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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Please update to revision 419+, Spinning Crane Kick have been fixed/updated.
Anyone have a tips for mistmonk NO spirit but chi heavy generation?? For hm raid 10/25
Tips: talents, settings ...
Please is important for me...
we need a auto focus function like ur hunter profile would be awesome
and sometimes it doesnt atk in arena special edition for sure
Tuanha - I also agree with what was said earlier -- any chance you could add into the CR the ability to keybind 2 or more players (tanks) to blacklist healing them until a certain debuff goes off? this would make this CR ABSOLUTELY perfect ---
maybe have a name of a tank in one slot and shift+(anykey)
and then a name of the other tank in another slot and shift+(another key) and you are easily able to toggle healing on a target on and off.
this would be a HUGE advantage in the twin consorts fight and others as well.

I am kind of on the fence on this as it would be awesome but Twins is the most exciting fight for me at the moment due to this mechanic.
Trying to keep everyone alive as well as myself with up to 14 stacks of this corrupted healing debuff is a very adrenaline pumping thing.
just a bit of warning if you are on a fight with a cliff/drop off dont have chi torpedo active
Tuanha, how to enable healing pets and their dispel the arena? And it is good to increase the priority control dispel.
Hi, when i'm playing in arena with heal bot MW sometimes but really frequently my wow crash and i have to re open it and hb too this is very frustrating sometime he crash on pve too, its like more i move my char more i have probability to crash how can i fix this?
WoW crashing like crazy

Hi, when i'm playing in arena with heal bot MW sometimes but really frequently my wow crash and i have to re open it and hb too this is very frustrating sometime he crash on pve too, its like more i move my char more i have probability to crash how can i fix this?

Same here. Just downloaded the latest revision and I was crashing(WoW) like CRAZY while I was in a BG!!!! As soon as the bot would start to heal it would crash. gonna attach some logs

View attachment 5732 2013-07-19 21.24.txtView attachment 4800 2013-07-19 21.29.txtView attachment 3404 2013-07-19 21.32.txtView attachment 2756 2013-07-19 21.33.txtView attachment 6768 2013-07-19 21.35.txt

there is some more but this should be sufficient.
I tried your suggestion and put psulong on focus and was targeting him and it kept detargeting and wouldnt dispel him or heal him
Hi, when i'm playing in arena with heal bot MW sometimes but really frequently my wow crash and i have to re open it and hb too this is very frustrating sometime he crash on pve too, its like more i move my char more i have probability to crash how can i fix this?
I;m inspecting :S...
I;m inspecting :S...

Just to clarify I was in a BG and I would turn the bot on and as soon as it started healing it would IMMEDIATELY crash my WoW. Now the thing is I used the WoW repair tool on WoW AND I also reverted to the previous revision of TuanhaMonk and it worked PERFECTLY FINE afterwards... So yeah IDK it could have just been my computer.
Mmmm I have try lot profile and I have big problem with mana regeneration.. I have 7k spirit reforge is intellect haste crit but my mana work is very terrible... Lot of profile need 12-14k spirit, and any profile with good mana regeneration work on 7k. any profile or suggestion for me???
Maybe I finded a solution, who have my same problem try to go in option and use direct x 9 instead of 11 reload the wow client and try it, i dont have time to try hard i tryed to do like 5 arena and it isnt crashed, i give you more information tomorrow if someone can test say something :D

EDIT : IF direct x 9 dont work try to follow this Error 132 (Fatal Exception) - Patch 5.3 - Forums - World of Warcraft

i will say something tomorrow :-)

EDIT: not working... it crashed again.. :(
Mmmm I have try lot profile and I have big problem with mana regeneration.. I have 7k spirit reforge is intellect haste crit but my mana work is very terrible... Lot of profile need 12-14k spirit, and any profile with good mana regeneration work on 7k. any profile or suggestion for me???

basically with the 7k spirit setup and legendary meta gem I found that most peoples raid settings will work (IF YOU DESELECT ALL HEALING SPHERE HEALS) without going OOM. healing is still good.
Just to clarify I was in a BG and I would turn the bot on and as soon as it started healing it would IMMEDIATELY crash my WoW. Now the thing is I used the WoW repair tool on WoW AND I also reverted to the previous revision of TuanhaMonk and it worked PERFECTLY FINE afterwards... So yeah IDK it could have just been my computer.
I update to newest HB release (Honorbuddy v2.5.7350.638) and it work fine for me. Played a lot bg and no crash.

I have crash sometime with the older release.
Tuanha are you going to implement a "do not heal if debuff active" list that we can add. please let me know
im playing arena with ur cr windwalker is very nice works good but mw....
im gooing oom so damn fast i got full tyranic gear and i get so much spirit as i can not possible to have more with pvp gear + darksmoon trinket chi ji...
second problem is that healing sphere placement is very bad sometimes the bot spam it and i dont know where lol
my mate doenst get any heals
happen most of time while im moving

someone got this problem too?
I tried your suggestion and put psulong on focus and was targeting him and it kept detargeting and wouldnt dispel him or heal him

still no suggestion? hate to be a pain but in 10 man mode healers need to heal the crap out of psulong but I had to make a macro to get it to heal psulong just a little bit /tar psulong
/cast "dispell"
/cast "healing spell"
it also wasnt dispelling the debuff from the shadow guys