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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Constantly dying the last week or so as a brewmaster.... fresh installs. new beta versions of Hb. none of its making a difference. Is there anyone else having an issue before i post logs? I use a whisper tracking addon and would rather not sanitize the log...
Constantly dying the last week or so as a brewmaster.... fresh installs. new beta versions of Hb. none of its making a difference. Is there anyone else having an issue before i post logs? I use a whisper tracking addon and would rather not sanitize the log...

I was using Brewmaster last night in 25man heroic raids. Didn't have any issues. What's it doing and log please - if you prefer you can PM it to me or send it to me via skype.
I love the CR. I've been running dungeons since lvl 30 with it. Question, I normally use dizzying haze to chain pull mobs and to deal with incoming adds while in a dungeon. if you're already in a fight you can't because of the rotation. Is there a way to "pause" the rotation. if not, how are you dealing with incoming adds? yeah im new to playing a monk but i love it :P
I've been using the brewmaster today in 10 man raid. I have noticed that with everything that's going on, it doesn't always have time to summon a Black Ox Statue, I can see it attempting too (mouse cursor changes), but it does not place one down & merely keeps up the standard rotation.

I have a question about WW dps. How dependent is it on gear? I'm at 469 ilvl and can only manage to get 50k dps overall through an entire dungeon. I've spiked as high as 70k on large AoE pulls, but on average things plateau off around 50-53k dps. I've even been asked if I'm playing differently because when my ilevel was lower, and I was doing lower content, I was pulling the same numbers.

The first two heroic items I picked up from dungeons were my weapons, and sadly those have not changed in quite a while because nothing better is dropping from dungeons, and LFR is not kind to me. I've run eight LFRs and gotten only a helmet. My settings are done solely by using the quick settings button for raid and dungeon. I have tinkered with them, but it seems as though clicking those buttons gives me the best dps. I even tried turning off FoF and saw my dps drop significantly. I would love some info on WW dps scaling. My raid group is getting ready to kick me off the team because I can't do more than the 50k, while everyone else with lesser gear is doing 60k, easily.

There are no bugs for me to report, so I hope logs aren't needed. I haven't had any bugs as of lately, so I've cleared out my logs folder. It had gotten quite large and bulky. If logs are needed then I will have to wait until later in the week when I can generate some.
I have a question about WW dps. How dependent is it on gear? I'm at 469 ilvl and can only manage to get 50k dps overall through an entire dungeon. I've spiked as high as 70k on large AoE pulls, but on average things plateau off around 50-53k dps. I've even been asked if I'm playing differently because when my ilevel was lower, and I was doing lower content, I was pulling the same numbers.

The first two heroic items I picked up from dungeons were my weapons, and sadly those have not changed in quite a while because nothing better is dropping from dungeons, and LFR is not kind to me. I've run eight LFRs and gotten only a helmet. My settings are done solely by using the quick settings button for raid and dungeon. I have tinkered with them, but it seems as though clicking those buttons gives me the best dps. I even tried turning off FoF and saw my dps drop significantly. I would love some info on WW dps scaling. My raid group is getting ready to kick me off the team because I can't do more than the 50k, while everyone else with lesser gear is doing 60k, easily.

There are no bugs for me to report, so I hope logs aren't needed. I haven't had any bugs as of lately, so I've cleared out my logs folder. It had gotten quite large and bulky. If logs are needed then I will have to wait until later in the week when I can generate some.
Extremely dependent.
I love the CR. I've been running dungeons since lvl 30 with it. Question, I normally use dizzying haze to chain pull mobs and to deal with incoming adds while in a dungeon. if you're already in a fight you can't because of the rotation. Is there a way to "pause" the rotation. if not, how are you dealing with incoming adds? yeah im new to playing a monk but i love it :P

Use the pause feature of LazyRaider
Extremely dependent.
I thought as much, but was seriously hoping that there was something that could be done about it. You guys can't do anything about the RNG, which hates my guts, so getting gear is practically impossible for me. I get more JP than I get gear drops. I've upgraded several heroic items, and all the items I had that were 470+ that came from questing (boots from Sha of Anger quest) and seasonal drops (ring which came after 67 runs of headless horseman, and never even got the trink from Coren after daily farming).

Well, that kinda sucks then. I'm going to be kicked off my raid group because I can't get gear fast enough. There are far too many factions to get rep with, so much for raiding, lol. Not you guys' fault. I guess I should have done dailies by hand instead of waiting for profiles for them.
Currently You best HPS output will be gained from standing just out of melee.. making sure you use chi torpedo on your tanks and melee all the time...

This is my opinion.. and how i heal... im currently healing 16/16 4/16HM... However i am no required to do any dps.. If your guild requires you to dps and heal. then melee clearly :P

so its both implemented in the CC ? if i just stand behind, it will heal and if i go to melee range and target a boss or sth it will detect that and do some dps? very nice then :D just wanted to know that for farming instances.. much faster with a healer doing some dps
tuan, the special edition is nothing other than amasing, here i am as a lvl 81 brewmaster tanking dungons with lvl 81-84s scoring highest dps and damage done while pulling mobs... i dont know how you do it..

you should never release the SE to the public.. you need those donations for all yor hard work... really just wanted to say thanks,
Is anyone else having a difficult time using this CC during the Amber-Shaper Un'sok fight in Normal 10s? Because of the Parasitic Growth debuff (cannot heal targets with that debuff), I already cannot use jade serpent statue, renewing mists, or uplift because of the random targets of the statue and renewing mists (making uplift useless with no renewing mists). Basically the fight is single target heals only. I have no problem turning those off and running with soothing mists, surging mists, and enveloping mists, but I have no way to stop the bot from targeting people with the Parasitic Growth debuff.
I was using Brewmaster last night in 25man heroic raids. Didn't have any issues. What's it doing and log please - if you prefer you can PM it to me or send it to me via skype.

can i ask to see a ss of your settings for this? would be interested to compare how people are using it
is there a way to increase the priority on expel harm when brewmaster is under 30% hp (when expel harm has no CD)
notice whe i was rushing heroics that he basically never used expel harm under 30% only if keg smash and other was on cd

*public release here
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hey id like to ask if the public release does the job in raids or is only special edition viable for that?
hey id like to ask if the public release does the job in raids or is only special edition viable for that?

public version should be viable in raids, too :)

the SE will just get all updates earlier and will be a bit more efficient than the public version (that's what i remember)

BUT as public version user you could be sure to have like a 99% bug free version, coz every bugs will be seen in the SE releases before, so Josh and TuanHA can and will fix them before they update the public version ;D (correct me if i'm wrong^^)

but i suggest every1 to donate to this awesome CR :).
1. you will get an improved CR which will help you through highend heroic raids if you want
2. you support the project
3. you support TuanHA and Josh and keep them motivated to continue their awesome work

ah i forgot... if you play a mistweaver, you usually shit on the recent nerfs and still top the healing charts ;D
oh i will donate because i agree this CC is awesome just gonna have to wait a few days but since im needed in 10 man normal raids today and tomorrow im just asking if i might poop the raid up if i use the public release

P.S. yea im mistweaver
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