In general the AoE needs more tweaking. Barrage should be 2+ enemies, multishot I believe is 7+. While you can set the aoe rotation to at least 7 targets I don't really know what that means in terms of Barrage, multishot or explosive trap. For now I have explosive trap turned off and hotkey to mouseover.
In general the AoE needs more tweaking. Barrage should be 2+ enemies, multishot I believe is 7+. While you can set the aoe rotation to at least 7 targets I don't really know what that means in terms of Barrage, multishot or explosive trap. For now I have explosive trap turned off and hotkey to mouseover.
So after setting the aoe rotation to 7, does it affect barrage as well? I assume it does not because it would use barrage single target. Let me know : )
Hi guys,I don't know anything about lag 'holy tuanha' I love your routine but please make a checkbox for multishot usage, cause it's just spamming multishot rather than anything if there is 5 add, I don't want to use multishot not even onceit's just dropping dps.
You can make a setting for Barrage on/off when you need to.Hi, could you make the barrage only on the AOE situation? For MM talent, Barrage on single target make the dps lose.
For MM talent, Barrage on single target make the dps lose.
TUANHA TUANHa TUANha TUAnha TUanha Tuanha tuanha why ignoring us? you answered all posts except ours more than 10 post sad that YOUR FREEZING TRAP DOESN T WORK RETURN TO OLD SYSTEM PLEASE whats problem? Why do you ignore what we wrote? I can t play with my hunter in arena hb sad taht: target moving target sleeping target jumping target play gamble when I jump on him in arena so return to old system please