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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

So I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to find a SVN link for the Special edition only to not find one, the zip file you linked me to in your email is now invalid. So my question is, why the hell have you not added a SVN link for the Special edition? It makes logical sense to add a SVN link for Special and Public releases yet you force people to download a zip file containing the SVN link. Yet when the link breaks there is no way you can get the SVN link and you're just stuck. Can you please do something about this...
The reason I don't give svn url is simple and that not something I want to make user's life more difficult, I just want they have less time spend on technical setup stuff...

I was send svn link before and everyday I got full PM inbox because people put it in the wrong folder or make the wrong folder name and CR crash.

That the main reason why I send the .zip file, all you guys have to do is extract it and svn link included in that folder.

That way have way more convenience:
1. There no need to change folder name = less issue
2. There no need to setup svn = less issue
3. There no need to PM me for question why it crash because user name folder wrong/put it in the wrong place... = less issue for me, more time coding

Hope you understand the reason :D
Alright, we are closing on Monk 2.0 official release.

WindWalker PvP: Completed
WindWalker PvE: Completed
BrewMaster PvE: Completed
BrewMaster PvP: Who PvP as BrewMaster these days xD
MistWeaver PvE: 90% Completed. Mosuri testing to find the best setting and I'll hard code it in default setting soon
MistWeaver PvP: 70% Completed.
Cosmetic things: 50% Completed.

I think we can raid with Monk 2.0 official release this weekend.

Thank guys for help testing.
I am very pleased with latest build of the beta,mistweaver heals like a boss.Can you do it use surging mists on 5 stacks of Vital mists again please,or it is for purpose left manually?
I am very pleased with latest build of the beta,mistweaver heals like a boss.Can you do it use surging mists on 5 stacks of Vital mists again please,or it is for purpose left manually?
This is part of PvP MistWeaver and I'll code it tonight.
How it is going to work,it will pickup target for it or ?Because currently im using the glyph for it which makes it auto target lowest hp member.
Helm disenchanted

Hello, I see that even in the latest release of Windwalker that says it is 100% complete I continue to have the issue where if I use an ability that causes the targeting of an item while this combat routine is running it attempts to target whatever my equipped helm is. This has caused me to disenchant at least 3 helms in the last week and continues to be an issue. The safest way for me to test it has been to choose an enchant and attempt to use it, only moments later it tells WoW tells me "That item is an invalid target." This is happenning because somehow the CC is targeting my helm. I have looked in the log and there is nothing there but this doesn't happen when I have other CCs loaded, including the old version of this CC. Please Help.


Cant you just stop the bot while disenchanting because botbase will prevent you use any kind of ability like DE or Miling for example?
Hello, I see that even in the latest release of Windwalker that says it is 100% complete I continue to have the issue where if I use an ability that causes the targeting of an item while this combat routine is running it attempts to target whatever my equipped helm is. This has caused me to disenchant at least 3 helms in the last week and continues to be an issue. The safest way for me to test it has been to choose an enchant and attempt to use it, only moments later it tells WoW tells me "That item is an invalid target." This is happenning because somehow the CC is targeting my helm. I have looked in the log and there is nothing there but this doesn't happen when I have other CCs loaded, including the old version of this CC. Please Help.
The update 8 hour ago don't touch your helm anymore :D

So i suppose you try the new one before giving me a log.

Thank for testing Javede.
How it is going to work,it will pickup target for it or ?Because currently im using the glyph for it which makes it auto target lowest hp member.
It will act accordingly if you have Glyph or not.
Awesome,cant wait to test it.Is there any chance to not use *****ing jade lightning on target if it has CC ? For example Will of emperor heroic when you CC the adds it breaks the CC so i have to manually uncheck to not use *****ing jade lightning.Just a thought.
any possiblity to add grapple weapon for mistweaver when warriors/retribution/feral stick to you and press redmode macro xD
any possiblity to add grapple weapon for mistweaver when warriors/retribution/feral stick to you and press redmode macro xD
It already code that. Grapple Weapon work on all spec when your HP below a set percent OR when you get disarmed.

There are many time rogue dismante me and CR just grab his weapon and he was like wtf xD
it just doesnt seem to do it at mistweaver.. it seems to prioritising heals over it but theres no way he can counterheal without grappling the weapon..
Cant you just stop the bot while disenchanting because botbase will prevent you use any kind of ability like DE or Miling for example?

You absolutely can but when you have the bot do the disenchanting for you it becomes a bigger issue. And I don't know about you but I don't turn LazyRaider/Tyrael's off just because I am in town.
I think my combat routine is not designed to work with disenchanting, it clearly focus on dpsing, tanking, healing...

Just pause, stop, delete, remove it when u want to disenchanting please.

I see no issue here
Just ran a LFR with the latest build of 2.0 and the issues that I was reporting yesterday have been resolved. The only this still missing are things like detox, that you said will come with the PVP code.
I think my combat routine is not designed to work with disenchanting, it clearly focus on dpsing, tanking, healing...

Just pause, stop, delete, remove it when u want to disenchanting please.

I see no issue here

If that is your final answer I would like a refund.