yes, this cc work on arena, special editionPlease help me with my question
Does this CC only work in Arena with special edition?
If no what i made wrong
My bot just heal and dont atack
My best setting is the default setting.tuanha i have special editon im a monk windwalker have a nice config?.
thx a lot my monk have a 530 itlvl!
yes, this cc work on arena, special edition
you rly can't see "Save Settings" Button? Class Config, left there an option on the special edition to save settings? so it can remember those settings when i switch it from a pvp setting to pve?
LoL what server group are you playing?Tuanha, thanks to your profile, I'm a 2200 RBG monk healer, and have full Tyrannical gear as WW and MW. Your UI is the reason for it all, and how amazing you are at coding! Thank you so much!
Just play a game vs the world top rbg team Abn team from Tichondrius, they have all multi season gladiator.
Needless to say we out dpsed can't compare to their 4 warlock spam aoe green fire... but my monk still top healing
Please update newest HB, newest SVN... i really don't think Healing Sphere broken, it was on top at 25% total healing for me.
PS: Damn, that team rank#1 again lol they have 5 warlock, you never see something like 5 warlock green rain of fire and nothing you can do to bring you teammate hp back >.<
At least we are the 2nd best team -.-
So arena didnt work with free version????
LoL what server group are you playing?
I'm stuck at 1900 rating, my battlegroup is Vengeance US have full of pvper and it damn hard to get to 2k >.<
Most of gladiator xfer to Tichondrius and they roll-storm us everyday
WTB a carry lol
oh oh very very nice, what the setup and strategy?
This is my game vs Abn team (he was on his Mage instead), any strategy to win?
I know they counter melee hard but our roster team only have 9-10 man and we have no replacement -.-
BTW, I believe HB bug and all Click on the Ground spell fail 50% of the time. I've made a nice work around code in hunter and I'll add it to monk soon.