[18:34:39.791 N] ----------------------------------
[18:34:39.791 N] Building Rotation Completed
[18:34:39.791 N] ----------------------------------
[18:34:39.792 N] Combat Routine will automatically stop Movement command if the following keys pressed
[18:34:40.321 N] Space - JUMP
[18:34:40.448 N] Left - TURNLEFT
[18:34:40.479 N] Up - MOVEFORWARD
[18:34:40.511 N] Right - TURNRIGHT
[18:34:40.543 N] Down - MOVEBACKWARD
[18:34:40.886 N] A - TURNLEFT
[18:34:40.953 N] D - TURNRIGHT
[18:34:41.189 N] Q - STRAFELEFT
[18:34:41.241 N] S - MOVEBACKWARD
[18:34:41.328 N] W - MOVEFORWARD
[18:34:42.354 N] NumLock - TOGGLEAUTORUN
[18:34:43.803 N] ----------------------------------
[18:34:43.959 D] 43:938 Focus:100 Trying to cast Aspect of the Cheetah (5118) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter reason AspectWoD1
[18:34:46.158 D] New LowestAttackPower = 1703
[18:34:47.734 N] 47:700 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter 0y 100% hp Aspekt des Geparden (5118)
[18:34:49.941 N] 49:940 Key 1 is pressed. Manual CastPause Activated. Combat Routine Pause for 300 ms untill 50:240
[18:34:50.041 N] 50:041 Key 1 is pressed. Manual CastPause Activated. Combat Routine Pause for 300 ms untill 50:341
[18:34:50.067 N] 50:067 Key 1 is pressed. Manual CastPause Activated. Combat Routine Pause for 300 ms untill 50:367
[18:34:50.402 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 161
[18:34:50.407 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:50.421 D] 50:420 Focus:65 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:34:50.823 N] 50:767 HP: 100% Focus: 68 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:34:51.249 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:51.267 D] 51:267 Focus:70 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:34:51.517 N] 51:499 HP: 100% Focus: 71 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 6.08y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:34:51.961 N] 51:961 Pet HP: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 12.32y 100% hp Spurt (61684)
[18:34:52.894 N] 52:894 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:34:53.454 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:53.471 D] 53:471 Focus:31 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:34:53.731 N] 53:711 HP: 100% Focus: 33 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:34:55.238 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:55.251 D] 55:251 Focus:55 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:34:55.419 N] 55:399 HP: 100% Focus: 56 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:34:56.404 N] 56:404 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:34:57.737 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:57.751 D] 57:751 Focus:17 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:34:57.837 N] 57:820 HP: 100% Focus: 18 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:34:59.772 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:34:59.784 D] 59:784 Focus:42 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:34:59.872 N] 59:855 HP: 100% Focus: 43 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:00.079 N] 00:079 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:00.202 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:00.301 N] 00:284 HP: 100% Focus: 11 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:00.856 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:00.870 D] 00:869 Focus:14 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:02.750 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:02.764 D] 02:763 Focus:38 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:03.002 N] 02:984 HP: 100% Focus: 40 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:03.214 N] 03:214 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:04.569 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:04.582 D] 04:582 Focus:61 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:05.469 N] 05:452 HP: 100% Focus: 66 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:05.652 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 112
[18:35:06.811 N] 06:811 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:07.375 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:07.389 D] 07:388 Focus:26 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:07.609 N] 07:592 HP: 100% Focus: 27 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:08.549 D] Waiting for ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:09.136 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:09.148 D] 09:148 Focus:50 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:09.237 N] 09:220 HP: 100% Focus: 50 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:09.503 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:09.603 N] 09:581 HP: 100% Focus: 16 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:09.740 N] 09:740 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:09.841 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:10.032 D] 10:032 Focus:18 Trying to cast Cobra Shot (77767) on Trainingsattrappe reason AMurderofCrowsWoD1: Cobra Shot
[18:35:10.071 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:10.086 D] 10:086 Focus:19 Trying to cast Cobra Shot (77767) on Trainingsattrappe reason AMurderofCrowsWoD1: Cobra Shot
[18:35:10.259 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:12.189 D] 12:189 Focus:44 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:12.276 N] 12:259 HP: 100% Focus: 45 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:13.301 N] 13:301 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:14.102 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:14.116 D] 14:116 Focus:69 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:14.543 N] 14:509 HP: 100% Focus: 71 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:17.448 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:17.462 D] 17:462 Focus:57 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:18.115 N] 18:115 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:18.547 N] 18:513 HP: 100% Focus: 63 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:19.348 D] Waiting for ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:19.580 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:19.593 D] 19:592 Focus:38 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:20.917 N] 20:917 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:21.088 N] 21:049 HP: 100% Focus: 11 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:21.353 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 138
[18:35:21.356 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:21.370 D] 21:370 Focus:13 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:35:21.376 D] 21:375 Focus:13 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:21.924 N] 21:889 HP: 100% Focus: 15 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:23.106 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:23.122 D] 23:122 Focus:36 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:23.404 N] 23:369 HP: 100% Focus: 37 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.18y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:35:24.912 N] 24:878 HP: 100% Focus: 59 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:25.283 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:25.297 D] 25:296 Focus:61 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:25.816 N] 25:816 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:26.653 N] 26:619 HP: 100% Focus: 69 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:27.861 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:27.875 D] 27:875 Focus:25 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:29.199 N] 29:199 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:29.900 N] 29:869 HP: 100% Focus: 50 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:30.246 N] 30:246 Key XButton1 is pressed. Manual CastPause Activated. Combat Routine Pause for 300 ms untill 30:546
[18:35:30.941 N] 30:910 HP: 100% Focus: 55 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:31.458 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:31.472 D] 31:471 Focus:58 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:31.696 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:32.769 N] 32:769 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:33.869 N] 33:834 HP: 100% Focus: 36 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:34.174 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:34.188 D] 34:188 Focus:37 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:35.921 N] 35:920 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:36.225 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:36.239 D] 36:239 Focus:62 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:37.889 N] 37:855 HP: 100% Focus: 71 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:38.191 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 153
[18:35:38.441 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:38.455 D] 38:455 Focus:23 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:40.044 N] 40:044 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:40.344 N] 40:308 HP: 100% Focus: 48 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:40.756 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:40.769 D] 40:769 Focus:50 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:41.453 N] 41:420 HP: 100% Focus: 19 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:42.292 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:42.307 D] 42:306 Focus:23 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:42.725 N] 42:691 HP: 100% Focus: 26 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:44.969 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:44.983 D] 44:982 Focus:52 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:35:45.339 N] 45:339 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:46.712 N] 46:678 HP: 100% Focus: 61 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:47.688 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:47.702 D] 47:701 Focus:35 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:48.086 N] 48:086 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:49.589 N] 49:560 HP: 100% Focus: 59 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:35:50.562 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:50.574 D] 50:574 Focus:65 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:35:50.794 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:50.888 N] Stopping the bot!
[18:35:50.888 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[18:35:52.563 N] 52:531 HP: 100% Focus: 40 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Zuverlässiger Schuss (56641)
[18:35:53.635 N] 53:634 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:35:54.073 N] 54:034 HP: 100% Focus: 48 Trainingsattrappe 23.18y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:35:54.269 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 138
[18:35:54.272 N] Fail in CastSpell 13165 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter
[18:35:54.284 D] 54:284 Focus:49 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:35:54.288 D] 54:288 Focus:49 Trying to cast Steady Shot (56641) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: SteadyShotWoD1
[18:35:54.289 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------
[18:35:54.289 N] [Enyo] Shutdown - Performing required actions.
[18:35:54.289 N] [Enyo] -------------------------------------------
Spell 13165 is Aspect of the Iron Hawk.better now but with one error fail spell 13165
[18:49:18.728 N] Building Rotation Completed
[18:49:18.728 N] ----------------------------------
[18:49:18.728 N] Combat Routine will automatically stop Movement command if the following keys pressed
[18:49:19.869 N] Space - JUMP
[18:49:20.145 N] Left - TURNLEFT
[18:49:20.214 N] Up - MOVEFORWARD
[18:49:20.277 N] Right - TURNRIGHT
[18:49:20.344 N] Down - MOVEBACKWARD
[18:49:21.042 N] A - TURNLEFT
[18:49:21.177 N] D - TURNRIGHT
[18:49:21.646 N] Q - STRAFELEFT
[18:49:21.748 N] S - MOVEBACKWARD
[18:49:21.919 N] W - MOVEFORWARD
[18:49:23.562 N] NumLock - TOGGLEAUTORUN
[18:49:25.629 N] ----------------------------------
[18:49:26.573 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:50:01.705 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:50:01.816 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 113
[18:50:01.820 D] 01:820 Focus:100 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:50:01.823 D] 01:822 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:50:02.030 D] 02:029 Focus:65 Trying to cast Rapid Fire (3045) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter reason RapidFireWoD1
[18:50:03.293 N] 03:273 HP: 100% Focus: 75 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:50:05.027 N] 05:027 Pet HP: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.58y 100% hp Spurt (61684)
[18:50:06.075 N] 06:075 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:08.495 N] 08:495 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:10.747 N] 10:747 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:11.718 N] 11:698 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.58y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:50:11.821 N] 11:801 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:50:12.204 D] 12:203 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:50:12.804 N] 12:783 HP: 100% Focus: 68 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter 0y 100% hp Schnellfeuer (3045)
[18:50:14.948 N] 14:948 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:17.955 N] 17:954 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:20.173 N] 20:173 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:20.739 N] 20:720 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:50:21.137 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:50:21.170 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:50:21.229 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 131
[18:50:21.233 D] 21:233 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:50:23.102 N] 23:102 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:25.828 N] 25:828 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:27.696 N] 27:696 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:28.441 N] 28:421 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:50:28.776 D] 28:776 Focus:100 Trying to cast Aimed Shot (19434) on Trainingsattrappe reason CarefulAim: AimedShotWoD1
[18:50:32.333 N] 32:333 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:34.662 N] 34:662 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:36.346 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:50:36.384 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:50:36.440 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 146
[18:50:36.444 D] 36:444 Focus:80 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:50:36.448 D] 36:446 Focus:80 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:50:39.383 N] 39:383 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:39.962 N] 39:923 HP: 100% Focus: 63 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Gezielter Schuss (19434)
[18:50:45.226 N] 45:226 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:48.186 D] 48:185 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:50:48.884 N] 48:851 HP: 100% Focus: 68 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.58y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:50:49.186 N] 49:154 HP: 100% Focus: 70 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:50:51.747 N] 51:747 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:50:57.107 N] 57:107 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:04.201 N] 04:201 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:08.127 N] 08:097 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:51:08.422 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:51:08.464 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:51:08.566 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 133
[18:51:08.570 D] 08:570 Focus:100 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:51:08.573 D] 08:573 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:51:11.087 N] 11:087 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:16.854 N] 16:854 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:22.087 N] 22:087 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:27.584 N] 27:584 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:32.884 N] 32:884 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:37.723 N] 37:723 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:38.692 N] 38:664 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.58y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:51:38.861 N] 38:827 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:51:39.595 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:51:39.662 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:51:39.762 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 151
[18:51:39.766 D] 39:766 Focus:100 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:51:39.769 D] 39:769 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:51:40.037 D] 40:037 Focus:66 Trying to cast Rapid Fire (3045) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter reason RapidFireWoD1
[18:51:46.313 N] 46:313 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:53.009 N] 53:009 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:51:59.014 N] 59:014 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:05.570 N] 05:570 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:09.336 N] 09:336 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:14.748 N] 14:748 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:19.312 N] 19:312 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:24.135 N] 24:135 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:24.965 N] 24:933 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet 25.58y 100% hp Irreführung (34477)
[18:52:25.265 N] 25:234 HP: 100% Focus: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Schimärenschuss (53209)
[18:52:25.739 N] Burst Mode is OFF
[18:52:25.798 N] Burst Mode Activated On Boss/Player/Dummy
[18:52:26.003 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 124
[18:52:26.007 D] 26:007 Focus:100 Trying to cast Misdirection (34477) on Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet reason MisdirectionPet
[18:52:26.010 D] 26:010 Focus:100 Trying to cast Chimaera Shot (53209) on Trainingsattrappe reason ChimeraShotWoD1
[18:52:26.590 N] 26:557 HP: 100% Focus: 67 Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter 0y 100% hp Schnellfeuer (3045)
[18:52:31.132 N] 31:131 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:34.092 N] 34:092 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:36.278 N] Stopping the bot!
[18:52:36.278 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[18:52:37.443 N] 37:443 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:40.395 N] Starting the bot!
[18:52:40.395 N] Currently Using BotBase : Enyo (Buddystore)
[18:52:40.395 D] Character is a level 90 Worgen Hunter
[18:52:40.395 D] Current zone is Schrein der Sieben Sterne
[18:52:41.060 N] 41:060 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
[18:52:44.673 N] 44:673 Pet HP: 100 Trainingsattrappe 23.67y 100% hp Biss (17253)
Simcraft say I can do 6606.5 DPS
Real test is 6568.9 DPS
So the PvE DPS is perfect (only 0.1% below maximum possible damage)
I think hunter is ok now. I'll start coding paladin.
If you have any problem, bug found, please let me know.
Thank you.
Simcraft say I can do 6606.5 DPS
Real test is 6568.9 DPS
So the PvE DPS is perfect (only 0.1% below maximum possible damage)
I think hunter is ok now. I'll start coding paladin.
If you have any problem, bug found, please let me know.
Thank you.