I have a question about WW dps. How dependent is it on gear? I'm at 469 ilvl and can only manage to get 50k dps overall through an entire dungeon. I've spiked as high as 70k on large AoE pulls, but on average things plateau off around 50-53k dps. I've even been asked if I'm playing differently because when my ilevel was lower, and I was doing lower content, I was pulling the same numbers.
The first two heroic items I picked up from dungeons were my weapons, and sadly those have not changed in quite a while because nothing better is dropping from dungeons, and LFR is not kind to me. I've run eight LFRs and gotten only a helmet. My settings are done solely by using the quick settings button for raid and dungeon. I have tinkered with them, but it seems as though clicking those buttons gives me the best dps. I even tried turning off FoF and saw my dps drop significantly. I would love some info on WW dps scaling. My raid group is getting ready to kick me off the team because I can't do more than the 50k, while everyone else with lesser gear is doing 60k, easily.
There are no bugs for me to report, so I hope logs aren't needed. I haven't had any bugs as of lately, so I've cleared out my logs folder. It had gotten quite large and bulky. If logs are needed then I will have to wait until later in the week when I can generate some.