please fix Camouflage Out of Combat .
Please learn your class before writing in these forums. (Yes, it's supposed to spam it)Is it normal to spam explosive shots with LnL ? Cuz i think this is a dps loss
Tuanha my apologies, wasn't trying to come off as a jerk as I to use your BOT. Can it be optimized to latest priority/rotation? YES! It's not using the latest sim/ or suggested priority as of 1/13/15 when I posted that post.
Latest tested priority/rotation that does more DPS than your current (now out-dated) priority on your bot:
Serpent Sting maintained on all applicable targets.
Explosive Shot
Black Arrow
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH and Multistrike proc up, do not delay Barrage more than 2 seconds).
Barrage (multiple targets)
Arcane Shot (ToTH)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH)
Glaive Toss (if moving and nothing else to do)
Arcane Shot (focus dump)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more)
Cobra Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
Chimaera Shot
Kill Shot (if sub-35%)
Aimed Shot (RF or CA up)
Barrage (more than one target)
Glaive Toss
Aimed Shot (Thrill of the Hunt, focus dump)
Aimed Shot (focus dump)
Steady Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
I've ran them both in comparison to your current priority/rotation, and i'm out-dpsing your BOT by manual weave, so with a little adjustment to the rotation/priority I guarantee your customers would see a difference. They're probably seeing different numbers in Normals/Heroics (as most of your customers appear to be less progressed), I only raid Mythic, and currently working on Mythic Impregnator. Once he's down, i'll provide logs to you personally for clarification on the suggested rotation/priority.
I ranked 94% percentile (SV) using your BOT on Mythic Butcher and 98% (MM) on Mythic Koragh last night btw. Wasn't bad, but definitely could of done better had the priority been tweaked.
What is this how can I use it?Kargath HC:
Butcher HC:
Tectus HC:
Thank, I've been updating hunter Rotation but I'm not really satisfied with the result so far, when it's ok, I'll push the updateTuanha my apologies, wasn't trying to come off as a jerk as I to use your BOT. Can it be optimized to latest priority/rotation? YES! It's not using the latest sim/ or suggested priority as of 1/13/15 when I posted that post.
Latest tested priority/rotation that does more DPS than your current (now out-dated) priority on your bot:
Serpent Sting maintained on all applicable targets.
Explosive Shot
Black Arrow
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH and Multistrike proc up, do not delay Barrage more than 2 seconds).
Barrage (multiple targets)
Arcane Shot (ToTH)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH)
Glaive Toss (if moving and nothing else to do)
Arcane Shot (focus dump)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more)
Cobra Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
Chimaera Shot
Kill Shot (if sub-35%)
Aimed Shot (RF or CA up)
Barrage (more than one target)
Glaive Toss
Aimed Shot (Thrill of the Hunt, focus dump)
Aimed Shot (focus dump)
Steady Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
I've ran them both in comparison to your current priority/rotation, and i'm out-dpsing your BOT by manual weave, so with a little adjustment to the rotation/priority I guarantee your customers would see a difference. They're probably seeing different numbers in Normals/Heroics (as most of your customers appear to be less progressed), I only raid Mythic, and currently working on Mythic Impregnator. Once he's down, i'll provide logs to you personally for clarification on the suggested rotation/priority.
I ranked 94% percentile (SV) using your BOT on Mythic Butcher and 98% (MM) on Mythic Koragh last night btw. Wasn't bad, but definitely could of done better had the priority been tweaked.
There will be new code that always put Black Arrow on highest HP unit soonIs their anyway to add an option to black arrow a focus target , fights like braken and beastlord its really a shame that i black arrow a mindfungus or sporeshooter or spear for it to die 5 seconds later
There will be new code that always put Black Arrow on highest HP unit soon![]()