Paid Hunter not working for me. Just kind of auto-shoots.
View attachment 147474
Tried again. Keeps spamming:
[04:21:00.365 N] ----------------------------------
[04:21:00.365 N] Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
[04:21:00.365 N] ----------------------------------
[04:21:00.368 N] Glyph:
[04:21:00.368 N] [Glyph of Aspects - 122492] [Glyph of Liberation - 132106] [Glyph of Lesser Proportion - 57870] [Glyph of Mending - 56833] [Glyph of Fetch - 126746] [Glyph of Animal Bond - 20895]
[04:21:00.368 N] ----------------------------------
[04:21:00.368 N] PetSpellsUpdate
[04:21:00.368 N] Toggle Pet Autocast Off some important spells.
[04:21:00.368 N] Better let Combat Routine handle it.
[04:21:00.368 N] ----------------------------------
[04:21:00.371 N] Your Current Pet Action Bar:
[04:21:00.371 N] Attack
[04:21:00.371 N] Follow
[04:21:00.371 N] MoveTo
[04:21:00.371 N] Furious Howl
[04:21:00.371 N] Bite
[04:21:00.371 N] Growl
[04:21:00.371 N] None
[04:21:00.372 N] Assist
[04:21:00.372 N] Defensive
[04:21:00.372 N] Passive
[04:21:00.372 N] Notice: To Make Combat Routine Use a Pet Ability, You Need to Drag it into the Pet's Action Bar!
[04:21:00.372 N] ----------------------------------
[04:21:00.372 N] Toggle Few Important Spells Pet Autocast Off
[04:21:00.372 N] Better let Combat Routine handle it
And does nothing but stand there and auto-shoot.