Quick tidbit of info for those of you who are MW and are not seeing attacks (jab, BoK, TP) even though you have 1 or more checked:
The CC will default to fistweaving OFF each time the CC loads, and will not use any melee attacks regardless of what is checked. You must enable the fistweave toggle, and toggle it on each time you have HB running a new time (maybe after you reload settings as well, I'm not sure). Check the box to play a sound with toggle, and you'll hear "Fistweave Enabled." or "Fistweave Disabled" as appropriate. It's not a little ding or whatever, it's an audio file clearly stating what mode you're in. If it's disabled (remember, this is DEFAULT and reset each time HB starts at the very least) the CC won't use any of the melee attacks, no matter how hard you check the box.
This was a little unclear to me with the later revisions since I didn't see anything explicitly explaining how this worked, but CrazyJosh clarified it for me a little while back and it does in fact work perfectly, once you understand how it's set up, and it seems like a few others of you are having the same confusion that I did, so I thought I'd clear it up.
Personally, I toggle fistweaving on every time I load HB so I don't forget later, and just don't stand in melee if I don't want to fistweave. Works great. I use mosuri's settings for both normal raids and LFR, with jab, TP, and BoK enabled, and I've had randoms offer me raid spots if I transferred to their server. These guys are doing something right!