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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

I was wondering if support for "Corrupted Healing" will be added. Just been turning off the CR for Twin Consort and manually healing, luckily I actually know how to heal well with my monk just prefer to use HB.

In a pathetic effort to try and add my own support I found this from a diff CR that supports a similar blacklisting of units with debuff.

        private Composite RenewingMist()
            return new PrioritySelector(
                ctx => ChooseBestRenewingMistTarget(),
                new Decorator(ret => ret != null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && ((WoWUnit)ret).HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent,
                    Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => (WoWUnit)ctx)
                new Decorator(ret => ret == null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent && !StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"),
                    Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => StyxWoW.Me)

        #region Heal Logic
        private const int RENEWING_MIST_BUFF = 119611;
        private IEnumerable<WoWUnit> FetchRenewingMistTargets()
            return Unit.GroupMembers.Where(u =>
                !u.IsDead && !u.IsGhost &&
                u.HasMyAura("Renewing Mist") &&
                !u.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]")

        private const int SOOTHING_MIST = 115175;
        private static WoWUnit ChooseBestHealTarget(WoWUnit unit)
            if (StyxWoW.Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId == SOOTHING_MIST && StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject != null)
                WoWUnit channelUnit = StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject.ToUnit();
                if (channelUnit.HealthPercent < MistweaverSettings.Instance.SoothingMistPercent && !channelUnit.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"))
                    return channelUnit;

I write profiles for farming stuff etc but this is over my head. If anyone can help with the coding I can assist with the healing logic, as well as testing the modifications.
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I was wondering if support for "Corrupted Healing" will be added. Just been turning off the CR for Twin Consort and manually healing, luckily I actually know how to heal well with my monk just prefer to use HB.

In a pathetic effort to try and add my own support I found this from a diff CR that supports a similar blacklisting of units with debuff.

        private Composite RenewingMist()
            return new PrioritySelector(
                ctx => ChooseBestRenewingMistTarget(),
                new Decorator(ret => ret != null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && ((WoWUnit)ret).HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent,
                    Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => (WoWUnit)ctx)
                new Decorator(ret => ret == null && MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMist && StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= MistweaverSettings.Instance.RenewingMistPercent && !StyxWoW.Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"),
                    Cast("Renewing Mist", ctx => StyxWoW.Me)

        #region Heal Logic
        private const int RENEWING_MIST_BUFF = 119611;
        private IEnumerable<WoWUnit> FetchRenewingMistTargets()
            return Unit.GroupMembers.Where(u =>
                !u.IsDead && !u.IsGhost &&
                u.HasMyAura("Renewing Mist") &&
                !u.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]")

        private const int SOOTHING_MIST = 115175;
        private static WoWUnit ChooseBestHealTarget(WoWUnit unit)
            if (StyxWoW.Me.ChanneledCastingSpellId == SOOTHING_MIST && StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject != null)
                WoWUnit channelUnit = StyxWoW.Me.ChannelObject.ToUnit();
                if (channelUnit.HealthPercent < MistweaverSettings.Instance.SoothingMistPercent && !channelUnit.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Parasitic Growth[/COLOR][/B]"))
                    return channelUnit;

I write profiles for farming stuff etc but this is over my head. If anyone can help with the coding I can assist with the healing logic, as well as testing the modifications.

This would be good as it is an issue for me also that I have been managing through the use of distance alone to the affected tank.
Hey Tuanha,

Any plans to optimize Windwalker dps?
I am currently around ilevel 530 and in Windwalker Spec and I am not even near the top of the dps meters.

Maceyp's and the default profile are what I am using and they are getting a little old and my raid leader is asking me what is up with my dps.

Update on this --- Someone recommended PQR to me and using soapbox's windwalker profile I am pumping out 30-40k more dps now depending on the ToT fight.
Not a criticism on TuanHA because I know he is healing centric and when in Mistweaver spec I cannot be beat using his profile but it would be nice though if Windwalker could get optimized so that it was not so far behind.
Burst Mode Off
Burst Mode Off
Burst Mode Off
Burst Mode Off

Stfu! Stop spamming my screen!! Anyone know how to turn this crap off??
This would be good as it is an issue for me also that I have been managing through the use of distance alone to the affected tank.
Parasitic Growth existed in blacklist but I just removed it few day ago for speed.

I think support too many old content blacklist will reduce performance and who care about top healing on old content anymore xD
Parasitic Growth existed in blacklist but I just removed it few day ago for speed.

I think support too many old content blacklist will reduce performance and who care about top healing on old content anymore xD

I believe they were just using Parasitic Growth as an example, the issue they are having is with the debuff that is placed on a tank during Twin Consorts in Throne of Thunder. The name of the debuff is Corrupted Healing and if you heal the tank that has it you gain a ticking dot on yourself, so you want to avoid healing a tank that has the debuff at all costs.
Class Config > General Setting > Burst > Never?

Why do I have to disable Burst Mode forever just so it doesn't write in my chat window? Make it not write stuff in WoW. Can Blizzard see the text that HB writes in the WoW chat? If I wanted to ban Honorbuddy, I would look for "Burst Mode Off" and ban those users.
Yes I apologize for not being more clear on that now that I look at my post. What Itabdiel said. The code was the closest thing I found in a CR that handles a similar mechanic. I would try and add this myself but I just don't have the coding skills to do it anytime soon. It would take me way to long to attempt it. This would actually be good for WW too as chi wave will cause stacks even for a WW.

Beast of Nightmares is the actual tank debuff, corrupted healing is the stacking debuff you get if you direct heal the target afflicted with Beast of Nightmares. As I said before if someone is willing to code it I can help with how to deal with it when its out as I have tons of experience with it on my MW.
Any use Mistsweaver in HC mode?? Atm i have 3/13 HC 25, and always i am the last in healing list, any have good settings for this raid?

524 item gear level
meta gem
4 bonus piece
Any use Mistsweaver in HC mode?? Atm i have 3/13 HC 25, and always i am the last in healing list, any have good settings for this raid?

524 item gear level
meta gem
4 bonus piece

pm me with your ratings, masked armory and healer setup. already have 11hm
I believe they were just using Parasitic Growth as an example, the issue they are having is with the debuff that is placed on a tank during Twin Consorts in Throne of Thunder. The name of the debuff is Corrupted Healing and if you heal the tank that has it you gain a ticking dot on yourself, so you want to avoid healing a tank that has the debuff at all costs.

This is correct.
Yes I apologize for not being more clear on that now that I look at my post. What Itabdiel said. The code was the closest thing I found in a CR that handles a similar mechanic. I would try and add this myself but I just don't have the coding skills to do it anytime soon. It would take me way to long to attempt it. This would actually be good for WW too as chi wave will cause stacks even for a WW.

Beast of Nightmares is the actual tank debuff, corrupted healing is the stacking debuff you get if you direct heal the target afflicted with Beast of Nightmares. As I said before if someone is willing to code it I can help with how to deal with it when its out as I have tons of experience with it on my MW.
Beast of Nightmares
Unlimited range
You must face the beast of your nightmares alone! Receiving heals will cause the caster to suffer Shadow damage.
Beast of Nightmares is already in heal blacklist (it mean CR will not directly heal unit have that debuff with controllable spell Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Surging Mist, Life Cocoon...)

However any uncontrollable heal spell still trigger the effect. Monk have 3 uncontrollable Spell Renewing Mist, Uplift and Healing Sphere that auto summon by our mastery, we can not let Renewing Mist, Uplift not to heal that target or how to make Healing Sphere not summon near and accidentally heal that unit...

The only solution so far is to disable Renewing Mist, Uplift on that fight... or live with it :S
Beast of Nightmares is already in heal blacklist (it mean CR will not directly heal unit have that debuff with controllable spell Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Surging Mist, Life Cocoon...)

However any uncontrollable heal spell still trigger the effect. Monk have 3 uncontrollable Spell Renewing Mist, Uplift and Healing Sphere that auto summon by our mastery, we can not let Renewing Mist, Uplift not to heal that target or how to make Healing Sphere not summon near and accidentally heal that unit...

The only solution so far is to disable Renewing Mist, Uplift on that fight... or live with it :S

you forget about soothing mists from our jade serpent statue :)
also i don't have problem with this. don't know why, but blacklist works very well for me
Thanks for the response Tuanha. I tried it again on Thursday and it does heal the tank with Beast of Nightmares. I know that it casts renewing mists on the tank for sure (not the uncontrolled bounce the actual cast). I cannot say for sure if it cast soothing mists directly on the tank, but Zen Sphere it also cast on the tank with the debuff for sure as well as surging mist if it got really low. Let me look through my logs to confirm the soothing mist cast targets. It might have been the Jade serpent Statues passive on the soothing as Sk1vvy mentioned, if so that's easily fixed by manually dropping statue at a distance that wont hit the tank. The healing spheres from mastery as well as directly cast healing spheres do not trigger the debuff.

Love the profile BTW Tuanha. I have tried the Purerotation CR as I have heard good things about it (maybe I am doing something wrong with it) and it doesn't seem to compete with yours. Only thing I truly wish for is easier user assist. Sometimes it takes me 1 or 2 global to intervene.

I would really love to learn how to make/modify CR's to fit personal preference, any suggestions from anyone on forum topics etc that would point me in the right direction to get started, or do I just have to jump in the deep end?
Beast of Nightmares is already in heal blacklist (it mean CR will not directly heal unit have that debuff with controllable spell Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Surging Mist, Life Cocoon...)

However any uncontrollable heal spell still trigger the effect. Monk have 3 uncontrollable Spell Renewing Mist, Uplift and Healing Sphere that auto summon by our mastery, we can not let Renewing Mist, Uplift not to heal that target or how to make Healing Sphere not summon near and accidentally heal that unit...

The only solution so far is to disable Renewing Mist, Uplift on that fight... or live with it :S

fistweaving the entire fight is the way (and dont use chi wave)
Please update to revision 390+

I've add the Courageous Primal Diamond logic.

Basically during the 4 second proc, CR prefer spell that Generate Chi: Jab, Surging Mist

The logic is no perfect because I can't obtain that gems yet but it should work... blame my guild progression xD


Can you determine how much time is left on lucidity (meta gem proc)? If so can you prevent surging mist from being cast if the remaining time for lucidity is equal to or less than 1.35 seconds. The reason for this is surging mist is getting cast a lot when the timer is below 1.35 seconds and since the cast timer for surging mist is 1.35 sec, the cast actually costs mana and is becoming a huge mana drain.
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Can you determine how much time is left on luncay (meta gem proc)? If so can you prevent surging mist from being cast if the remaining time for lunacy is equal to or less than 1.35 seconds. The reason for this is surging mist is getting cast a lot when the timer is below 1.35 seconds and since the cast timer for surging mist is 1.35 sec, the cast actually costs mana and is becoming a huge mana drain.
Thank, that what I call "Blind code" because I don't know how CR actually cast without testing because I don't have that gems xD

Anyway, I just fix it in new rev 393.
The code you have right now isn't bad.
With that gem ideally you want to use to to regain mana.
Best case when it procs no one needs emergency healing and you can use a Jab, Tiger Punch, Jab, Tiger Punch combo. The jabs will be free but you still get the mana from muscle memory and maybe a charge or two of mana tea.