My windwalker won't move or attack while questing or Bging. Anyone notice this problem? I would think this cc could do it all since he is accepting donations but maybe I shouldn't assume that. I'm just a little urked that it doesn't run around in questing and bg killing things for exp/profit. That's all.
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You install in the WRONG folder most likely.can't get this to start.. hb crashes everytime... (puplic version)
It come from Grapple Weapon and it fixed with latest SVN UpdateMy windwalker won't move or attack while questing or Bging. Anyone notice this problem? I would think this cc could do it all since he is accepting donations but maybe I shouldn't assume that. I'm just a little urked that it doesn't run around in questing and bg killing things for exp/profit. That's all.
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Hey anyone else have some FPS issues healing LFR with monk? no issues running any of the other specs
I use this at 90 for raids, pretty much what I used at 80 - though back when I was 80ish I couldn't customize it this well:Anyone got any Brewmaster setting? he's level 81 atm and feels like he takes a ton of damage. I've been playing around with the settings starting to feel like a sad panda.
Go windwalker? windwalker DPS is INSANE with this CC.hey is there a chance you could implement grinding / questing as a mistweaver? hes 78 now and mobs drop quicker than brewmaster when i play!.. cheers and looking fordward to updates your profile rocks!
As mistweaver: to use fistweaving, and from that melee attacks for your questing needs (weird! hehe) put a keybind on the fistweaving setup on the Mistweaver tab, then in-game press it. You will see a message in game saying fistweaving is turned on. The attacks that are ticked on (in the MWeaver tab, like jab, Blackout kick, etc) will be executed.
Hope i helped.