot of you are having crashing problems, and that is really unfortunate, I feel for you guys. However, there are others of us (myself included) that are not experiencing these problems at all. If it were something as simple as "the CR is broken" everyone would be experiencing similar crashes, because something is inherently flawed. However, since some people are, and some people aren't, there is something different about what the people with crashes are doing or something different about their setup compared to those of us without crashes. Instead of calling for a "CR fix" incessantly, people need to focus on finding out what that difference is.

"But look at all these people with problems!" you say. "They're filling pages of forum posts!" you say.

This is true. However, when was the last time you bought a product at a store and went back to say "Hey, this is working great, just thought I'd let you know!"? Probably never. But if you buy something that's broken you're right back there demanding an exchange/refund/whatever. But guess what? Chances are there isn't a problem with the manufacturing process for the product as a whole, there's something different about that unit that makes it not work. See the similarity here?

Now I am by NO means saying that you guys don't deserve a solution to your problem. What I'm saying is that crying "CR fix! CR fix!" over and over isn't going to get anything done. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ISN'T encountering problems like crashing and errors. We need to figure out what's going on that makes it work for us but not you. There could also be something in the routine that DOES need fixing because for certain people it's not working properly, but we need to zero in on what that is first. There should be no reason that person A can heal heroics and person B can't even complete a quest. Maybe there is something in the logs posted that can give a clue, I'm not sure, I'm not a coder and wouldn't know what to look for. I just feel like we need more CONSTRUCTIVE troubleshooting and less rabble.

My 2c, take it or leave it.
Anyone using this successfully as a brewmaster?
I'm looking for a cr for tanking with my monk
What botbase to choose for best performance in PVP? It seems to me Combat runs faster than Lazybot and Tyrael. Is this true?
Hey mate.

Ive turned off the storm earth and fire skill and its still using it in arena. How can i perm turn this off
Cleaned the last couple pages and enough of the bickering.
Future reports of flaming and trolling in this thread will make me start with 3 days mutes.
You removed a perfectly good comment, apart from the fact I pointed out some spelling mistakes and maybe a fun little picture, you guys are no fun.
Just a little frustrated that this has been going on ever since the Monk CC has been updated and no fix as yet.
Anyway, same thing again tonight, healing HScen, WoW crashed.
I agree on the bickering part, no need to flame anyone. I also agree with "whoever that was" that it's not the pc or setting process priority to high. For me it's the only CR that crashes WoW entirely.
I tried DX9, DX11, with and without framelock, Tyrael and Lazyraider. Tried with and without addons. Tried with settings to LOW (in WoW) and to HIGH. Still at random points, for me when walking from one boss to another and only casting renewing mist, it crashes completely. HB keeps running and tells me "the process got out of sync", which is completely logical.
I know I;m not getting any help with this because I do not post a log. That's fine. I will when it happens again (meaning; when I play my monk again). I have the SE, so it's not only related to the Free version.
My guess is, it's something in the CR that I use (a setting, a spell, a certain percentage) that some others do not use and thus do not have the same error.
When it happens again, I will post my log, my botbase settings, my CR settings; all information thet can help find the problem. That's what we do; we help eachother to reach a higher goal!
I chatting with some user that have crashing problem and we still can't find out why.

Problem is I never have crash issue so it really hard to fix.

This is my chat with holydiscord, he have problem fixed.
[8/14/2013 11:38:49 AM] (holydiscord): I just found out why it was crashing
[8/14/2013 11:39:23 AM] (holydiscord): tyrael was set to 200
[8/14/2013 11:39:32 AM] (holydiscord): put it down to 15 and it works perfect
[8/14/2013 11:43:53 AM] Me: no crash on monk anymore with 15 fps?
[8/14/2013 11:44:26 AM] (holydiscord): I have not seen any for 3 hrs straight.
[8/14/2013 11:45:01 AM] (holydiscord): its was happen all the time but now its really stable
[8/14/2013 11:45:08 AM] (holydiscord): better then I have ever seen it
[8/14/2013 11:45:41 AM] Me: the problem is cr is now too fast
[8/14/2013 11:45:52 AM] Me: it read memory like a hungry beast
[8/14/2013 11:45:59 AM] (holydiscord): so going to 15 slows it down?
[8/14/2013 11:46:04 AM] Me: at the rate that WoW can not handle
[8/14/2013 11:46:25 AM] Me: so better limit the read rate by lower fps
[8/14/2013 11:46:33 AM] Me: it no slow down
[8/14/2013 11:46:37 AM] Me: because it really fast
[8/14/2013 11:46:41 AM] Me: so 15 is reasonable
[8/14/2013 11:46:47 AM] (holydiscord): yeah 15 is still really fast

That doesn't mean the problem do not exist. I've experience some weird issue with HB too.

My hunter run perfectly and it doesn't work at all on Bloodyfinal character. Bloodyfinal is an experienced programmer, he is the author of Bloodys Death Knight CC. We take 2 week trying to fix and can not find anything. Finally I have to log in his hunter and find out that the HB API Globalcooldown checking is broken: The bug only exist when people have Skinning profession and that HB bug that make my hunter crash.

I only mean the debugging it's complicated and sometime it make cr broken on someone but work perfectly fine on other.
I chatting with some user that have crashing problem and we still can't find out why.

Problem is I never have crash issue so it really hard to fix.

I run TuanHA Monk SE for monitored BGs as a Windwalker for about 4 or 5 hours for the last couple of days and I have no issues. I use Tyrael without framelock with a setting of 60.
I'll try to run MW tonight or tomorrow-night, to see if I can let it crash. I always have Tyrael @ 30tps by the way. Problem is, sometimes it does not happen at all (1 or 2 LFR's), sometimes after 10 minutes in the first HC dungeon it already does.
I've added Rune of Re-Origination support for Windwalker Monks.

I haven't been able to get it to work correctly. I use the SE version. After tests on dummies, it is triggering Tiger Eye Brew 3 seconds after the trinket procs as opposed to 1 - 3 seconds left on the trinket proc. Unfortunately because there is no option to turn off RoR usage, I can't use the CC for PvE since it is drinking the brew at the wrong time. I say this because even though PR is having issues with its current implementation of RoR, I was able to simply turn it off so I could manually drink my brew when raiding. It isn't ideal but it gets the job done.

On Friday, when I am not raiding, I will provide some logs of my dummy test so you can see the miscues of Tiger Eye Brew.
Please try new rev. CR only activate TigereyeBrew when Me.GetAuraById(139120).TimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds < 3000

Also try new method to avoid crash issue.