Doesnt Rez in dungeons btw Resuscitate needed!
The Monk 2.0 do not have built in framelock, I prefer let the botbase do it. And I don't have any problem with lag issue in many 25 man.Tuanha, I was wondering if there is a way to remove the built in framelock from your CC. I'm pretty sure it's what's causing the lag in Tyrael. Would it be possible to edit the CC myself and remove that or is that complicated?
Any Mistweaver monks tried PvP 2.0 yet? if so how do you like it?
RBG 2400..getting praised what an awesome healer you are.. being #1 in heal all the time..just awesome
I think it's WindWalker, it the fastest killing spec, but lower survivability.What spec is best for leveling? (Botting/Questing)
Hey guys,
Monk 2.0 Special Edition have been completed.
Please update Special Edition svn to revision 56, it's the official 2.0 release.
If you want keep your old version, please look for the Old Version.txt within the SVN folder for download.
Public Release 2.0 under development and will be ready within 2 days.
Thank you for your support.
Be hardcore and level in Mistweaver spec + lvl 90 dailies ... Yeah i'm sick but i love this class