Don't know if it's possible. But could you give tranquilizing shot a higher priority? Or when it's predictable that a BoP is incoming or smt, that you 'pre-tranq' already? Because sometimes it takes pretty long before BoP is finally dispelled.
At higher ratings hunters normally trap off other ccs such as stormbolt or hoj. You rarely trap while the healer is free to avoid it. I have seen jellybeans trap without trap launcher but honestly I don't think it's that big of a deal. I really don't see any reason a person couldn't get 2200 plus easy with this cr. You just have to play smart, coordinate with your team, and the more you control your character manually the better.I think one major downfall of the CR right now Tuanha is that your have no option to turn off the trap launcher and drop traps at your feet. Even if I turn off the trap launcher when I try to hit "freezing trap" it automatically turns the trap launcher back on before throwing a trap. At the higher skill levels you really need to be able to drop traps at your feet since enemy healers are much smarter and move so much. Can you maybe add the option to hit a modifier key to "drop" traps instead of launch?
At higher ratings hunters normally trap off other ccs such as stormbolt or hoj. You rarely trap while the healer is free to avoid it. I have seen jellybeans trap without trap launcher but honestly I don't think it's that big of a deal. I really don't see any reason a person couldn't get 2200 plus easy with this cr. You just have to play smart, coordinate with your team, and the more you control your character manually the better.
I definitely do think that it needs some work especially with tranquilizing shot priorities but overall I think it is fine for pvp.
Purchased the Special Edition, but it isn't shown on "My Page" on your website.
I have already sent an eMail to you.
I post this here again, because I want to know, if this is a general issue or only mine.
Best wishes
Feedback from 2200 rated Hunter:
Starting with options:
Under interrupt we no longer have a blanket silence.
Under advanced settings tab:
Ice Trap no longer procs Lock and Load.
Snake Trap no longer reduces a healers cast.
Scatter Shot does not exist.
Under Hot Keys:
Please add a function that allows you to concussive shot on command your Focus Target, and disables the use of Concussive Shot on your target who is affected by Frozen Ammo anyway. It's a waste of a GCD when I'm survival spec with Frozen Ammo buff, and I'm casting concussive shot on my target when I'd rather be using it on the healer so I can get an easy trap. Another suggestion I have is to create an option to spam Concussive Shot on another target of your choosing if they are in LOS. For example in 2v2, the target I am on is perma snared with Frozen Ammo, every 5 seconds having Concussive Shot go off on the other target automatically if they are in LOS. In 3v3/5v5/BG/RBG adding an option to choose a specific target (Your Focus target) to Concussive Shot every 5 seconds. That way I have two targets permanently snared by 50%.
Pet Settings:
Cower no longer exists.
The functionality on Master's Call Friend HP Below: % does not seem to work. I have yet to have my Masters Call automatically go on a teammate who is being tunneled.
Really enjoy the class config, thank you. With those changes I can easily push 2400+. As I push higher and get more comfortable with the bot I'm sure I'll have more suggestions/Feedback.
Hello friends! Who can share the settings for me. Looking for a good setting for the issuance of DPS in the raid. I like the set up but more stable 25k DPS is not present (but certainly good burst on the level of 25k ... Played in survival.
My hunter 669 level stuff. Priority characteristics, multiple attack - a critical hit - versatility
Gave it a go on a pure ST test, 5 minute fight, no movement.
Consistently does almost exactly 1k dps less than YRB2.
I think it's due to some kind of "wait for X" logic. I see it waiting for Energy to cast Explosive Shot when you're very close to it, like 10-12 energy away or something like that. Seems to also do everything it can to waste all your energy before doing focusing shot, even though Black Arrow is off cooldown.
(To avoid it dotting the other dummy with Serpent Sting in the ST profile, turn off Serpent Sting Multi-Dotting)
So it's RNG then, which puts them on par when it comes to ST dps.I got it the other way around. YRB does 1k less dps than Tuanha for me. ST, no buffs.