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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Guy, there are bugs in new BETA Honorbuddy that what well all expected.

Once it fixed by HB, this CR will work without having to change any code I hope.

Just give HB dev and me time :D
Guy, there are bugs in new BETA Honorbuddy that what well all expected.

Once it fixed by HB, this CR will work without having to change any code I hope.

Just give HB dev and me time :D

Ah, ok good :P
Because it seems that spheres are broken D:

Heres a log TuanHA just in case.

[22:55:23.566 D] System.ArgumentException: Address cannot be zero.
Parameter name: address
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.InProcessMemoryReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.GetPredictedHealth(WoWUnit unit, Boolean includeMyHeals) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THHelpers.cs:line 2171
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.GetPredictedHealthPercent(WoWUnit unit, Boolean includeMyHeals) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THHelpers.cs:line 2181
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.<LifeCocoon>b__1a9(Object ret) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCommon.cs:line 3337
   at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
   at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
   at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
   at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)

22:57:34.135 D] GetUnitHeal System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000064 [299]!
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   at Styx.MemoryManagement.InProcessMemoryReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.GetPredictedHealth(WoWUnit unit, Boolean includeMyHeals) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THHelpers.cs:line 2171
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.GetPredictedHealthPercent(WoWUnit unit, Boolean includeMyHeals) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THHelpers.cs:line 2181
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.<GetUnitHeal>b__10(WoWUnit unit) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCombat.cs:line 326
   at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
   at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
   at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.<GetUnitHeal>b__e(Object param0) in c:\Users\JosephPC\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCombat.cs:line 322

Here's a short one:
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My comp crashed a while ago and I've been out of the HB scene for a while now, needless to say I lost everything. I still have my username and password for Special Edition, but the dropbox link is broke :S How can I go about getting my Special Edition back?
Hi guy, I'm working on Monk and update new working version soon.

New version is up, Monk fixed.

Going to fix Paladin now :D
Thanks Tuanha ! I'm a forever donator of yours sir! make up some new CCs so i can donate more!
Seems to be working now :P

but, do you think healing percentages need to be altered because we heal 15% less or just leave them the same?
I compared this CR (BETA) to the Monk normal edition of TuanHA and I have to say that the rogue performed better in BG then the monk? :x Arent WW monks better then rogues now in 5.3?

Or is the Rogue BETA = Special Edition, and there is a significant difference between the free version and special edition?

Asking this because I'm about to shelf my monk for a rogue now.. :)
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New update:

Completely rewrite healing sphere drop function.

Faster, more accurate and NO CRASH!
Thanks! Putting here the skype WoT as memo:

1) Summon Jade Serpent Statue Dist option: it does not take into account if the character is in combat or out of combat, which means CC will automatically use it while moving in raid or instance and the 30 cooldown may be active when a new statue is needed. I would love that CC does not cast it when not in combat

2) A new Hotkey combination that will switch from a profile into another

this will allow me to use ranged MW healing config and switch faster into fistweaving config during some moments of the fight
Using a "mixed" config that fist and ranged heals is not optiomal

3) Legendary meta gem:
it allows to lower spirit to 5-6k and never go out of mana, but CC need to be tweaked a bit
legendary meta gem gives a window of 4 second of free spells
CC should:
- if in melee use --1------2------3------4--
- if in ranged and without glyph of surging mist: cast soothing mist (forced until the end of the cast) and spam surging mist during the cast
- if ranged and with the glyph of surging mist: spam surging mist with or without a target, even if everybody is full hp
these tricks allow to save around 350k mana during a 8 minutes fights
and give the best output from the metagem

4) thunder focus tea: since meta gems procs a lot, it would be nice an option allowing ppl to decide if use it with uplift, or just use it during the meta proc
or even better, CC will check if the raid is full HP and then saves thunder focus tea for uplift. If the raid is low hp, it will cast TFT during meta procs

5) it happens that during fight there is nothing to heal at alll. Character just stand still waiting for some dmg ... it would be nice a new option that will just cast soothing mist on the tank higher in threat. Like a precast.

6) add an option to cast Zen Sphere only on both tanks

7) A burst mode for MW. Which means: Expel harm + Chi Brew (you should add an option "use in burst mode only") + Uplift + Uplift + Uplift

- Brewmaster recommended Talent and Glyph: Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (Must have [Glyph of Leer of the Ox])
- Mistweaver recommended Talent and Glyph:
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (Must have [Glyph of Mana Tea])
- Windwalker recommended Talent and Glyph:
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (Must have [Glyph of Flying Serpent Kick])

Talent links seem to not be working!
1. Will Summon in combat but low priority like when there no one need critical heal

2. The hotkey is exactly what I'm thinking about on all other CR but I feel it may too complicated for normal user.

3. On the to do list. I just never got chance to loot that Gems xD

4. Same as above.

5. It possible at I think it will over heal too much and monk always have problem with mana.

6. I think it already act like that on raid.

7. It's too complicated too and you just macro manual cast it.
confirming that with the healing sphere fix, 299 errors are gone. Awesome work tuanha!

Edit- Found a new Error with healing sphere

"Fail ClickRemoteLocation - breaking the loop"


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