I don't have a log for this, but, I noticed on a pug on my Hunter that whenever I get MC'd during the Garrosh fight in SoO, the routine doesn't want to attack garrosh anymore. It will attack players, adds, weapons, but not Garrosh. It happened multiple times.
In my opinion, it's the best one. Very user-friendly with understandable customization options on what you want it and don't want it to do. It's very smooth in terms of rotation and very intelligent. I use it mainly for PvP and do the occasional raid - I am top damage in about 98% of BGs and raids. I have tried the other hunter routines just to see how they perform, but they can't compare to Tuan's routines. I use the special edition of all his routines to get the most out of them.How good is this routine compared to the other hunter routine's?
I know you're busy with the Druid routine
That's strange. . . mind posting your Tuan settings? I've never had any of those issues in arenas.Yes, I'm using the paid version. This started happening after the last update.