something is just not working right with the rotation... at least for MM
when i look up my dps (dealt with tuanha cr paid)
30% of my dmg is Chimaera Shot (28 executes)
~18% - 20% Aimed Shot (20 executes)
a hunter with 27k dps on butcher normal - first id (3rd dec) - same talents , same critrating
30% - 34% Aimed Shot (35 executes)
~25% Chimaera Shot (19 executes)
i know chimaera shot ist first on all priorities but somethings is not right
the cr isnt using aimed shot often enough for some reason
maybe some tweaking required on the "at how much focus which skill"-usage
if i test my dps on a raiding dummy the rotation seems to work right - but dummies are always above 80% life