I was wondering if support for "Corrupted Healing" will be added. Just been turning off the CR for Twin Consort and manually healing, luckily I actually know how to heal well with my monk just prefer to use HB.
In a pathetic effort to try and add my own support I found this from a diff CR that supports a similar blacklisting of units with debuff.
I write profiles for farming stuff etc but this is over my head. If anyone can help with the coding I can assist with the healing logic, as well as testing the modifications.
In a pathetic effort to try and add my own support I found this from a diff CR that supports a similar blacklisting of units with debuff.
private Composite RenewingMist()
return new PrioritySelector(
ctx => ChooseBestRenewingMistTarget(),
new Decorator(ret => ret != null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && ((WoWUnit)ret).HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent,
Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => (WoWUnit)ctx)
new Decorator(ret => ret == null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent && !StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"),
Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => StyxWoW.Me)
#region Heal Logic
private const int RENEWING_MIST_BUFF = 119611;
private IEnumerable<WoWUnit> FetchRenewingMistTargets()
return Unit.GroupMembers.Where(u =>
!u.IsDead && !u.IsGhost &&
u.HasMyAura("Renewing Mist") &&
!u.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]")
private const int SOOTHING_MIST = 115175;
private static WoWUnit ChooseBestHealTarget(WoWUnit unit)
if (StyxWoW.Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId == SOOTHING_MIST && StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject != null)
WoWUnit channelUnit = StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject.ToUnit();
if (channelUnit.HealthPercent < MistweaverSettings.Instance.SoothingMistPercent && !channelUnit.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"))
return channelUnit;
I write profiles for farming stuff etc but this is over my head. If anyone can help with the coding I can assist with the healing logic, as well as testing the modifications.
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